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Integrated Spectroscopy of the Herschel Reference Survey. The spectral line properties of a volume-limited, K-band selected sample of nearby galaxies

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 نشر من قبل Boselli Alessandro
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present long-slit integrated spectroscopy of 238 late-type galaxies belonging to the Herschel Reference Survey, a volume limited sample representative of the nearby universe. This sample has a unique legacy value since ideally defined for any statistical study of the multifrequency properties of galaxies spanning a large range in morphological type and luminosity. The spectroscopic observations cover the spectral range 3600-6900 A at a resolution R ~ 1000 and are thus suitable for separating the underlying absorption from the emission of the Hbeta line as well as the two [NII] lines from the Halpha emission. We measure the fluxes and the equivalent widths of the strongest emission lines ([OII], Hbeta, [OIII], [NII], Halpha, and [SII]). The data are used to study the distribution of the equivalent width of all the emission lines, of the Balmer decrement C(Hbeta) and of the observed underlying Balmer absorption under Hbeta in this sample. Combining these new spectroscopic data with those available at other frequencies, we also study the dependence of C(Hbeta) and E.W.Hbeta_{abs} on morphological type, stellar mass and stellar surface density, star formation rate, birthrate parameter and metallicity in galaxies belonging to different environments (fields vs. Virgo). The distribution of the equivalent width of all the emission lines, of C(Hbeta) and E.W.Hbeta_{abs} are systematically different in cluster and field galaxies. The Balmer decrement increases with stellar mass, stellar surface density, metallicity and star formation rate of the observed galaxies, while it is unexpectedly almost independent from the column density of the atomic and molecular gas. The dependence of C(Hbeta) on stellar mass is steeper than that previously found in other works. The underlying Balmer absorption does not significantly change with any of these physical parameters.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We present new Halpha+[NII] imaging data of late-type galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey aimed at studying the star formation properties of a K-band-selected, volume-limited sample of nearby galaxies. The Halpha+[NII] data are corrected for [N II] contamination and dust attenuation using different recipes based on the Balmer decrement and the 24mic luminosities. We show that the L(Halpha) derived with different corrections give consistent results only whenever the uncertainty on the estimate of the Balmer decrement is <=0.1. We use these data to derive the SFR of the late-type galaxies of the sample, and compare these estimates to those determined using independent monochromatic tracers (FUV, radio) or the output of SED fitting codes. This comparison suggests that the 24mic based dust extinction correction for Halpha might be non universal, and that it should be used with caution in all objects with a SFA, where dust heating can be dominated by the old stellar population. Furthermore, because of the sudden truncation of the SFA of cluster galaxies occurring after their interaction with the surrounding environment, the stationarity conditions required to transform monochromatic fluxes into SFR might not always be satisfied in tracers other than L(Halpha). In a similar way, the parametrisation of the SFH generally used in SED fitting codes might not be adequate for these recently interacting systems. We then study the SFR luminosity distribution and the typical scaling relations of late-type galaxies. We observe a systematic decrease of the SSFR with increasing stellar mass, stellar mass surface density, and metallicity. We also observe an increase of the asymmetry and smoothness parameters measured in the Halpha-band with increasing SSFR, probably induced by an increase of the contribution of giant HII regions to the Halpha luminosity function in SF low-luminosity galaxies.
Context. The determination of the relative frequency of active galactic nuclei (AGN) versus other spectral classes, for example, HII region-like (HII), transition objects (TRAN), passive (PAS), and retired (RET), in a complete set of galaxies in the local Universe is of primary importance to discriminate the source of ionization in the nuclear region of galaxies. Aims. Here we aim to provide a spectroscopic characterization of the nuclei of galaxies belonging to the Herschel Reference Survey (HRS), a volume and magnitude limited sample representative of the local Universe, which has become a benchmark for local and high-z studies, for semianalytical models and cosmological simulations. The comparison between the nuclear spectral classification and the one determined on the global galactic scale provides information about how galaxy properties change from the nuclear to the outer regions. Moreover, the extrapolation of the global star formation (SF) properties from the SDSS fiber spectroscopy compared to the one computed by Halpha photometry can be useful for testing the method based on aperture correction for determining the global star formation rate (SFR) for local galaxies. Methods. By collecting the existing nuclear spectroscopy available from the literature, complemented with new observations obtained using the Loiano 1.52m telescope, we analyze the 322 nuclear spectra of HRS galaxies. Results. Using two diagnostic diagrams (the BPT and the WHAN) we provide a nuclear and an integrated spectral classification for the HRS galaxies. Conclusions. We find that the fraction of AGNs increases with stellar mass, such that at logM > 10.0 Modot or 66% of the LTGs are AGNs or TRAN.
