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Caustic echoes from a Schwarzschild black hole

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 نشر من قبل Anil Zenginoglu C
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We present the first numerical construction of the scalar Schwarzschild Green function in the time-domain, which reveals several universal features of wave propagation in black hole spacetimes. We demonstrate the trapping of energy near the photon sphere and confirm its exponential decay. The trapped wavefront propagates through caustics resulting in echoes that propagate to infinity. The arrival times and the decay rate of these caustic echoes are consistent with propagation along null geodesics and the large l-limit of quasinormal modes. We show that the four-fold singularity structure of the retarded Green function is due to the well-known action of a Hilbert transform on the trapped wavefront at caustics. A two-fold cycle is obtained for degenerate source-observer configurations along the caustic line, where the energy amplification increases with an inverse power of the scale of the source. Finally, we discuss the tail piece of the solution due to propagation within the light cone, up to and including null infinity, and argue that, even with ideal instruments, only a finite number of echoes can be observed. Putting these pieces together, we provide a heuristic expression that approximates the Green function with a few free parameters. Accurate calculations and approximations of the Green function are the most general way of solving for wave propagation in curved spacetimes and should be useful in a variety of studies such as the computation of the self-force on a particle.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We consider a very simple model for gravitational wave echoes from black hole merger ringdowns which may arise from local Lorentz symmetry violations that modify graviton dispersion relations. If the corrections are sufficiently soft so they do not r emove the horizon, the reflection of the infalling waves which trigger the echoes is very weak. As an example, we look at the dispersion relation of a test scalar field corrected by roton-like operators depending only on spatial momenta, in Gullstrand-Painleve coordinates. The near-horizon regions of a black hole do become reflective, but only very weakly. The resulting ``bounces of infalling waves can yield repetitive gravity wave emissions but their power is very small. This implies that to see any echoes from black holes we really need an egregious departure from either standard GR or effective field theory, or both. One possibility to realize such strong echoes is the recently proposed classical firewalls which replace black hole horizons with material shells surrounding timelike singularities.
219 - Naritaka Oshita , Daichi Tsuna , 2020
Searches for gravitational wave echoes in the aftermath of mergers and/or formation of astrophysical black holes have recently opened a novel and surprising window into the quantum nature of their horizons. Similar to astro- and helioseismology, stud y of the spectrum of quantum black holes provides a promising method to understand their inner structure, what we call $textit{quantum black hole seismology}$. We provide a detailed numerical and analytic description of this spectrum in terms of the properties of the Kerr spacetime and quantum black hole horizons, showing that it drastically differs from their classical counterparts. Our most significant findings are the following: (1) If the temperature of quantum black hole is $lesssim 2 times$ Hawking temperature, then it will not suffer from ergoregion instability (although the bound is looser at smaller spins). (2) We find how quantum black hole spectra pinpoint the microscopic properties of quantum structure. For example, the detailed spacing of spectral lines can distinguish whether quantum effects appear through compactness (i.e., exotic compact objects) or frequency (i.e., modified dispersion relation). (3) We find out that the overtone quasinormal modes may strongly enhance the amplitude of echo in the low-frequency region. (4) We show the invariance of the spectrum under the generalized Darboux transformation of linear perturbations, showing that it is a genuine covariant observable.
We formulate and solve the problem of spherically symmetric, steady state, adiabatic accretion onto a Schwarzschild-like black hole obtained recently. We derive the general analytic expressions for the critical points, the critical velocity, the crit ical speed of sound, and subsequently the mass accretion rate. The case for polytropic gas is discussed in detail. We find the parameter characterizing the breaking of Lorentz symmetry will slow down the mass accretion rate, while has no effect on the gas compression and the temperature profile below the critical radius and at the event horizon.
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