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Magnetic and dielectric properties of multiferroic Eu0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25TiO3 ceramics

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 نشر من قبل Dmitry Nuzhnyy
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Dielectric and magnetic properties of Eu0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25TiO3 are investigated between 10 K and 300 K in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 100 THz. A peak in permittivity revealed near 130 K and observed ferroelectric hysteresis loops prove the ferroelectric order below thistemperature. The peak in permittivity is given mainly by softening of the lowest frequency polar phonon (soft mode revealed in THz and IR spectra) that demonstrates displacive character of the phase transition. Room-temperature X-ray diffraction analysis reveals cubic structure, but the IR reflectivity spectra give evidence of a lower crystal structure, presumably tetragonal I4/mcm with tilted oxygen octahedra as it has been observed in EuTiO3. The magnetic measurements show that the antiferromagnetic order occurs below 1.8 K. Eu0.5Ba0.25Sr0.25TiO3 has three times lower coercive field than Eu0.5Ba0.5TiO3, therefore we propose this system for measurements of electric dipole moment of electron.

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A correlation between structure and vibrational properties related to a ferroelectric to paraelectric phase transition in perovskite Pb(1-x)(Na0.5Sm0.5)xTiO3 (PNST - x) polycrystalline powders is discussed. Substitution leads to reduction of tetragon ality which is associated with a shift of the phase transition to lower temperatures. The nature of the phase transition gets diffused with increasing substitution.
We report the evolution of structural, magnetic and dielectric properties due to partial substitution of Ba by Sr in the high temperature multiferroic YBaCuFeO5. This compound exhibits ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic transitions around 200 K and these two phenomena are presumed to be coupled with each other. Our studies on magnetic and dielectric properties of the YBa1-xSrxCuFeO5 (x = 0.0, 0.25 and 0.5) show that substitution of Sr shifts magnetic transition towards higher temperature whereas dielectric transition to lower temperature. These results points to the fact that magnetic and dielectric transitions get decoupled as a result of chemical pressure in form of Sr substitution. The nature of magnetodielectric coupling changes across the series with the presence of higher order coupling terms. Additionally in these compounds glassy dynamics of electric dipoles is observed at low temperatures.
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The structural phase transition in hexagonal BaMnO$_3$ occurring at $T_c$=130 K was studied in ceramic samples using electron and X-ray diffraction, second harmonic generation as well as by dielectric and lattice dynamic spectroscopies. The low-tempe rature phase (space group $P6_{3}cm$) is ferroelectric with a triplicated unit cell. The phase transition is driven by an optical soft mode from the Brillouin-zone boundary [$q = (frac{1}{3},frac{1}{3},0)$]; this mode activates in infrared and Raman spectra below $T_c$ and it hardens according to the Cochran law. Upon cooling below $T_c$, the permittivity exhibits an unusual linear increase with temperature; below 60 K, in turn, a frequency-dependent decrease is observed, which can be explained by slowing-down of ferroelectric domain wall motions. Based on our data we could not distinguish whether the high-temperature phase is paraelectric or polar (space groups $P6_{3}/mmc$ or $P6_{3}mc$, respectively). Both variants of the phase transition to the ferroelectric phase are discussed based on the Landau theory. Electron paramagnetic resonance and magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal an onset of one-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering below $approx220,rm K$ which develops fully near 140 K and, below $T_{n} approx 59,rm K$, it transforms into a three-dimensional antiferromagnetic order.
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