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Non-Markovian dynamics and noise characteristics in continuous measurement of a solid-state charge qubit

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 نشر من قبل JunYan Luo
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the non-Markovian characteristics in continuous measurement of a charge qubit by a quantum point contact. The backflow of information from the reservoir to the system in the non-Markovian domain gives rise to strikingly different qubit relaxation and dephasing in comparison with the Markovian case. The intriguing non-Markovian dynamics is found to have a direct impact on the output noise feature of the detector. Unambiguously, we observe that the non-Markovian memory effect results in an enhancement of the signal-to-noise ratio, which can even exceed the upper limit of ``4, leading thus to the violation of the Korotkov-Averin bound in quantum measurement. Our study thus may open new possibilities to improve detectors measurement efficiency in a direct and transparent way.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We analyze the dynamics of a continuously observed, damped, microwave driven solid state charge qubit. The qubit consists of a single electron in a double well potential, coupled to an oscillating electric field, and which is continuously observed by a nearby point contact electrometer. The microwave field induces transitions between the qubit eigenstates, which have a profound effect on the detector output current. We show that useful information about the qubit dynamics, such as dephasing and relaxation rates, and the Rabi frequency, can be extracted from the DC detector conductance and the detector output noise power spectrum. We also demonstrate that these phenomena can be used for single shot electron emph{spin} readout, for spin based quantum information processing.
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We present measurements of the Berry Phase in a single solid-state spin qubit associated with the nitrogen-vacancy center in diamond. Our results demonstrate the remarkable degree of coherent control achievable in the presence of a highly complex sol id-state environment. We manipulate the spin qubit geometrically by careful application of microwave radiation that creates an effective rotating magnetic field, and observe the resulting phase via spin-echo interferometry. We find good agreement with Berrys predictions within experimental errors. We also investigated the role of the environment on the geometric phase, and observed that unlike other solid-state qubit systems, the dephasing was primarily dominated by fast radial fluctuations in the path.
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The study of open quantum systems is important for fundamental issues of quantum physics as well as for technological applications such as quantum information processing. The interaction of a quantum system with its environment is usually detrimental for the quantum properties of the system and leads to decoherence. However, sometimes a coherent partial exchange of information takes place between the system and the environment and the dynamics of the open system becomes non-Markovian. In this article we study discrete open quantum system dynamics where single evolution step consist of local unitary transformation on the open system followed by a coupling unitary between the system and the environment. We implement experimentally a local control protocol for controlling the transition from Markovian to non-Markovian dynamics.
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