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Vortex Lattice Melting and Hc2 in underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy

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 نشر من قبل Brad Ramshaw
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Vortices in a type-II superconductor form a lattice structure that melts when the thermal displacement of the vortices is an appreciable fraction of the distance between vortices. In an anisotropic high-Tc superconductor, such as YBa2Cu3Oy, the magnetic field value where this melting occurs can be much lower than the mean-field critical field Hc2. We examine this melting transition in YBa2Cu3Oy with oxygen content y from 6.45 to 6.92, and fit the data to a theory of vortex-lattice melting. The quality of the fits indicates that the transition to a resistive state is indeed the vortex lattice melting transition, with the shape of the melting curves being consistent with the known change in penetration depth anisotropy from underdoped to optimally doped YBa2Cu3Oy. From the fits we extract Hc2(T = 0) as a function of hole doping. The unusual doping dependence of Hc2(T =0) points to some form of electronic order competing with superconductivity around 0.12 hole doping.

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To explore the doping dependence of the recently discovered charge density wave (CDW) order in YBa2Cu3Oy, we present a bulk-sensitive high-energy x-ray study for several oxygen concentrations, including strongly underdoped YBa2Cu3O6.44. Combined with previous data around the so-called 1/8 doping, we show that bulk CDW order exists at least for hole concentrations (p) in the CuO2 planes of 0.078 <~ p <~ 0.132. This implies that CDW order exists in close vicinity to the quantum critical point for spin density wave (SDW) order. In contrast to the pseudogap temperature T*, the onset temperature of CDW order decreases with underdoping to T_CDW ~ 90K in YBa2Cu3O6.44. Together with a weakened order parameter this suggests a competition between CDW and SDW orders. In addition, the CDW order in YBa2Cu3O6.44 shows the same type of competition with superconductivity as a function of temperature and magnetic field as samples closer to p = 1/8. At low p the CDW incommensurability continues the previously reported linear increasing trend with underdoping. In the entire doping range the in-plane correlation length of the CDW order in b-axis direction depends only very weakly on the hole concentration, and appears independent of the type and correlation length of the oxygen-chain order. The onset temperature of the CDW order is remarkably close to a temperature T^dagger that marks the maximum of 1/(T_1T) in planar 63^Cu NQR/NMR experiments, potentially indicating a response of the spin dynamics to the formation of the CDW. Our discussion of these findings includes a detailed comparison to the charge stripe order in La2-xBaxCuO4.
262 - Y. Kohama , Y. Kamihara , S. Riggs 2008
The electrical resistivity and Hall coefficient of LaFeAsO0.95F0.05 polycrystalline samples were measured in pulsed magnetic fields up to m0H = 60 T from room temperature to 1.5 K. The resistance of the normal state shows a negative temperature coeff icient (dr/dT < 0) below 70 K for this composition, indicating insulating ground state in underdoped LaFeAsO system in contrast to heavily doped compound. The charge carrier density obtained from Hall effect can be described as constant plus a thermally activated term with an energy gap DE = 630 K. Upper critical field, Hc2, estimated from resistivity measurements, exceeds 75 T with zero-field Tc = 26.3 K, suggesting an unconventional nature for superconductivity.
Inverse melting, in which a crystal reversibly transforms into a liquid or amorphous phase upon decreasing the temperature, is considered to be very rare in nature. The search for such an unusual equilibrium phenomenon is often hampered by the format ion of nonequilibrium states which conceal the thermodynamic phase transition, or by intermediate phases, as was recently shown in a polymeric system. Here we report a first-order inverse melting of the magnetic flux line lattice in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductor. At low temperatures, the material disorder causes significant pinning of the vortices, which prevents observation of their equilibrium properties. Using a newly introduced vortex dithering technique we were able to equilibrate the vortex lattice. As a result, direct thermodynamic evidence of inverse melting transition is found, at which a disordered vortex phase transforms into an ordered lattice with increasing temperature. Paradoxically, the structurally ordered lattice has larger entropy than the disordered phase. This finding shows that the destruction of the ordered vortex lattice occurs along a unified first-order transition line that gradually changes its character from thermally-induced melting at high temperatures to a disorder-induced transition at low temperatures.
Recent experimental results indicate that superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 is described by the p-wave E_u representation of the D_{4h} point group. Results on the vortex lattice structures for this representation are presented. The theoretical results are compared with experiment.
The recent detection of charge-density modulations in YBa2Cu3Oy and other cuprate superconductors raises new questions about the normal state of underdoped cuprates. In one class of theories, the modulations are intertwined with pairing in a dual sta te, expected to persist up to high magnetic fields as a vortex liquid. In support of such a state, specific heat and magnetisation data on YBa2Cu3Oy have been interpreted in terms of a vortex liquid persisting above the vortex-melting field Hvs at T = 0. Here we report high-field measurements of the electrical and thermal Hall conductivities in YBa2Cu3O6.54 that allow us to probe the Wiedemann-Franz law, a sensitive test of the presence of superconductivity in a metal. In the T = 0 limit, we find that the law is satisfied for fields immediately above Hvs. This rules out the existence of a vortex liquid and it places strict constraints on the nature of the normal state in underdoped cuprates.
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