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Resolving Vega and the inclination controversy with CHARA/MIRC

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 نشر من قبل John D. Monnier
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف J. D. Monnier

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Optical and infrared interferometers definitively established that the photometric standard Vega (alpha Lyrae) is a rapidly rotating star viewed nearly pole-on. Recent independent spectroscopic analyses could not reconcile the inferred inclination angle with the observed line profiles, preferring a larger inclination. In order to resolve this controversy, we observed Vega using the six-beam Michigan Infrared Combiner on the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy Array. With our greater angular resolution and dense (u,v)-coverage, we find Vega is rotating less rapidly and with a smaller gravity darkening coefficient than previous interferometric results. Our models are compatible with low photospheric macroturbulence and also consistent with the possible rotational period of ~0.71 days recently reported based on magnetic field observations. Our updated evolutionary analysis explicitly incorporates rapid rotation, finding Vega to have a mass of 2.15+0.10_-0.15 Msun and an age 700-75+150 Myrs, substantially older than previous estimates with errors dominated by lingering metallicity uncertainties (Z=0.006+0.003-0.002).

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292 - Daniel Bonneau 2010
We obtained spectro-interferometric observations in the visible of $beta$ Lyrae and $upsilon$ Sgr using the instrument VEGA of the CHARA interferometric array. For $beta$ Lyrae, the dispersed fringe visibilities and differential phases were obtained in spectral regions containing the H$alpha$ and HeI 6678 lines and the H$beta$ and HeI 4921 lines. Whereas the source is unresolved in the continuum, the source of the emission lines is resolved and the photocenter of the bulk of the H$alpha$ emission exhibits offsets correlated with the orbital phase. For $upsilon$ Sgr, both the continuum and H$alpha$ sources are resolved, but no clear binary signal is detected. The differential phase shift across the line reveals that the bulk of the H$alpha$ emission is clearly offset from the primary.
Context. Red giant branch (RGB) stars are very bright objects in galaxies and are often used as standard candles. Interferometry is the ideal tool to characterize the dynamics and morphology of their atmospheres. Aims. We aim at precisely characteris ing the surface dynamics of a sample of RGB stars. Methods. We obtained interferometric observations for three RGB stars with the MIRC instrument mounted at the CHARA interfer- ometer. We looked for asymmetries on the stellar surfaces using limb-darkening models. Results. We measured the apparent diameters of HD197989 (Epsilon Cyg) = 4.61+-0.02 mas, HD189276 (HR7633) = 2.95+-0.01 mas, and HD161096 (Beta Oph) = 4.43+-0.01 mas. We detected departures from the centrosymmetric case for all three stars with the tendency of a greater effect for lower logg of the sample. We explored the causes of this signal and conclude that a possible explanation to the interferometric signal is the convection-related and/or the magnetic-related surface activity. However, it is necessary to monitor these stars with new observations, possibly coupled with spectroscopy, in order to firmly establish the cause.
High-precision interferometric measurements of pulsating stars help to characterize their close environment. In 1974, a close companion was discovered around the pulsating star beta Cep using the speckle interferometry technique and features at the l imit of resolution (20 milli-arcsecond or mas) of the instrument were mentioned that may be due to circumstellar material. Beta Cep has a magnetic field that might be responsible for a spherical shell or ring-like structure around the star as described by the MHD models. Using the visible recombiner VEGA installed on the CHARA long-baseline interferometer at Mt. Wilson, we aim to determine the angular diameter of beta Cep and resolve its close environment with a spatial resolution up to 1 mas level. Medium spectral resolution (R=6000) observations of beta Cep were secured with the VEGA instrument over the years 2008 and 2009. These observations were performed with the S1S2 (30m) and W1W2 (100m) baselines of the array. We investigated several models to reproduce our observations. A large-scale structure of a few mas is clearly detected around the star with a typical flux relative contribution of 0.23 +- 0.02. Our best model is a co-rotational geometrical thin ring around the star as predicted by magnetically-confined wind shock models. The ring inner diameter is 8.2 +- 0.8 mas and the width is 0.6 +- 0.7 mas. The orientation of the rotation axis on the plane of the sky is PA = 60 +- 1 deg, while the best fit of the mean angular diameter of beta Cep gives UD[V] = 0.22 +- 0.05 mas. Our data are compatible with the predicted position of the close companion of beta Cep. These results bring additional constraints on the fundamental parameters and on the future MHD and asteroseismological models of the star.
309 - Olivier Chesneau 2010
BA-type supergiants are amongst the most optically-bright stars. They are observable in extragalactic environments, hence potential accurate distance indicators. Emission activity in the Halpha line of the BA supergiants Rigel (B8Ia) and Deneb (A2Ia) is indicative of presence of localized time-dependent mass ejections. Here, we employ optical interferometry to study the Halpha line-formation region in these stellar environments. High spatial- (0.001 arcsec) and spectral- (R=30 000) resolution observations of Halpha were obtained with the visible recombiner VEGA installed on the CHARA interferometer, using the S1S2 array-baseline (34m). Six independent observations were done on Deneb over the years 2008 and 2009, and two on Rigel in 2009. We analyze this dataset with the 1D non-LTE radiative-transfer code CMFGEN, and assess the impact of the wind on the visible and near-IR interferometric signatures, using both Balmer-line and continuum photons. We observe a visibility decrease in Halpha for both Rigel and Deneb, suggesting that the line-formation region is extended (1.5-1.75 R*). We observe a significant visibility decrease for Deneb in the SiII6371 line. We witness time variations in the differential phase for Deneb, implying an inhomogeneous and unsteady circumstellar environment, while no such variability is seen in differential visibilities. Radiative-transfer modeling of Deneb, with allowance for stellar-wind mass loss, accounts fairly well for the observed decrease in the Halpha visibility. Based on the observed differential visibilities, we estimate that the mass-loss rate of Deneb has changed by less than 5%.
MIRC-X (Michigan InfraRed Combiner-eXeter) is a new highly-sensitive six-telescope interferometric imager installed at the CHARA Array that provides an angular resolution equivalent of up to a 330 m diameter baseline telescope in J and H band wavelen gths ($tfrac{lambda}{2B}sim0.6$ milli-arcseconds). We upgraded the original MIRC (Michigan InfraRed Combiner) instrument to improve sensitivity and wavelength coverage in two phases. First, a revolutionary sub-electron noise and fast-frame rate C-RED ONE camera based on a SAPHIRA detector was installed. Second, a new-generation beam combiner was designed and commissioned to (i) maximize sensitivity, (ii) extend the wavelength coverage to J-band, and (iii) enable polarization observations. A low-latency and fast-frame rate control software enables high-efficiency observations and fringe tracking for the forthcoming instruments at CHARA Array. Since mid-2017, MIRC-X has been offered to the community and has demonstrated best-case H-band sensitivity down to 8.2 correlated magnitude. MIRC-X uses single-mode fibers to coherently combine light of six telescopes simultaneously with an image-plane combination scheme and delivers a visibility precision better than 1%, and closure phase precision better than $1^circ$. MIRC-X aims at (i) imaging protoplanetary disks, (ii) detecting exoplanets with precise astrometry, and (iii) imaging stellar surfaces and star-spots at an unprecedented angular resolution in the near-infrared. In this paper, we present the instrument design, installation, operation, and on-sky results, and demonstrate the imaging and astrometric capability of MIRC-X on the binary system $iota$ Peg. The purpose of this paper is to provide a solid reference for studies based on MIRC-X data and to inspire future instruments in optical interferometry.
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