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An observational test for correlations between cosmic rays and magnetic fields

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 نشر من قبل Rodion Stepanov
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We derive the magnitude of fluctuations in total synchrotron intensity in the Milky Way and M33, from both observations and theory under various assumption about the relation between cosmic rays and interstellar magnetic fields. Given the relative magnitude of the fluctuations in the Galactic magnetic field (the ratio of the rms fluctuations to the mean magnetic field strength) suggested by Faraday rotation and synchrotron polarization, the observations are inconsistent with local energy equipartition between cosmic rays and magnetic fields. Our analysis of relative synchrotron intensity fluctuations indicates that the distribution of cosmic rays is nearly uniform at the scales of the order of and exceeding $100p$, in contrast to strong fluctuations in the interstellar magnetic field at those scales. A conservative upper limit on the ratio of the the fluctuation magnitude in the cosmic ray number density to its mean value is 0.2--0.4 at scales of order 100,pc. Our results are consistent with a mild anticorrelation between cosmic-ray and magnetic energy densities at these scales, in both the Milky Way and M33. Energy equipartition between cosmic rays and magnetic fields may still hold, but at scales exceeding 1,kpc. Therefore, we suggest that equipartition estimates be applied to the observed synchrotron intensity smoothed to a linear scale of kiloparsec order (in spiral galaxies) to obtain the cosmic ray distribution and a large-scale magnetic field. Then the resulting cosmic ray distribution can be used to derive the fluctuating magnetic field strength from the data at the original resolution. The resulting random magnetic field is likely to be significantly stronger than existing estimates.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Interpretations of synchrotron observations often assume a tight correlation between magnetic and cosmic ray energy densities. We examine this assumption using both test-particle simulations of cosmic rays and MHD simulations which include cosmic ray s as a diffusive fluid. We find no spatial correlation between the cosmic rays and magnetic field energy densities at turbulent scales. Moreover, the cosmic ray number density and magnetic field energy density are statistically independent. Nevertheless, the cosmic ray spatial distribution is highly inhomogeneous, especially at low energies because the particles are trapped between random magnetic mirrors. These results can significantly change the interpretation of synchrotron observations and thus our understanding of the strength and structure of magnetic fields in the Milky Way and nearby spiral galaxies.
Synchrotron radiation from cosmic rays is a key observational probe of the galactic magnetic field. Interpreting synchrotron emission data requires knowledge of the cosmic ray number density, which is often assumed to be in energy equipartition (or o therwise tightly correlated) with the magnetic field energy. However, there is no compelling observational or theoretical reason to expect such tight correlation to hold across all scales. We use test particle simulations, tracing the propagation of charged particles (protons) through a random magnetic field, to study the cosmic ray distribution at scales comparable to the correlation scale of the turbulent flow in the interstellar medium ($simeq 100,{rm pc}$ in spiral galaxies). In these simulations, we find that there is no spatial correlation between the cosmic ray number density and the magnetic field energy density. In fact, their distributions are approximately statistically independent. We find that low-energy cosmic rays can become trapped between magnetic mirrors, whose location depends more on the structure of the field lines than on the field strength.
The propagation of cosmic rays in turbulent magnetic fields is a diffusive process driven by the scattering of the charged particles by random magnetic fluctuations. Such fields are usually highly intermittent, consisting of intense magnetic filament s and ribbons surrounded by weaker, unstructured fluctuations. Studies of cosmic ray propagation have largely overlooked intermittency, instead relying on Gaussian random magnetic fields. Using test particle simulations, we investigate cosmic ray diffusivity in intermittent, dynamo-generated magnetic fields. The results are compared with those obtained from non-intermittent magnetic fields having identical power spectra. The presence of magnetic intermittency significantly enhances cosmic ray diffusion over a wide range of particle energies. We demonstrate that the results can be interpreted in terms of a correlated random walk.
We briefly review sources of cosmic rays, their composition and spectra as well as their propagation in the galactic and extragalactic magnetic fields, both regular and fluctuating. A special attention is paid to the recent results of the X-ray and g amma-ray observations that shed light on the origin of the galactic cosmic rays and the challenging results of Pierre Auger Observatory on the ultra high energy cosmic rays. The perspectives of both high energy astrophysics and cosmic-ray astronomy to identify the sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays, the mechanisms of particle acceleration, to measure the intergalactic radiation fields and to reveal the structure of magnetic fields of very different scales are outlined.
We confirm the UHECR horizon established by the Pierre Auger Observatory using the heterogeneous Veron-Cetty Veron (VCV) catalog of AGNs, by performing a redshift-angle-IR luminosity scan using PSCz galaxies having infrared luminosity greater than 10 ^{10}L_sun. The strongest correlation -- for z < 0.016, psi = 2.1 deg, and L_ir > 10^{10.5}L_sun -- arises in fewer than 0.3% of scans with isotropic source directions. When we apply a penalty for using the UHECR energy threshold that was tuned to maximize the correlation with VCV, the significance degrades to 1.1%. Since the PSCz catalog is complete and volume-limited for these parameters, this suggests that the UHECR horizon discovered by the Pierre Auger Observatory is not an artifact of the incompleteness and other idiosyncrasies of the VCV catalog. The strength of the correlation between UHECRs and the nearby highest-IR-luminosity PSCz galaxies is stronger than in about 90% percent of trials with scrambled luminosity assignments for the PSCz galaxies. If confirmed by future data, this result would indicate that the sources of UHECRs are more strongly associated with luminous IR galaxies than with ordinary, lower IR luminosity galaxies.
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