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Zero-voltage conductance peak from weak antilocalization in a Majorana nanowire

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 نشر من قبل C. W. J. Beenakker
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We show that weak antilocalization by disorder competes with resonant Andreev reflection from a Majorana zero-mode to produce a zero-voltage conductance peak of order e^2/h in a superconducting nanowire. The phase conjugation needed for quantum interference to survive a disorder average is provided by particle-hole symmetry - in the absence of time-reversal symmetry and without requiring a topologically nontrivial phase. We identify methods to distinguish the Majorana resonance from the weak antilocalization effect.

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Motivated by a recent experimental report[1] claiming the likely observation of the Majorana mode in a semiconductor-superconductor hybrid structure[2,3,4,5], we study theoretically the dependence of the zero bias conductance peak associated with the zero-energy Majorana mode in the topological superconducting phase as a function of temperature, tunnel barrier potential, and a magnetic field tilted from the direction of the wire for realistic wires of finite lengths. We find that higher temperatures and tunnel barriers as well as a large magnetic field in the direction transverse to the wire length could very strongly suppress the zero-bias conductance peak as observed in Ref.[1]. We also show that a strong magnetic field along the wire could eventually lead to the splitting of the zero bias peak into a doublet with the doublet energy splitting oscillating as a function of increasing magnetic field. Our results based on the standard theory of topological superconductivity in a semiconductor hybrid structure in the presence of proximity-induced superconductivity, spin-orbit coupling, and Zeeman splitting show that the recently reported experimental data are generally consistent with the existing theory that led to the predictions for the existence of the Majorana modes in the semiconductor hybrid structures in spite of some apparent anomalies in the experimental observations at first sight. We also make several concrete new predictions for future observations regarding Majorana splitting in finite wires used in the experiments.
Superconducting wires with broken time-reversal and spin-rotational symmetries can exhibit two distinct topological gapped phases and host bound Majorana states at the phase boundaries. When the wire is tuned to the transition between these two phase s and the gap is closed, Majorana states become delocalized leading to a peculiar critical state of the system. We study transport properties of this critical state as a function of the length $L$ of a disordered multichannel wire. Applying a non-linear supersymmetric sigma model of symmetry class D with two replicas, we identify the average conductance, its variance and the third cumulant in the whole range of $L$ from the Ohmic limit of short wires to the regime of a broad conductance distribution when $L$ exceeds the correlation length of the system. In addition, we calculate the average shot noise power and variance of the topological index for arbitrary $L$. The general approach developed in the paper can also be applied to study combined effects of disorder and topology in wires of other symmetries.
Hybrid system composed by a semiconducting nanowire with proximity-induced superconductivity and a quantum dot at the end working as spectrometer was recently used to quantify the so-called degree of Majorana nonlocality [Deng et al., Phys.Rev.B, 98, 085125 (2018)]. Here we demonstrate that spin-resolved density of states of the dot responsible for zero-bias conductance peak strongly depends on the separation between the Majorana bound states (MBSs) and their relative couplings with the dot and investigate how the charging energy affects the spectrum of the system in the distinct scenarios of Majorana nonlocality (topological quality). Our findings suggest that spin-resolved spectroscopy of the local density of states of the dot can be used as a powerful tool for discriminating between different scenarios of the emergence of zero-bias conductance peak.
We report an experimental study of the scaling of zero-bias conductance peaks compatible with Majorana zero modes as a function of magnetic field, tunnel coupling, and temperature in one-dimensional structures fabricated from an epitaxial semiconduct or-superconductor heterostructure. Results are consistent with theory, including a peak conductance that is proportional to tunnel coupling, saturates at $2e^2/h$, decreases as expected with field-dependent gap, and collapses onto a simple scaling function in the dimensionless ratio of temperature and tunnel coupling.
In this theoretical study, we explore the manner in which the quantum correction due to weak localization is suppressed in weakly-disordered graphene, when it is subjected to the application of a non-zero voltage. Using a nonequilibrium Green functio n approach, we address the scattering generated by the disorder up to the level of the maximally crossed diagrams, hereby capturing the interference among different, impurity-defined, Feynman paths. Our calculations of the charge current, and of the resulting differential conductance, reveal the logarithmic divergence typical of weak localization in linear transport. The main finding of our work is that the applied voltage suppresses the weak localization contribution in graphene, by introducing a dephasing time that decreases inversely with increasing voltage.
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