The Herschel Reference Survey (HRS) is a guaranteed time Herschel key project aimed at studying the physical properties of the interstellar medium in galaxies of the nearby universe. This volume limited, K-band selected sample is composed of galaxies spanning the whole range of morphological types (from ellipticals to late-type spirals) and environments (from the field to the centre of the Virgo Cluster). We present flux density measurements of the whole sample of 323 galaxies of the HRS in the three bands of the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE), at 250, 350 and 500 microns. Aperture photometry is performed on extended galaxies and point spread function (PSF) fitting on timeline data for unresolved objects; we carefully estimate errors and upper limits. The flux densities are found to be in good agreement with those of the HeViCS and KINGFISH key projects in all SPIRE bands, and of the Planck consortium at 350 and 550 microns, for the galaxies in common. This submillimetre catalogue of nearby galaxies is a benchmark for the study of the dust properties in the local universe, giving the zero redshift reference for any cosmological survey.
We study the far infrared (60-500 $mu$m) colours of late-type galaxies in the $Herschel$ Reference Survey, a K-band selected, volume limited sample of nearby galaxies. The far infrared colours are correlated with each other, with tighter correlations for the indices that are closer in wavelength. We also compare the different colour indices to various tracers of the physical properties of the target galaxies, such as the surface brightness of the ionising and non-ionising stellar radiation, the dust attenuation and the metallicity. The emission properties of the cold dust dominating the far infrared spectral domain are regulated by the properties of the interstellar radiation field. Consistent with that observed in nearby, resolved galaxies, our analysis shows that the ionising and the non-ionising stellar radiation, including that emitted by the most evolved, cold stars, both contribute to the heating of the cold dust component. This work also shows that metallicity is another key parameter characterising the cold dust emission of normal, late-type galaxies. A single modified black body with a grain emissivity index $beta$=1.5 better fits the observed SPIRE flux density ratios $S250/S350$ vs. $S350/S500$ than $beta$=2, although values of $beta$ $simeq$ 2 are possible in metal rich, high surface brightness galaxies. Values of $beta$ $lesssim$ 1.5 better represent metal poor, low surface brightness objects. This observational evidence provides strong constraints for dust emission models of normal, late type galaxies.
We gather infrared (IR) photometric data from 8 to 500 microns (Spitzer, WISE, IRAS and Herschel) for all of the HRS galaxies. Draine & Li (2007) models are fit to the data from which the stellar contribution has been carefully removed. We find that our photometric coverage is sufficient to constrain all of the models parameters and that a strong constraint on the 20-60 microns range is mandatory to estimate the relative contribution of the photo-dissociation regions to the IR SED. The SED models tend to systematically under-estimate the observed 500 microns flux densities, especially for low mass systems. We provide the output parameters for all of the galaxies: the minimum intensity of the interstellar radiation field (ISRF), the fraction of PAH, the relative contribution of PDR and evolved stellar population to the dust heating, the $M_{dust}$ and the $L_{IR}$. For a subsample of gas-rich galaxies, we analyze the relations between these parameters and the integrated properties of galaxies, such as $M_*$, SFR, metallicity, H$alpha$ and H-band surface brightness, and the FUV attenuation. A good correlation between the fraction of PAH and the metallicity is found implying a weakening of the PAH emission in galaxies with low metallicities. The intensity of the IRSF and the H-band and H$alpha$ surface brightnesses are correlated, suggesting that the diffuse dust component is heated by both the young stars in star forming regions and the diffuse evolved population. We use these results to provide a new set of IR templates calibrated with Herschel observations on nearby galaxies and a mean SED template to provide the z=0 reference for cosmological studies. For the same purpose, we put our sample on the SFR-$M_*$ diagram. The templates are compared to the most popular IR SED libraries, enlightening a large discrepancy between all of them in the 20-100 microns range.
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