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A Translational Polarization Rotator

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 نشر من قبل David Chuss
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We explore a free-space polarization modulator in which a variable phase introduction between right- and left-handed circular polarization components is used to rotate the linear polarization of the outgoing beam relative to that of the incoming beam. In this device, the polarization states are separated by a circular polarizer that consists of a quarter-wave plate in combination with a wire grid. A movable mirror is positioned behind and parallel to the circular polarizer. As the polarizer-mirror distance is separated, an incident linear polarization will be rotated through an angle that is proportional to the introduced phase delay. We demonstrate a prototype device that modulates Stokes Q and U over a 20% bandwidth, from 77 to 94 GHz.

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Inflation Gravity Waves B-Modes polarization detection is the ultimate goal of modern large angular scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments around the world. A big effort is undergoing with the deployment of many ground-based, balloon-bor ne and satellite experiments using different methods to separate this faint polarized component from the incoming radiation. One of the largely used technique is the Stokes Polarimetry that uses a rotating half-wave plate (HWP) and a linear polarizer to separate and modulate the polarization components with low residual cross-polarization. This paper describes the QUBIC Stokes Polarimeter highlighting its design features and its performances. A common systematic with these devices is the generation of large spurious signals synchronous with the rotation and proportional to the emissivity of the optical elements. A key feature of the QUBIC Stokes Polarimeter is to operate at cryogenic temperature in order to minimize this unwanted component. Moving efficiently this large optical element at low temperature constitutes a big engineering challenge in order to reduce friction power dissipation. Big attention has been given during the designing phase to minimize the differential thermal contractions between parts. The rotation is driven by a stepper motor placed outside the cryostat to avoid thermal load dissipation at cryogenic temperature. The tests and the results presented in this work show that the QUBIC polarimeter can easily achieve a precision below 0.1{deg} in positioning simply using the stepper motor precision and the optical absolute encoder. The rotation induces only few mK of extra power load on the second cryogenic stage (~ 8 K).
159 - Yuqian Ye , Sailing He 2010
A bilayered chiral metamaterial (CMM) is proposed to realize a 90 degree polarization rotator, whose giant optical activity is due to the transverse magnetic dipole coupling among the metallic wire pairs of enantiomeric patterns. By transmission thro ugh this thin bilayered structure of less than lambda/30 thick, a linearly polarized wave is converted to its cross polarization with a resonant polarization conversion efficiency (PCE) of over 90%. Meanwhile, the axial ratio of the transmitted wave is better than 40 dB. It is demonstrated that the chirality in the propagation direction makes this efficient cross-polarization conversion possible. The transversely isotropic property of this polarization rotator is also experimentally verified. The optical activity of the present structure is about 2700 degree/lambda, which is the largest optical activity that can be found in literature.
We demonstrate a polarization rotator integrated at the output of a GaAs waveguide producing type I second harmonic generation (SHG). Form-birefringent phase matching between the pump fundamental transverse electric (TE) mode near 2.0 $mu$m wavelengt h and the signal fundamental transverse magnetic (TM) mode efficiently generates light at 1.0 $mu$m wavelength. A SiN waveguide layer is integrated with the SHG device to form a multi-functional photonic integrated circuit. The polarization rotator couples light between the two layers and rotates the polarization from TM to TE or from TE to TM. With a TE-polarized 2.0 $mu$m pump, type I SHG is demonstrated with the signal rotated to TE polarization. Passive transmission near 1.0 $mu$m wavelength shows ~80 % polarization rotation across a broad bandwidth of ~100 nm. By rotating the signal polarization to match that of the pump, this SHG device demonstrates a critical component of an integrated self-referenced octave-spanning frequency comb. This device is expected to provide crucial functionality as part of a fully integrated optical frequency synthesizer with resolution of less than one part in 10$^{14}$.
ESOs two FOcal Reducer and low dispersion Spectrographs (FORS) are the primary optical imaging instruments for the VLT. They are not direct-imaging instruments, as there are several optical elements in the light path. In particular, both instruments are attached to a field rotator. Obtaining truly photometric data with such instruments present a significant challenge. In this paper, we investigate in detail twilight flats taken with the FORS instruments. We find that a large fraction of the structure seen in these flatfields rotates with the field rotator. We discuss in detail the methods we use to determine the cause of this effect. The effect was tracked down to be caused by the Linear Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (LADC). The results are thus of special interest for designers of instruments with LADCs and developers of calibration plans and pipelines for such instruments. The methods described here to find and correct it, however, are of interest also for other instruments using a field rotator. If not properly corrected, this structure in the flatfield may degrade the photometric accuracy of imaging observations taken with the FORS instruments by adding a systematic error of up to 4% for broad band filters. We discuss several strategies to obtain photometric images in the presence of rotating flatfield pattern.
A rotating star with a monopole (or split monopole) magnetic field gives the simplest, prototype model of a rotationally driven stellar wind. Winds from compact objects, in particular neutron stars, carry strong magnetic fields with modest plasma loa ding, and develop ultra-relativistic speeds. We investigate the relativistic wind launched from a dense, gravitationally bound, atmosphere on the stellar surface. We first examine the problem analytically and then perform global kinetic plasma simulations. Our results show how the wind acceleration mechanism changes from centrifugal (magnetohydrodynamic) to electrostatic (charge-separated) depending on the parameters of the problem. The two regimes give winds with different angular distributions and different scalings with the magnetization parameter.
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