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Sputter gas pressure effects on the properties of Sm-Co thin films deposited from a single target

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 نشر من قبل Tim Verhagen
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We grow epitaxial Sm-Co thin films by sputter deposition from an alloy target with a nominal SmCo5 composition on Cr(100)-buffered MgO(100) single-crystal substrates. By varying the Ar gas pressure, we can change the composition of the film from a SmCo5-like to a Sm2Co7-like phase. The composition, crystal structure, morphology and magnetic properties of these films have been determined using Rutherford Backscattering, X-ray diffraction and magnetization measurements. We find that the various properties are sensitive to the sputter background pressure in different ways. In particular, the lattice parameter changes in a continuous way, the coercive fields vary continuously with a maximum value of 3.3 T, but the saturation magnetization peaks when the lattice parameter is close to that of Sm2Co7. Moreover, we find that the Sm content of the films is higher than expected from the expected stoichiometry.

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We investigated structural, magnetic and electrical properties of sputter deposited Mn-Fe-Ga compounds. The crystallinity of the Mn-Fe-Ga thin films was confirmed using x-ray diffraction. X-ray reflection and atomic force microscopy measurements were utilized to investigate the surface properties, roughness, thickness and density of the deposited Mn-Fe-Ga. Depending on the stoichiometry, as well as the used substrates (SrTiO3 (001) and MgO (001)) or buffer layer (TiN) the Mn-Fe-Ga crystallizes in the cubic or the tetragonally distorted phase. Anomalous Hall effect and alternating gradient magnetometry measurements confirmed strong perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Low saturation magnetization and hard magnetic behavior was reached by tuning the composition. Temperature dependent anomalous Hall effect measurements in a closed cycle He-cryostat showed a slight increase in coercivity with decreasing temperature (300K to 2K). TiN buffered Mn2.7Fe0.3Ga revealed sharper switching of the magnetization compared to the unbuffered layers.
139 - S. Kamba , V. Goian , M. Orlita 2012
Compressively strained epitaxial (001) EuTiO3 thin films of tetragonal symmetry have been deposited on (001) (LaAlO3)_0.29-(SrAl_{1/2}Ta_{1/2}O3)_0.71 (LSAT) substrates by reactive molecular-beam epitaxy. Enhancement of the Neel temperature by 1 K wi th 0.9% compressive strain was revealed. The polar phonons ofthe films have been investigated as a function of temperature and magnetic field by means of infrared reflectance spectroscopy. All three infrared active phonons show strongly stiffened frequencies compared to bulk EuTiO3 in accordance with first principles calculations. The phonon frequencies exhibit gradual softening on cooling leading to an increase in static permittivity. A new polar phonon with frequency near the TO1 soft mode was detected below 150 K. The new mode coupled with the TO1 mode was assigned as the optical phonon from the Brillouin zone edge, which is activated in infrared spectra due to an antiferrodistortive phase transition and due to simultaneous presence of polar and/or magnetic nanoclusters. In the antiferromagnetic phase we have observed a remarkable softening of the lowest-frequency polar phonon under an applied magnetic field, which qualitatively agrees with first principles calculations. This demonstrates the strong spin-phonon coupling in EuTiO3, which is responsible for the pronounced dependence of its static permittivity on magnetic field in the antiferromagnetic phase.
Recently, nanolaminated ternary carbides have attracted immense interest due to the concomitant presence of both ceramic and metallic properties. Here, we grow nanolaminate Ti3AlC2 thin films by pulsed laser deposition on c-axis-oriented sapphire sub strates and, surprisingly, the films are found to be highly oriented along the (103) axis normal to the film plane, rather than the (000l) orientation. Multiple characterization techniques are employed to explore the structural and chemical quality of these films, the electrical and optical properties, and the device functionalities. The 80-nm thick Ti3AlC2 film is highly conducting at room temperature (resistivity of 50 micro ohm-cm), and a very-low-temperature coefficient of resistivity. The ultrathin (2 nm) Ti3AlC2 film has fairly good optical transparency and high conductivity at room temperature (sheet resistance of 735 ohm). Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals the metallic characteristics (with finite density of states at the Fermi level) at room temperature. The metal-semiconductor junction of the p-type Ti3AlC2 film and n-Si show the expected rectification (diode) characteristics, in contrast to the ohmic contact behavior in the case of Ti3AlC2 on p-Si. A triboelectric-nanogenerator-based touch-sensing device, comprising of the Ti3AlC2 film, shows a very impressive peak-to-peak open-circuit output voltage of 80 V. These observations reveal that pulsed laser deposited Ti3AlC2 thin films have excellent potential for applications in multiple domains, such as bottom electrodes, resistors for high-precision measurements, Schottky diodes, ohmic contacts, fairly transparent ultrathin conductors, and next-generation biomechanical touch sensors for energy harvesting.
In this paper we report the deposition of epitaxial thin films of Nd1-xSrxCoO3 with x=0, 0.2 and 0.5 on single crystalline substrates (SrTiO3 and LaAlO3) carried out by means of rf-magnetron sputtering. The deposited films are all completely oriented and epitaxial and characterized by a nanocrystalline morphology. As-deposited films have an average roughness around 1 nm while after the thermal treatment this increases up to 20 nm while preserving the nanocrystalline morphology. All the films deposited on SrTiO3 have shown to be under a certain degree of tensile strain while those on the LaAlO3 experience a compressive strain thus suggesting that at about 50 nm the films are not fully relaxed, even after the thermal treatment. For the x=0.2 composition three different thickness have been investigated revealing an increased strain for the thinner films.
High-Sc Al1-xScxN thin films are of tremendous interest because of their attractive piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties, but overall film quality and reproducibility are widely reported to suffer as x increases. In this study, we correlate the structure and electrical properties of Al0.6Sc0.4N with in-situ observations of glow discharge optical emission during growth. This in-situ technique uses changes in the Ar(I) and N2(I) emission lines of the glow discharge during growth to identify films that subsequently exhibit unacceptable structural and electrical performance. We show that a steady deposition throughout film growth produces ferroelectric Al0.6Sc0.4N with a reversible 80 {mu}C cm-1 polarization and 3.1 MV cm-1 coercive field. In other films deposited using identical settings, fluctuations in both Ar(I) and N2(I) line intensities correspond to decreased wurtzite phase purity, nm-scale changes to the film microstructure, and a non-ferroelectric response. These results illustrate the power of optical emission spectroscopy for tracking changes when fabricating process-sensitive samples such as high-Sc Al1-xScxN films.
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