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Tax evasion dynamics and Zaklan model on Opinion-dependent Network

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 نشر من قبل Francisco Lima
 تاريخ النشر 2012
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف F. W. S. Lima

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Within the context of agent-based Monte-Carlo simulations, we study the well-known majority-vote model (MVM) with noise applied to tax evasion on Stauffer-Hohnisch-Pittnauer (SHP) networks. To control the fluctuations for tax evasion in the economics model proposed by Zaklan, MVM is applied in the neighborhood of the critical noise $q_{c}$ to evolve the Zaklan model. The Zaklan model had been studied recently using the equilibrium Ising model. Here we show that the Zaklan model is robust because this can be studied besides using equilibrium dynamics of Ising model also through the nonequilibrium MVM and on various topologies giving the same behavior regardless of dynamic or topology used here.

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اقرأ أيضاً

157 - F.W.S. Lima 2009
Within the context of agent-based Monte-Carlo simulations, we study the well-known majority-vote model (MVM) with noise applied to tax evasion on simple square lattices, Voronoi-Delaunay random lattices, Barabasi-Albert networks, and Erdos-Renyi rand om graphs. In the order to analyse and to control the fluctuations for tax evasion in the economics model proposed by Zaklan, MVM is applied in the neighborhod of the noise critical $q_{c}$. The Zaklan model had been studied recently using the equilibrium Ising model. Here we show that the Zaklan model is robust and can be reproduced also through the nonequilibrium MVM on various topologies.
288 - F. W. S. Lima 2013
We study a nonequilibrium model with up-down symmetry and a noise parameter $q$ known as majority-vote model of M.J. Oliveira $1992$ on opinion-dependent network or Stauffer-Hohnisch-Pittnauer networks. By Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scal ing relations the critical exponents $beta/ u$, $gamma/ u$, and $1/ u$ and points $q_{c}$ and $U^*$ are obtained. After extensive simulations, we obtain $beta/ u=0.230(3)$, $gamma/ u=0.535(2)$, and $1/ u=0.475(8)$. The calculated values of the critical noise parameter and Binder cumulant are $q_{c}=0.166(3)$ and $U^*=0.288(3)$. Within the error bars, the exponents obey the relation $2beta/ u+gamma/ u=1$ and the results presented here demonstrate that the majority-vote model belongs to a different universality class than the equilibrium Ising model on Stauffer-Hohnisch-Pittnauer networks, but to the same class as majority-vote models on some other networks.
390 - Liubov Tupikina 2017
Here we developed a new conceptual, stochastic Heterogeneous Opinion-Status model (HOpS model), which is adaptive network model. The HOpS model admits to identify the main attributes of dynamics on networks and to study analytically the relation betw een topological network properties and processes taking place on a network. Another key point of the HOpS model is the possibility to study network dynamics via the novel parameter of heterogeneity. We show that not only clear topological network properties, such as node degree, but also, the nodes status distribution (the factor of network heterogeneity) play an important role in so-called opinion spreading and information diffusion on a network. This model can be potentially used for studying the co-evolution of globally aggregated or averaged key observables of the earth system. These include natural variables such as atmospheric, oceanic and land carbon stocks, as well as socio-economic quantities such as global human population, economic production or wellbeing.
We develop a model of tax evasion based on the Ising model. We augment the model using an appropriate enforcement mechanism that may allow policy makers to curb tax evasion. With a certain probability tax evaders are subject to an audit. If they get caught they behave honestly for a certain number of periods. Simulating the model for a range of parameter combinations, we show that tax evasion may be controlled effectively by using punishment as an enforcement mechanism.
In this work, we investigate a heterogeneous population in the modified Hegselmann-Krause opinion model on complex networks. We introduce the Shannon information entropy about all relative opinion clusters to characterize the cluster profile in the f inal configuration. Independent of network structures, there exists the optimal stubbornness of one subpopulation for the largest number of clusters and the highest entropy. Besides, there is the optimal bounded confidence (or subpopulation ratio) of one subpopulation for the smallest number of clusters and the lowest entropy. However, network structures affect cluster profiles indeed. A large average degree favors consensus for making different networks more similar with complete graphs. The network size has limited impact on cluster profiles of heterogeneous populations on scale-free networks but has significant effects upon those on small-world networks.
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