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Massive Stars: Key to Solving the Cosmic Puzzle

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 نشر من قبل Aida Wofford
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Aida Wofford

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We describe observations in the nearby universe (<100 Mpc) with a 10-m or larger space-based telescope having imaging and spectral capabilities in the range 912-9000 AA that would enable advances in the fields of massive stars, young populations, and star-forming galaxies, that are essential for achieving the Cosmic Origins Program objectives i) how are the chemical elements distributed in galaxies and dispersed in the circumgalactic and intergalactic medium; and ii) when did the first stars in the universe form, and how did they influence their environments. We stress the importance of observing hundreds of massive stars and their descendants individually, which will make it possible to separate the many competing factors that influence the observed properties of these systems (mass, composition, convection, mass-loss, rotation rate, binarity, magnetic fields, and cluster mass).

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185 - Ronny Blomme 2011
Detectable radio emission occurs during almost all phases of massive star evolution. I will concentrate on the thermal and non-thermal continuum emission from early-type stars. The thermal radio emission is due to free-free interactions in the ionize d stellar wind material. Early ideas that this would lead to an easy and straightforward way of measuring the mass-loss rates were thwarted by the presence of clumping in the stellar wind. Multi-wavelength observations provide important constraints on this clumping, but do not allow its full determination. Non-thermal radio emission is associated with binarity. This conclusion was already known for some time for Wolf-Rayet stars and in recent years it has become clear that it is also true for O-type stars. In a massive-star binary, the two stellar winds collide and around the shocks a fraction of the electrons are accelerated to relativistic speeds. Spiralling in the magnetic field these electrons emit synchrotron radiation, which we detect as non-thermal radio emission. The many parameters that influence the resulting non-thermal radio fluxes make the modelling of these systems particularly challenging, but their study will provide interesting new insight into massive stars.
71 - F. Martins 2019
We obtained K-band spectroscopy of the brightest members of the cluster VVV CL074 in order to identify the massive star population. We also determined the stellar properties of the clusters massive stars to better quantify the evolutionary sequences linking different types of massive stars. We collected integral field spectroscopy of selected fields in the cluster VVV CL074 with SINFONI on the ESO/VLT. We performed a spectral classification based on the K-band spectra and comparison to infrared spectral atlases. We determined the stellar parameters of the massive stars from analysis with atmosphere models computed with the code CMFGEN. We uncover a population of 25 early-type (OB and Wolf-Rayet) stars, 19 being newly discovered by our observations out of which 15 are likely cluster members. The clusters spectrophotometric distance is 10.2+/-1.6 kpc, placing it close to the intersection of the galactic bar and the Norma arm, beyond the galactic center. This makes VVV CL074 one the farthest young massive clusters identified so far. Among the massive stars population, three objects are Wolf-Rayet stars, the remaining are O and B stars. From the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram we find that most stars have an age between 3 and 6 Myr according to the Geneva evolutionary tracks. WN8 and WC8-9 stars are the descendants of stars with initial masses between 40 and 60 Msun. The massive star population of VVV CL074 is very similar to that of the cluster DBS2003-179 and to a lesser extent to that of the Quintuplet cluster, indicating the same age. The central cluster of the Galaxy is ~3 Myr older. From the comparison of the massive stars populations in these four clusters, one concludes that galactic stars with an initial mass in the range 40 to 60 Msun likely go through a WN8-9 phase.
We have observed high-dispersion echelle spectra of main-sequence stars in five nearby young associations -- Argus, Carina-Near, Hercules-Lyra, Orion and Subgroup B4 -- and derived abundances for elements ranging from Na to Eu. These are the first ch emical abundance measurements for two of the five associations, while the remaining three associations are analysed more extensively in our study. Our results support the presence of chemical homogeneity among association members with a typical star-to-star abundance scatter of about 0.06 dex or less over many elements. The five associations show log$epsilon$(Li) consistent with their age and share a solar chemical composition for all elements with the exception of Ba. We find that all the heavy elements (Y, Zr, La, Ce, Nd, Sm and Eu) exhibit solar ratios, i.e., [X/Fe] $simeq$ 0, while Ba is overabundant by about 0.2-0.3 dex. The origin of the overabundance of Ba is a puzzle. Within the formulation of the s-process, it is difficult to create a higher Ba abundance without a similar increase in the s-process contributions to other heavy elements (La-Sm). Given that Ba is represented by strong lines of Ba II and La-Sm are represented by rather weak ionized lines, the suggestion, as previously made by other studies, is that the Ba abundance may be systematically overestimated by standard methods of abundance analysis perhaps because the upper reaches of the stellar atmospheres are poorly represented by standard model atmospheres. A novel attempt to analyse the Ba I line at 5535 AA gives a solar Ba abundance for stars with effective temperatures hotter than about 5800 K but increasingly subsolar Ba abundances for cooler stars with apparent Ba deficiencies of 0.5 dex at 5100 K. This trend with temperature may signal a serious non-LTE effect on the Ba I line.
Almost since the beginning, massive stars and their resultant supernovae have played a crucial role in the Universe. These objects produce tremendous amounts of energy and new, heavy elements that enrich galaxies, encourage new stars to form and scul pt the shapes of galaxies we see today. The end of millions of years of massive star evolution and the beginning of hundreds or thousands of years of supernova evolution are separated by a matter of a few seconds, in which some of the most extreme physics found in the Universe causes the explosive and terminal disruption of the star. Key questions remain unanswered in both the studies of how massive stars evolve and the behaviour of supernovae, and it appears the solutions may not lie on just one side of the explosion or the other or in just the domain of the stellar evolution or the supernova astrophysics communities. The need to view massive star evolution and supernovae as continuous phases in a single narrative motivated the Theo Murphy international scientific meeting Bridging the gap: from massive stars to supernovae at Chicheley Hall in June 2016, with the specific purpose to simultaneously address the scientific connections between theoretical and observational studies of massive stars and their supernovae, through engaging astronomers from both communities.
Farr and Mandel reanalyse our data, finding initial-mass-function slopes for high mass stars in 30 Doradus that agree with our results. However, their reanalysis appears to underpredict the observed number of massive stars. Their technique results in more precise slopes than in our work, strengthening our conclusion that there is an excess of massive stars above $30,mathrm{M}_odot$ in 30 Doradus.
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