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A New Sub-Period-Minimum CV with Partial Hydrogen Depletion and Evidence of Spiral Disk Structure

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 نشر من قبل Peter Garnavich
 تاريخ النشر 2013
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present time-resolved spectroscopy and photometry of CSS 120422:111127+571239 (= SBS1108+574), a recently discovered SU UMa-type dwarf nova whose 55-minute orbital period is well below the CV period minimum of ~78 minutes. In contrast with most other known CVs, its spectrum features He I emission of comparable strength to the Balmer lines, implying a hydrogen abundance less than 0.1 of long period CVs---but still at least 10 times higher than than in AM CVn stars. Together, the short orbital period and remarkable helium-to-hydrogen ratio suggest that mass transfer in CSS 1204 began near the end of the donor stars main-sequence lifetime, meaning that the system is probably an AM CVn progenitor as described by Podsiadlowski, Han, and Rappaport (2003). Moreover, a Doppler tomogram of the Halpha line reveals two distinct regions of enhanced emission. While one is the result of the stream-disk impact, the other is probably attributable to spiral disk structure generated when material in the outer disk achieves a 2:1 orbital resonance with respect to the donor.

قيم البحث

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The standard picture of CV secular evolution predicts a spike in the CV distribution near the observed short-period cutoff P_0 ~ 78 min, which is not observed. We show that an intrinsic spread in minimum (`bounce) periods P_b resulting from a genuine difference in some parameter controlling the evolution can remove the spike without smearing the sharpness of the cutoff. The most probable second parameter is different admixtures of magnetic stellar wind braking (at up to 5 times the GR rate) in a small tail of systems, perhaps implying that the donor magnetic field strength at formation is a second parameter specifying CV evolution. We suggest that magnetic braking resumes below the gap with a wide range, being well below the GR rate in most CVs, but significantly above it in a small tail.
We investigate the gas structures around young binary stars by using three-dimensional numerical simulations. Each model exhibits circumstellar disks, spiral arms, and a circumbinary disk with an inner gap or cavity. The circumbinary disk has an asym metric pattern rotating at an angular velocity of approximately one-fourth of the binary orbit of the moderate-temperature models. Because of this asymmetry, the circumbinary disk has a density bump and a vortex, both of which continue to exist until the end of our calculation. The density bump and vortex are attributed to enhanced angular momentum, which is promoted by the gravitational torque of the stars. In a hot model ($c ge 2.0$), the asymmetry rotates considerably more slowly than in the moderate-temperature models. The cold models ($c le 0.02$) exhibit eccentric circumbinary disks, the precession of which is approximated by a secular motion of the ballistic particles. The asymmetry in the circumbinary disk does not depend on the mass ratio, but it becomes less clear as the specific angular momentum of the infalling envelope increases. The relative accretion rate onto the stars is sensitive to the angular momentum of the infalling envelope. For envelopes with constant angular momentum, the secondary tends to have a higher accretion rate than the primary, except in very low angular momentum cases. For envelopes with a constant angular velocity, the primary has a higher accretion rate than the secondary because gas with low specific angular momentum falls along the polar directions.
We present here results of an optical spectroscopic study of a new Cataclysmic Variable SDSS J001856.93+345444.3. We demonstrate that the most probable value of the orbital period of the system is Porb = 0.6051 pm 0.022 days (=14.5226 hours), based o n the measurements of radial velocity of a complex of absorption features emanating from the K2-K4V type secondary component. However, the radial velocity measurements from the emission lines are best folded with the period Pem = 0.5743day (=13.78 hours). The gamma-velocity of the emission lines varies significantly from epoch to epoch. There is an underlying broader and weaker component to the emission lines, which we could not resolve. Based on the appearance of the emission lines, the presence of very strong He II lines and the moderate polarization detected by Dillon et al. (2008), we conclude that SDSS J0018+3454 is an asynchronous magnetic CV (Polar).
We perform a comparative numerical hydrodynamics study of embedded protostellar disks formed as a result of the gravitational collapse of cloud cores of distinct mass (M_cl=0.2--1.7 M_sun) and ratio of rotational to gravitational energy (beta=0.0028- -0.023). An increase in M_cl and/or beta leads to the formation of protostellar disks that are more susceptible to gravitational instability. Disk fragmentation occurs in most models but its effect is often limited to the very early stage, with the fragments being either dispersed or driven onto the forming star during tens of orbital periods. Only cloud cores with high enough M_cl or beta may eventually form wide-separation binary/multiple systems with low mass ratios and brown dwarf or sub-solar mass companions. It is feasible that such systems may eventually break up, giving birth to rogue brown dwarfs. Protostellar disks of {it equal} age formed from cloud cores of greater mass (but equal beta) are generally denser, hotter, larger, and more massive. On the other hand, protostellar disks formed from cloud cores of higher beta (but equal M_cl) are generally thinner and colder but larger and more massive. In all models, the difference between the irradiation temperature and midplane temperature triangle T is small, except for the innermost regions of young disks, dense fragments, and disks outer edge where triangle T is negative and may reach a factor of two or even more. Gravitationally unstable, embedded disks show radial pulsations, the amplitude of which increases along the line of increasing M_cl and beta but tends to diminish as the envelope clears. We find that single stars with a disk-to-star mass ratio of order unity can be formed only from high-beta cloud cores, but such massive disks are unstable and quickly fragment into binary/multiple systems.
We present optical photometry and spectroscopy of the new eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable MASTER OTJ192328.22+612413.5, discovered by the MASTER team. We find the orbital period to be P=0.16764612(5) day /4.023507(1) hour. The depth of the eclipse (2. 9$pm$0.1 mag) suggests that the system is nearly edge on, and modeling of the system confirms the inclination to be between 81.3-83.6 degree. The brightness outside of eclipse varies between observations, with a change of 1.6$pm$0.1 mag. Spectroscopy reveals double-peaked Balmer emission lines. By using spectral features matching a late M-type companion, we bound the distance to be 750$pm$250 pc, depending on the companion spectral type. The source displays 2 mag brightness changes on timescales of days. The amplitude of these changes, along with the spectrum at the faint state, suggest the system is possibly a dwarf nova. The lack of any high excitation HeII lines suggests this system is not magnetically dominated. The light curve in both quiescence and outburst resembles that of Lanning 386, implying MASTER OTJ192328.22+612413.5 is a possible cross between a dwarf nova and a SW Sextantis star.
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