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Cuboidal Dice and Gibbs Distributions

137   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 نشر من قبل Danail Obreschkow Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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What are the face-probabilities of a cuboidal die, i.e. a die with different side-lengths? This paper introduces a model for these probabilities based on a Gibbs distribution. Experimental data produced in this work and drawn from the literature support the Gibbs model. The experiments also reveal that the physical conditions, such as the quality of the surface onto which the dice are dropped, can affect the face-probabilities. In the Gibbs model, those variations are condensed in a single parameter, adjustable to the physical conditions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

111 - Christoph Richard 2008
We discuss the asymptotic behaviour of models of lattice polygons, mainly on the square lattice. In particular, we focus on limiting area laws in the uniform perimeter ensemble where, for fixed perimeter, each polygon of a given area occurs with the same probability. We relate limit distributions to the scaling behaviour of the associated perimeter and area generating functions, thereby providing a geometric interpretation of scaling functions. To a major extent, this article is a pedagogic review of known results.
We aim this paper to develop the classical lattice models with unbounded spin to the case of non-quadratic polynomial interaction. We demonstrate that the distinct relation between the growths of potentials leads to the uniqueness and the fast decay of correlations for Gibbs measure.
101 - Sergio Albeverio (1 , 2 , 3 1998
Models of quantum and classical particles on the d-dimensional cubic lattice with pair interparticle interactions are considered. The classical model is obtained from the corresponding quantum one when the reduced physical mass of the particle tends to infinity. For these models, it is proposed to define the convergence of the Euclidean Gibbs states, when the reduced mass tends to infinity, by the weak convergence of the corresponding Gibbs specifications, determined by conditional Gibbs measures. In fact it is proved that all conditional Gibbs measures of the quantum model weakly converge to the conditional Gibbs measures of the classical model. A similar convergence of the periodic Gibbs measures and, as a result, of the order parameters, for such models with the pair interactions possessing the translation invariance, has also been proven.
183 - C. Kuelske , U. A. Rozikov 2014
We continue our study of the full set of translation-invariant splitting Gibbs measures (TISGMs, translation-invariant tree-indexed Markov chains) for the $q$-state Potts model on a Cayley tree. In our previous work cite{KRK} we gave a full descripti on of the TISGMs, and showed in particular that at sufficiently low temperatures their number is $2^{q}-1$. In this paper we find some regions for the temperature parameter ensuring that a given TISGM is (non-)extreme in the set of all Gibbs measures. In particular we show the existence of a temperature interval for which there are at least $2^{q-1} + q$ extremal TISGMs. For the Cayley tree of order two we give explicit formulae and some numerical values.
This work introduces and studies a new family of velocity jump Markov processes directly amenable to exact simulation with the following two properties: i) trajectories converge in law when a time-step parameter vanishes towards a given Langevin or H amil-tonian dynamics; ii) the stationary distribution of the process is always exactly given by the product of a Gaussian (for velocities) by any target log-density whose gradient is pointwise computabe together with some additional explicit appropriate upper bound. The process does not exhibit any velocity reflections (jump sizes can be controlled) and is suitable for the factorization method. We provide a rigorous mathematical proof of: i) the small time-step convergence towards Hamiltonian/Langevin dynamics, as well as ii) the exponentially fast convergence towards the target distribution when suitable noise on velocity is present. Numerical implementation is detailed and illustrated.
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