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Hasse principle for G-trace forms

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 نشر من قبل Eva Bayer
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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Let k be a global field of characteristic not 2. We prove a local-global principle for the existence of self-dual normal bases, and more generally for the isomorphism of G-trace forms, of G-Galois algebras over k.

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It is known that the Brauer--Manin obstruction to the Hasse principle is vacuous for smooth Fano hypersurfaces of dimension at least $3$ over any number field. Moreover, for such varieties it follows from a general conjecture of Colliot-Thel`ene that the Brauer--Manin obstruction to the Hasse principle should be the only one, so that the Hasse principle is expected to hold. Working over the field of rational numbers and ordering Fano hypersurfaces of fixed degree and dimension by height, we prove that almost every such hypersurface satisfies the Hasse principle provided that the dimension is at least $3$. This proves a conjecture of Poonen and Voloch in every case except for cubic surfaces.
We construct an Enriques surface X over Q with empty etale-Brauer set (and hence no rational points) for which there is no algebraic Brauer-Manin obstruction to the Hasse principle. In addition, if there is a transcendental obstruction on X, then we obtain a K3 surface that has a transcendental obstruction to the Hasse principle.
Let $L$ be a finite extension of $mathbb{F}_q(t)$. We calculate the proportion of polynomials of degree $d$ in $mathbb{F}_q[t]$ that are everywhere locally norms from $L/mathbb{F}_q(t)$ which fail to be global norms from $L/mathbb{F}_q(t)$.
Let $K/k$ be an extension of number fields. We describe theoretical results and computational methods for calculating the obstruction to the Hasse norm principle for $K/k$ and the defect of weak approximation for the norm one torus $R^1_{K/k} mathbb{ G}_m$. We apply our techniques to give explicit and computable formulae for the obstruction to the Hasse norm principle and the defect of weak approximation when the normal closure of $K/k$ has symmetric or alternating Galois group.
We consider a general class of Fourier coefficients for an automorphic form on a finite cover of a reductive adelic group ${bf G}(mathbb{A}_{mathbb{K}})$, associated to the data of a `Whittaker pair. We describe a quasi-order on Fourier coefficients, and an algorithm that gives an explicit formula for any coefficient in terms of integrals and sums involving higher coefficients. The maximal elements for the quasi-order are `Levi-distinguished Fourier coefficients, which correspond to taking the constant term along the unipotent radical of a parabolic subgroup, and then further taking a Fourier coefficient with respect to a $mathbb{K}$-distinguished nilpotent orbit in the Levi quotient. Thus one can express any Fourier coefficient, including the form itself, in terms of higher Levi-distinguished coefficients. In follow-up papers we use this result to determine explicit Fourier expansions of minimal and next-to-minimal automorphic forms on split simply-laced reductive groups, and to obtain Euler product decompositions of their top Fourier coefficients.
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