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Controlled Nanoparticle Formation by Diffusion Limited Coalescence

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 نشر من قبل Remco Tuinier
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) have a great application potential in science and technology. Their functionality strongly depends on their size. We present a theory for the size of NPs formed by precipitation of polymers into a bad solvent in the presence of a stabilizing surfactant. The analytical theory is based upon diffusion-limited coalescence kinetics of the polymers. Two relevant time scales, a mixing and a coalescence time, are identified and their ratio is shown to determine the final NP diameter. The size is found to scale in a universal manner and is predominantly sensitive to the mixing time and the polymer concentration if the surfactant concentration is sufficiently high. The model predictions are in good agreement with experimental data. Hence the theory provides a solid framework for tailoring nanoparticles with a priori determined size.

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اقرأ أيضاً

The capture and translocation of biomolecules through nanometer-scale pores are processes with a potential large number of applications, and hence they have been intensively studied in the recent years. The aim of this paper is to review existing mod els of the capture process by a nanopore, together with some recent experimental data of short single- and double-stranded DNA captured by Cytolysin A (ClyA) nanopore. ClyA is a transmembrane protein of bacterial origin which has been recently engineered through site-specific mutations, to allow the translocation of double- and single-stranded DNA. A comparison between theoretical estimations and experiments suggests that for both cases the capture is a reaction-limited process. This is corroborated by the observed salt dependence of the capture rate, which we find to be in quantitative agreement with the theoretical predictions.
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109 - A. Sozza , F. Piazza , M. Cencini 2017
We present an efficient point-particle approach to simulate reaction-diffusion processes of spherical absorbing particles in the diffusion-limited regime, as simple models of cellular uptake. The exact solution for a single absorber is used to calibr ate the method, linking the numerical parameters to the physical particle radius and uptake rate. We study configurations of multiple absorbers of increasing complexity to examine the performance of the method, by comparing our simulations with available exact analytical or numerical results. We demonstrate the potentiality of the method in resolving the complex diffusive interactions, here quantified by the Sherwood number, measuring the uptake rate in terms of that of isolated absorbers. We implement the method in a pseudo-spectral solver that can be generalized to include fluid motion and fluid-particle interactions. As a test case of the presence of a flow, we consider the uptake rate by a particle in a linear shear flow. Overall, our method represents a powerful and flexible computational tool that can be employed to investigate many complex situations in biology, chemistry and related sciences.
We develop a description of diffusion limited growth in solid-solid transformations, which are strongly influenced by elastic effects. Density differences and structural transformations provoke stresses at interfaces, which affect the phase equilibri um conditions. We formulate equations for the interface kinetics similar to dendritic growth and study the growth of a stable phase from a metastable solid in both a channel geometry and in free space. We perform sharp interface calculations based on Greens function methods and phase field simulations, supplemented by analytical investigations. For pure dilatational transformations we find a single growing finger with symmetry breaking at higher driving forces, whereas for shear transformations the emergence of twin structures can be favorable. We predict the steady state shapes and propagation velocities, which can be higher than in conventional dendritic growth.
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