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Approximate Ergodic Capacity of a Class of Fading 2-user 2-hop Networks

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 نشر من قبل Sang-Woon Jeon
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث الهندسة المعلوماتية
والبحث باللغة English

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We consider a fading AWGN 2-user 2-hop network where the channel coefficients are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) drawn from a continuous distribution and vary over time. For a broad class of channel distributions, we characterize the ergodic sum capacity to within a constant number of bits/sec/Hz, independent of signal-to-noise ratio. The achievability follows from the analysis of an interference neutralization scheme where the relays are partitioned into $M$ pairs, and interference is neutralized separately by each pair of relays. When $M=1$, the proposed ergodic interference neutralization characterizes the ergodic sum capacity to within $4$ bits/sec/Hz for i.i.d. uniform phase fading and approximately $4.7$ bits/sec/Hz for i.i.d. Rayleigh fading. We further show that this gap can be tightened to $4log pi-4$ bits/sec/Hz (approximately $2.6$) for i.i.d. uniform phase fading and $4-4log( frac{3pi}{8})$ bits/sec/Hz (approximately $3.1$) for i.i.d. Rayleigh fading in the limit of large $M$.

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This paper presents an analytical characterization of the ergodic capacity of amplify-and-forward (AF) MIMO dual-hop relay channels, assuming that the channel state information is available at the destination terminal only. In contrast to prior resul ts, our expressions apply for arbitrary numbers of antennas and arbitrary relay configurations. We derive an expression for the exact ergodic capacity, simplified closed-form expressions for the high SNR regime, and tight closed-form upper and lower bounds. These results are made possible to employing recent tools from finite-dimensional random matrix theory to derive new closed-form expressions for various statistical properties of the equivalent AF MIMO dual-hop relay channel, such as the distribution of an unordered eigenvalue and certain random determinant properties. Based on the analytical capacity expressions, we investigate the impact of the system and channel characteristics, such as the antenna configuration and the relay power gain. We also demonstrate a number of interesting relationships between the dual-hop AF MIMO relay channel and conventional point-to-point MIMO channels in various asymptotic regimes.
A class of diamond networks are studied where the broadcast component is modelled by two independent bit-pipes. New upper and low bounds are derived on the capacity which improve previous bounds. The upper bound is in the form of a max-min problem, w here the maximization is over a coding distribution and the minimization is over an auxiliary channel. The proof technique generalizes bounding techniques of Ozarow for the Gaussian multiple description problem (1981), and Kang and Liu for the Gaussian diamond network (2011). The bounds are evaluated for a Gaussian multiple access channel (MAC) and the binary adder MAC, and the capacity is found for interesting ranges of the bit-pipe capacities.
In this paper, we investigate upper and lower bounds on the capacity of two-user fading broadcast channels where one of the users has a constant (non-fading) channel. We use the Costa entropy power inequality (EPI) along with an optimization framewor k to derive upper bounds on the sum-capacity and superposition coding to obtain lower bounds on the sum-rate for this channel. For this fading broadcast channel where one channel is constant, we find that the upper and lower bounds meet under special cases, and in general, we show that the achievable sum-rate comes within a constant of the outer bound.
Discrete-time Rayleigh fading single-input single-output (SISO) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels are considered, with no channel state information at the transmitter or the receiver. The fading is assumed to be stationary and correl ated in time, but independent from antenna to antenna. Peak-power and average-power constraints are imposed on the transmit antennas. For MIMO channels, these constraints are either imposed on the sum over antennas, or on each individual antenna. For SISO channels and MIMO channels with sum power constraints, the asymptotic capacity as the peak signal-to-noise ratio tends to zero is identified; for MIMO channels with individual power constraints, this asymptotic capacity is obtained for a class of channels called transmit separable channels. The results for MIMO channels with individual power constraints are carried over to SISO channels with delay spread (i.e. frequency selective fading).
The fading broadcast channel with confidential messages (BCC) is investigated, where a source node has common information for two receivers (receivers 1 and 2), and has confidential information intended only for receiver 1. The confidential informati on needs to be kept as secret as possible from receiver 2. The channel state information (CSI) is assumed to be known at both the transmitter and the receivers. The secrecy capacity region is first established for the parallel Gaussian BCC, and the optimal source power allocations that achieve the boundary of the secrecy capacity region are derived. In particular, the secrecy capacity region is established for the Gaussian case of the Csiszar-Korner BCC model. The secrecy capacity results are then applied to give the ergodic secrecy capacity region for the fading BCC.
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