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IBP methods at finite temperature

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 نشر من قبل York Schroder
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف M. Nishimura

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We demonstrate the applicability of integration-by-parts (IBP) identities in finite-temperature field theory. As a concrete example, we perform 3-loop computations for the thermodynamic pressure of QCD in general covariant gauges, and confirm earlier Feynman-gauge results.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Dynamical symmetry breaking in three-dimensional QED with N fermion flavours is considered at finite temperature, in the large $N$ approximation. Using an approximate treatment of the Schwinger-Dyson equation for the fermion self-energy, we find that chiral symmetry is restored above a certain critical temperature which depends itself on $N$. We find that the ratio of the zero-momentum zero-temperature fermion mass to the critical temperature has a large value compared with four-fermion theories, as had been suggested in a previous work with a momentum-independent self-energy. Evidence of a temperature- dependent critical $N$ is shown to appear in this approximation. The phase diagram for spontaneous mass generation in the theory is presented in $T-N$ space.
We present an efficient method to shorten the analytic integration-by-parts (IBP) reduction coefficients of multi-loop Feynman integrals. For our approach, we develop an improved version of Leinartas multivariate partial fraction algorithm, and provi de a modern implementation based on the computer algebra system Singular. Furthermore, We observe that for an integral basis with uniform transcendental (UT) weights, the denominators of IBP reduction coefficients with respect to the UT basis are either symbol letters or polynomials purely in the spacetime dimension $D$. With a UT basis, the partial fraction algorithm is more efficient both with respect to its performance and the size reduction. We show that in complicated examples with existence of a UT basis, the IBP reduction coefficients size can be reduced by a factor of as large as $sim 100$. We observe that our algorithm also works well for settings without a UT basis.
466 - Alejandro Ayala 2008
We show that the Mellin summation technique (MST) is a well defined and useful tool to compute loop integrals at finite temperature in the imaginary-time formulation of thermal field theory, especially when interested in the infrared limit of such in tegrals. The method makes use of the Feynman parametrization which has been claimed to have problems when the analytical continuation from discrete to arbitrary complex values of the Matsubara frequency is performed. We show that without the use of the MST, such problems are not intrinsic to the Feynman parametrization but instead, they arise as a result of (a) not implementing the periodicity brought about by the possible values taken by the discrete Matsubara frequencies before the analytical continuation is made and (b) to the changing of the original domain of the Feynman parameter integration, which seemingly simplifies the expression but in practice introduces a spurious endpoint singularity. Using the MST, there are no problems related to the implementation of the periodicity but instead, care has to be taken when the sum of denominators of the original amplitude vanishes. We apply the method to the computation of loop integrals appearing when the effects of external weak magnetic fields on the propagation of scalar particles is considered.
We present a new gauge fixing condition for the Weinberg-Salam electro-weak theory at finite temperature and density. After spontaneous symmetry breaking occurs, every unphysical term in the Lagrangian is eliminated with our gauge fixing condition. A new and simple Lagrangian can be obtained where we can identify the propagators and vertices. Some consequences are discussed, as the new gauge dependent masses of the gauge fields and the new Faddeev-Popov Lagrangian. After obtaining the quadratic terms, we calculate exactly the 1-loop effective potential identifying the contribution of every particular field.
94 - Charles Gale , 1997
We compute the mass shifts and mixing of the Omega and Phi mesons at finite temperature due to scattering from thermal pions. The Rho and b_1 mesons are important intermediate states. Up to a temperature of 140 MeV the Omega mass increases by 12 MeV and the Phi mass decreases by 0.6 MeV. The change in mixing angles is negligible.
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