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Realistic medium-averaging in radiative energy loss

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 نشر من قبل Denes Molnar
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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We present results from a jet energy loss calculation using the Gyulassy-Levai-Vitev (GLV) formalism and bulk medium evolution from the covariant transport model MPC. At both RHIC and LHC energies we find that realistic transverse expansion strongly reduces elliptic flow at high pT compared to calculations with transversely frozen profiles. We argue that this is a generic feature of GLV energy loss. Transverse expansion also leads to stronger high-pT suppression, while fluctuations in energy loss with the location of scattering centers weaken the suppression. But, unlike the reduction of v2, these effects nearly disappear once alpha_s is adjusted to reproduce R_AA in central collisions.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We report on a benchmark calculation of the in-medium radiative energy loss of low-virtuality jet partons within the EPOS3-Jet framework. The radiative energy loss is based on an extension of the Gunion-Bertsch matrix element for a massive projectile and a massive radiated gluon. On top of that, the coherence (LPM effect) is implemented by assigning a formation phase to the trial radiated gluons in a fashion similar to the approach in JHEP 07 (2011), 118, by Zapp, Stachel and Wiedemann. In a calculation with a simplified radiation kernel, we reproduce the radiation spectrum reported in the approach above. The radiation spectrum produces the LPM behaviour $dI/domegaproptoomega^{-1/2}$ up to an energy $omega=omega_c$, when the formation length of radiated gluons becomes comparable to the size of the medium. Beyond $omega_c$, the radiation spectrum shows a characteristic suppression due to a smaller probability for a gluon to be formed in-medium. Next, we embed the radiative energy loss of low-virtuality jet partons into a more realistic parton gun calculation, where a stream of hard partons at high initial energy $E_text{ini}=100$ GeV and initial virtuality $Q^2=E^2$ passes through a box of QGP medium with a constant temperature. At the end of the box evolution, the partons are hadronized using Pythia 8, and the jets are reconstructed with the FASTJET package. We find that the full jet energy loss in such scenario approaches a ballpark value reported by the ALICE collaboration. However, the calculation uses a somewhat larger value of the coupling constant $alpha_s$ to compensate for the missing collisional energy loss of the low-virtuality jet partons.
We study the energy loss and the energy gain of heavy quarks in a hot thermal medium. These include the study of the energy change due to the polarization and to the interaction with the thermal fluctuations of the medium. The dynamics of the heavy q uarks with the medium is described by the Wong equations, that allow for the inclusion of both the backreaction on the heavy quarks due to the polarization of the medium, and of the interaction with the thermal fluctuations of the gluon field. Both the momentum as well as the temperature dependence of the energy loss and gain of charm and bottom quark are studied. We find that heavy quark energy gain dominate the energy loss at high-temperature domain achievable at the early stage of the high energy collisions. This finding supports the recently observed heavy quarks results in Glasma and will have a significant impact on heavy quark observables at RHIC and LHC energies.
185 - Shuai Y.F. Liu , Ralf Rapp 2020
The radiative energy loss of fast partons traveling through the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is commonly studied within perturbative QCD (pQCD). Nonperturbative (NP) effects, which are expected to become important near the critical temperature, have been much less investigated. Here, we utilize a recently developed $T$-matrix approach to incorporate NP effects for gluon emission off heavy quarks propagating through the QGP. We set up four cases that contain, starting from a Born diagram calculation with color-Coulomb interaction, an increasing level of NP components, by subsequently including (remnants of) confining interactions, resummation in the heavy-light scattering amplitude, and off-shell spectral functions for both heavy and light partons. For each case we compute the power spectra of the emitted gluons, heavy-quark transport coefficients (drag and transverse-momentum broadening, $hat{q}$), and the path-length dependent energy loss within a QGP brick at fixed temperature. Investigating the differences in these quantities between the four cases illustrates how NP mechanisms affect gluon radiation processes. While the baseline perturbative processes experience a strong suppression of soft radiation due to thermal masses of the emitted gluons, confining interactions, ladder resummations and broad spectral functions (re-)generate a large enhancement toward low momenta and low temperatures. For example, for a 10 GeV charm quark at 200 MeV temperature, they enhance the transport coefficients by up to a factor of 10, while the results smoothly converge to perturbative results at sufficiently hard scales.
We extend our recently advanced model on collisional energy loss of heavy quarks in a quark gluon plasma (QGP) by including radiative energy loss. We discuss the approach and present calculations for PbPb collisions at $sqrt{s}=2.76 TeV$. The transve rse momentum spectra, RAA, and the elliptic flow $v_2$ of heavy quarks have been obtained using the model of Kolb and Heinz for the hydrodynamical expansion of the plasma.
60 - G. Coci 2017
We discuss the propagation of heavy quarks (charm and bottom) through the QGP by means of a relativistic Boltzmann transport approach including both collisional and radiative energy loss mechanisms. In particular we investigate the impact of induced gluon radiation by dynamical QCD medium implementing in our transport model a formula for the emitted gluon spectrum calculated in a higher-twist scheme. We notice that in the region of high transverse momentum ($p_T > 10$ GeV) radiative processes play an essential role giving a dominant contribution to the generation of $R_{AA}$ and $v_2$ at momentum values for which the energy loss by collisions is in the perturbative regime.
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