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Strategies in crowd and crowd structure

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 نشر من قبل Krzysztof Kulakowski
 تاريخ النشر 2012
والبحث باللغة English

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In an emergency situation, imitation of strategies of neighbours can lead to an order-disorder phase transition, where spatial clusters of pedestrians adopt the same strategy. We assume that there are two strategies, cooperating and competitive, which correspond to a smaller or larger desired velocity. The results of our simulations within the Social Force Model indicate that the ordered phase can be detected as an increase of spatial order of positions of the pedestrians in the crowd.

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In this survey we consider mathematical models and methods recently developed to control crowd dynamics, with particular emphasis on egressing pedestrians. We focus on two control strategies: The first one consists in using special agents, called lea ders, to steer the crowd towards the desired direction. Leaders can be either hidden in the crowd or recognizable as such. This strategy heavily relies on the power of the social influence (herding effect), namely the natural tendency of people to follow group mates in situations of emergency or doubt. The second one consists in modify the surrounding environment by adding in the walking area multiple obstacles optimally placed and shaped. The aim of the obstacles is to naturally force people to behave as desired. Both control strategies discussed in this paper aim at reducing as much as possible the intervention on the crowd. Ideally the natural behavior of people is kept, and people do not even realize they are being led by an external intelligence. Mathematical models are discussed at different scales of observation, showing how macroscopic (fluid-dynamic) models can be derived by mesoscopic (kinetic) models which, in turn, can be derived by microscopic (agent-based) models.
In this paper, we study PUSH-PULL style rumor spreading algorithms in the mobile telephone model, a variant of the classical telephone model in which each node can participate in at most one connection per round; i.e., you can no longer have multiple nodes pull information from the same source in a single round. Our model also includes two new parameterized generalizations: (1) the network topology can undergo a bounded rate of change (for a parameterized rate that spans from no changes to changes in every round); and (2) in each round, each node can advertise a bounded amount of information to all of its neighbors before connection decisions are made (for a parameterized number of bits that spans from no advertisement to large advertisements). We prove that in the mobile telephone model with no advertisements and no topology changes, PUSH-PULL style algorithms perform poorly with respect to a graphs vertex expansion and graph conductance as compared to the known tight results in the classical telephone model. We then prove, however, that if nodes are allowed to advertise a single bit in each round, a natural variation of PUSH-PULL terminates in time that matches (within logarithmic factors) this strategys performance in the classical telephone model---even in the presence of frequent topology changes. We also analyze how the performance of this algorithm degrades as the rate of change increases toward the maximum possible amount. We argue that our model matches well the properties of emerging peer-to-peer communication standards for mobile devices, and that our efficient PUSH-PULL variation that leverages small advertisements and adapts well to topology changes is a good choice for rumor spreading in this increasingly important setting.
An order--disorder phase transition is observed for Ising-like systems even for arbitrarily chosen probabilities of spins flips [K. Malarz et al, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 22, 719 (2011)]. For such athermal dynamics one must define $(z+1)$ spin flips prob abilities $w(n)$, where $z$ is a number of the nearest-neighbours for given regular lattice and $n=0,cdots,z$ indicates the number of nearest spins with the same value as the considered spin. Recently, such dynamics has been successfully applied for the simulation of a cooperative and competitive strategy selection by pedestrians in crowd [P. Gawronski et al, Acta Phys. Pol. A 123, 522 (2013)]. For the triangular lattice ($z=6$) and flips probabilities dependence on a single control parameter $x$ chosen as $w(0)=1$, $w(1)=3x$, $w(2)=2x$, $w(3)=x$, $w(4)=x/2$, $w(5)=x/4$, $w(6)=x/6$ the ordered phase (where most of pedestrians adopt the same strategy) vanishes for $x>x_Capprox 0.429$. In order to introduce long-range interactions between pedestrians the bonds of triangular lattice are randomly rewired with the probability $p$. The amount of rewired bonds can be interpreted as the probability of communicating by mobile phones. The critical value of control parameter $x_C$ increases monotonically with the number of rewired links $M=pzN/2$ from $x_C(p=0)approx 0.429$ to $x_C(p=1)approx 0.81$.
An aging population is bringing new challenges to the management of escape routes and facility design in many countries. This paper investigates pedestrian movement properties of crowd with different age compositions. Three pedestrian groups are cons idered: young student group, old people group and mixed group. It is found that traffic jams occur more frequently in mixed group due to the great differences of mobilities and self-adaptive abilities among pedestrians. The jams propagate backward with a velocity 0.4 m/s for global density around 1.75 m-1 and 0.3 m/s for higher than 2.3 m-1. The fundamental diagrams of the three groups are obviously different from each other and cannot be unified into one diagram by direct non-dimensionalization. Unlike previous studies, three linear regimes in mixed group but only two regimes in young student group are observed in the headway-velocity relation, which is also verified in the fundamental diagram. Different ages and mobilities of pedestrians in a crowd cause the heterogeneity of system and influence the properties of pedestrian dynamics significantly. It indicates that the density is not the only factor leading to jams in pedestrian traffic. The composition of crowd has to be considered in understanding pedestrian dynamics and facility design.
In this chapter, we discuss the mathematical modeling of egressing pedestrians in an unknown environment with multiple exits. We investigate different control problems to enhance the evacuation time of a crowd of agents, by few informed individuals, named leaders. Leaders are not recognizable as such and consist of two groups: a set of unaware leaders moving selfishly toward a fixed target, whereas the rest is coordinated to improve the evacuation time introducing different performance measures. Follower-leader dynamics is initially described microscopically by an agent-based model, subsequently a mean-field type model is introduced to approximate the large crowd of followers. The mesoscopic scale is efficiently solved by a class of numerical schemes based on direct simulation Monte-Carlo methods. Optimization of leader strategies is performed by a modified compass search method in the spirit of metaheuristic approaches. Finally, several virtual experiments are studied for various control settings and environments.
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