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A semilinear problem with a W^{1,1}_0 solution

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 نشر من قبل Gisella Croce
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث
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We study a degenerate elliptic equation, proving the existence of a W^{1,1}_0 distributional solution.

قيم البحث

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We study a nonlinear equation with an elliptic operator having degenerate coercivity. We prove the existence of a unique W^{1,1}_0 distributional solution under suitable summability assumptions on the source in Lebesgue spaces. Moreover, we prove tha t our problem has no solution if the source is a Radon measure concentrated on a set of zero harmonic capacity.
We study an integral non coercive functional defined on H^1_0, proving the existence of a minimum in W^{1,1}_0.
We study a degenerate elliptic equation, proving existence results of distributional solutions in some borderline cases.
147 - Daoyin He 2015
In this paper, we are concerned with the global Cauchy problem for the semilinear generalized Tricomi equation $partial_t^2 u-t^m Delta u=|u|^p$ with initial data $(u(0,cdot), partial_t u(0,cdot))= (u_0, u_1)$, where $tgeq 0$, $xin{mathbb R}^n$ ($nge 3$), $minmathbb N$, $p>1$, and $u_iin C_0^{infty}({mathbb R}^n)$ ($i=0,1$). We show that there exists a critical exponent $p_{text{crit}}(m,n)>1$ such that the solution $u$, in general, blows up in finite time when $1<p<p_{text{crit}}(m,n)$. We further show that there exists a conformal exponent $p_{text{conf}}(m,n)> p_{text{crit}}(m,n)$ such that the solution $u$ exists globally when $p>p_{text{conf}}(m,n)$ provided that the initial data is small enough. In case $p_{text{crit}}(m,n)<pleq p_{text{conf}}(m,n)$, we will establish global existence of small data solutions $u$ in a subsequent paper.
In this paper we provide a representation formula for boundary voltage perturbations caused by internal conductivity inhomogeneities of low volume fraction in a simplified {em monodomain model} describing the electric activity of the heart. We derive such a result in the case of a nonlinear problem. Our long-term goal is the solution of the inverse problem related to the detection of regions affected by heart ischemic disease, whose position and size are unknown. We model the presence of ischemic regions in the form of small inhomogeneities. This leads to the study of a boundary value problem for a semilinear elliptic equation. We first analyze the well-posedness of the problem establishing some key energy estimates. These allow us to derive rigorously an asymptotic formula of the boundary potential perturbation due to the presence of the inhomogeneities, following an approach similar to the one introduced by Capdeboscq and Vogelius in cite{capvoge} in the case of the linear conductivity equation. Finally, we propose some ideas of the reconstruction procedure that might be used to detect the inhomogeneities.
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