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Linear dark energy equation of state revealed by supernovae?

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 نشر من قبل Vincenzo Salzano Dr.
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In this letter we propose a test to detect the linearity of the dark energy equation of state, and apply it to two different Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) data sets, Union2.1 and SNLS3. We find that: a. current SN Ia data are well described by a dark energy equation of state linear in the cosmic scale factor a, at least up to a redshift z = 1, independent of the pivot points chosen for the linear relation; b. there is no significant evidence of any deviation from linearity. This apparent linearity may reflect the limit of dark energy information extractable from current SN Ia data.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The immediate observational consequence of a non-trivial spatial topology of the Universe is that an observer could potentially detect multiple images of radiating sources. In particular, a non-trivial topology will generate pairs of correlated circl es of temperature fluctuations in the anisotropies maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the so-called circles-in-the-sky. In this way, a detectable non-trivial spatial topology may be seen as an observable attribute, which can be probed through the circles-in-the-sky for all locally homogeneous and isotropic universes with no assumptions on the cosmological dark energy (DE) equation of state (EOS) parameters. We show that the knowledge of the spatial topology through the circles-in-the-sky offers an effective way of reducing the degeneracies in the DE EOS parameters. We concretely illustrate the topological role by assuming, as an exanple, a Poincar{e} dodecahedral space topology and reanalyzing the constraints on the parameters of a specific EOS which arise from the supernovae type Ia, baryon acoustic oscillations and the CMB plus the statistical topological contribution.
We combine recent measurements of Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies, Supernovae luminosity distances and Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations to derive constraints on the dark energy equation of state w in the redshift range 0<z<2, using a principal components approach. We find no significant deviations from the expectations of a cosmological constant. However, combining the datasets we find slight indication for w<-1 at low redshift, thus highlighting how these datasets prefer a non-constant w. Nevertheless the cosmological constant is still in agreement with these observations, while we find that some classes of alternative models may be in tension with the inferred w(z) behaviour.
This paper constraints dynamic dark energy equation of state (EoS) parameters using the type Ia supernovae from Union 2.1 dataset. The paper also discusses the dependency of dynamic dark energy EoS parameters on the chosen or assumed value of the Hub ble Constant. To understand the correlation between the Hubble Constant values and measured dynamic dark energy EoS parameters, we used recent surveys being done through various techniques such as cosmic microwave background studies, gravitational waves, baryonic acoustic oscillations and standard candles to set values for different Hubble Constant values as fixed parameters with CPL and WCDM models. Then we applied trust region reflective (TRF) and dog leg (dogbox) algorithms to fit dark energy density parameter and dynamic dark energy EoS parameters. We found a significant negative correlation between the fixed Hubble Constant parameter and measured EoS parameter, w0. Then we used two best fit Hubble Constant values (70 and 69.18474) km $s^{-1}$ $Mpc^{-1}$ based on Chi-square test to test more dark energy EoS parameters like: JBP, BA, PADE-I, PADE-II, and LH4 models and compared the results with $Lambda$-CDM with constant $w_{de}$=-1, WCDM and CPL models. We conclude that flat $Lambda$-CDM and WCDM models clearly provide best results while using the BIC criteria as it severely penalizes the use of extra parameters. However, the dependency of EoS parameters on Hubble Constant value and the increasing tension in the measurement of Hubble Constant values using different techniques warrants further investigation into looking for optimal dynamic dark energy EoS models to optimally model the relation between the expansion rate and evolution of dark energy in our universe.
Several independent cosmological data, collected within the last twenty years, revealed the accelerated expansion rate of the Universe, usually assumed to be driven by the so called dark energy, which, according to recent estimates, provides now abou t 70 % of the total amount of matter-energy in the Universe. The nature of dark energy is yet unknown. Several models of dark energy have been proposed: a non zero cosmological constant, a potential energy of some self interacting scalar field, effects related to the non homogeneous distribution of matter, or effects due to alternative theories of gravity. Recently, it turned out that the standard flat LambdaCDM is disfavored (at 4 sigma) when confronted with a high redshift Hubble diagram, consisting of supernovae of type Ia (SNIa), quasars (QSOs) and gamma ray-bursts (GRBs) ([1-3]). Here we use the same data to investigate if this tension is confirmed, using a different approach: actually in [1-3], the deviation between the best fit model and the LambdaCDM model was noticed by comparing cosmological parameters derived from cosmographic expansions of their theoretical predictions and observed high redshift Hubble diagram. In this paper we use a substantially different approach, based on a specific parametrization of the redshift dependent equation of state (EOS) of dark energy component w(z). Our statistical analysis is aimed to estimate the parameters characterizing the dark energy EOS: our results indicate (at > 3 sigma level) an evolving dark energy EOS, while the cosmological constant has a constant EOS, wLambda =-1. This result not only confirms the tension previously detected, but shows that it is not an artifact of cosmographic expansions.
We develop an efficient, non-parametric Bayesian method for reconstructing the time evolution of the dark energy equation of state w(z) from observational data. Of particular importance is the choice of prior, which must be chosen carefully to minimi se variance and bias in the reconstruction. Using a principal component analysis, we show how a correlated prior can be used to create a smooth reconstruction and also avoid bias in the mean behaviour of w(z). We test our method using Wiener reconstructions based on Fisher matrix projections, and also against more realistic MCMC analyses of simulated data sets for Planck and a future space-based dark energy mission. While the accuracy of our reconstruction depends on the smoothness of the assumed w(z), the relative error for typical dark energy models is <10% out to redshift z=1.5.
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