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Early-stage young stellar objects in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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 نشر من قبل J. M. Oliveira
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present new observations of 34 YSO candidates in the SMC. The anchor of the analysis is a set of Spitzer-IRS spectra, supplemented by groundbased 3-5 micron spectra, Spitzer and NIR photometry, optical spectroscopy and radio data. The sources SEDs and spectral indices are consistent with embedded YSOs; prominent silicate absorption is observed in the spectra of at least ten sources, silicate emission is observed towards four sources. PAH emission is detected towards all but two sources. Based on band ratios (in particular the strength of the 11.3 micron and the weakness of the 8.6 micron bands) PAH emission towards SMC YSOs is dominated by predominantly small neutral grains. Ice absorption is observed towards fourteen sources in the SMC. The comparison of H2O and CO2 ice column densities for SMC, LMC and Galactic samples suggests that there is a significant H2O column density threshold for the detection of CO2 ice. This supports the scenario proposed by Oliveira et al. (2011), where the reduced shielding in metal-poor environments depletes the H2O column density in the outer regions of the YSO envelopes. No CO ice is detected towards the SMC sources. Emission due to pure-rotational 0-0 transitions of H2 is detected towards the majority of SMC sources, allowing us to estimate rotational temperatures and column densities. All but one source are spectroscopically confirmed as SMC YSOs. Of the 33 YSOs identified in the SMC, 30 sources populate different stages of massive stellar evolution. The remaining three sources are classified as intermediate-mass YSOs with a thick dusty disc and a tenuous envelope still present. We propose one of the sources is a D-type symbiotic system, based on the presence of Raman, H and He emission lines in the optical spectrum, and silicate emission in the IRS-spectrum. This would be the first dust-rich symbiotic system identified in the SMC. (abridged)

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Massive star evolution at low metallicity is closely connected to many fields in high-redshift astrophysics, but poorly understood. The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is a unique laboratory to study this because of its metallicity of 0.2 Zsol, its prox imity, and because it is currently forming stars. We used a spectral type catalog in combination with GAIA magnitudes to calculate temperatures and luminosities of bright SMC stars. By comparing these with literature studies, we tested the validity of our method, and using GAIA data, we estimated the completeness of stars in the catalog as a function of luminosity. This allowed us to obtain a nearly complete view of the most luminous stars in the SMC. When then compared with stellar evolution predictions. We also calculated the extinction distribution, the ionizing photon production rate, and the star formation rate. Our results imply that the SMS hosts only 30 very luminous main-sequence stars (M > 40 Msol; L > 10^5 Lsol), which are far fewer than expected from the number of stars in the luminosity range 3*10^4 < L/Lsol < 3*10^5 and from the typically quoted star formation rate in the SMC. Even more striking, we find that for masses above M > 20 Msol, stars in the first half of their hydrogen-burning phase are almost absent. This mirrors a qualitatively similar peculiarity that is known for the Milky Way and Large Magellanic Cloud. This amounts to a lack of hydrogen-burning counterparts of helium-burning stars, which is more pronounced for higher luminosities. We argue that a declining star formation rate or a steep initial mass function are unlikely to be the sole explanations for the dearth of young bright stars. Instead, many of these stars might be embedded in their birth clouds, although observational evidence for this is weak. We discuss implications for cosmic reionization and the top end of the initial mass function.
474 - J.M. Oliveira 2009
We present spectroscopic observations of a sample of 15 embedded young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). These observations were obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) as part of the SAGE-Spec Legacy program. We analyze the two prominent ice bands in the IRS spectral range: the bending mode of CO_2 ice at 15.2 micron and the ice band between 5 and 7 micron that includes contributions from the bending mode of water ice at 6 micron amongst other ice species. The 5-7 micron band is difficult to identify in our LMC sample due to the conspicuous presence of PAH emission superimposed onto the ice spectra. We identify water ice in the spectra of two sources; the spectrum of one of those sources also exhibits the 6.8 micron ice feature attributed to ammonium and methanol. We model the CO_2 band in detail, using the combination of laboratory ice profiles available in the literature. We find that a significant fraction (> 50%) of CO_2 ice is locked in a water-rich component, consistent with what is observed for Galactic sources. The majority of the sources in the LMC also require a pure-CO_2 contribution to the ice profile, evidence of thermal processing. There is a suggestion that CO_2 production might be enhanced in the LMC, but the size of the available sample precludes firmer conclusions. We place our results in the context of the star formation environment in the LMC.
69 - Bi-Qing For , Kenji Bekki 2017
Recent studies have shown that an extended main-sequence turn-off is a common feature among intermediate-age clusters (1--3 Gyr) in the Magellanic Clouds. Multiple-generation star formation and stellar rotation or interacting binaries have been propo sed to explain the feature. However, it remains controversial in the field of stellar populations. Here we present the main results of an ongoing star formation among older star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Cross-matching the positions of star clusters and young stellar objects has yielded 15 matches with 7 located in the cluster center. We demonstrate that this is not by chance by estimating local number densities of young stellar objects for each star cluster. This method is not based on isochrone fitting, which leads to some uncertainties in age estimation and methods of background subtraction. We also find no direct correlation between atomic hydrogen and the clusters. This suggests that gas accretion for fueling the star formation must be happening in situ. These findings support for the multiple-generations scenario as a plausible explanation for the extended main-sequence turn-off.
(Abridged) Photometry of archival Spitzer observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are used to search for young stellar objects (YSOs). Simple mid-infrared selection criteria were used to exclude most normal and evolved stars and background g alaxies. We identify a sample of 2,910 sources in the LMC that could potentially be YSOs. We then simultaneously considered images and photometry from the optical through mid-IR wavelengths to assess the source morphology, spectral energy distribution (SED), and the surrounding interstellar environment to determine the most likely nature of each source. From this examination of the initial sample, we suggest 1,172 sources are most likely YSOs and 1,075 probable background galaxies, consistent with expectations based on SWIRE survey data. Spitzer IRS observations of 269 of the brightest YSOs from our sample have confirmed that ~>95% are indeed YSOs. A comprehensive search for YSOs in the LMC has also been carried out by the SAGE team. There are three major differences between these two searches. (1) In the common region of color-magnitude space, ~850 of our 1,172 probable YSOs are missed in the SAGE YSO catalog because their conservative point source identification criteria have excluded YSOs superposed on complex diffuse emission. (2) About 20-30% of the YSOs identified by the SAGE team are sources we classify as background galaxies. (3) the SAGE YSO catalog identifies YSO in parts of color-magnitude space that we excluded and thus contains more evolved or fainter YSOs missed by our analysis. Finally, the mid-IR luminosity functions of our most likely YSO candidates in the LMC can be well described by N(L) propto L^-1, which is consistent with the Salpeter initial mass function if a mass-luminosity relation of L propto M^2.4 is adopted.
An observational review is provided of the properties of accretion disks around young stars. It concerns the primordial disks of intermediate- and high-mass young stellar objects in embedded and optically revealed phases. The properties were derived from spatially resolved observations and therefore predominantly obtained with interferometric means, either in the radio/(sub)millimeter or in the optical/infrared wavelength regions. We make summaries and comparisons of the physical properties, kinematics, and dynamics of these circumstellar structures and delineate trends where possible. Amongst others, we report on a quadratic trend of mass accretion rates with mass from T Tauri stars to the highest mass young stellar objects and on the systematic difference in mass infall and accretion rates.
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