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Structural Responses of Quasi-2D Colloid Fluids to Excitations Elicited by Nonequilibrium Perturbations

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 نشر من قبل Aaron Dinner
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We investigate the response of a dense monodisperse quasi-two-dimensional (q2D) colloid suspension when a particle is dragged by a constant velocity optical trap. Consistent with microrheological studies of other geometries, the perturbation induces a leading density wave and trailing wake, and we use Stokesian Dynamics (SD) simulations to parse direct colloid-colloid and hydrodynamic interactions. We go on to analyze the underlying individual particle-particle collisions in the experimental images. The displacements of particles form chains reminiscent of stress propagation in sheared granular materials. From these data, we can reconstruct steady-state dipolar flow patterns that were predicted for dilute suspensions and previously observed in granular analogs to our system. The decay of this field differs, however, from point Stokeslet calculations, indicating that the finite size of the colloids is important. Moreover, there is a pronounced angular dependence that corresponds to the surrounding colloid structure, which evolves in response to the perturbation. Put together, our results show that the response of the complex fluid is highly anisotropic owing to the fact that the effects of the perturbation propagate through the structured medium via chains of colloid-colloid collisions.

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اقرأ أيضاً

Janus colloids propelled by light, e.g., thermophoretic particles, offer promising prospects as artificial microswimmers. However, their swimming behavior and its dependence on fluid properties and fluid-colloid interactions remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the behavior of a thermophoretic Janus colloid in its own temperature gradient using numerical simulations. The dissipative particle dynamics method with energy conservation is used to investigate the behavior in non-ideal and ideal-gas like fluids for different fluid-colloid interactions, boundary conditions, and temperature-controlling strategies. The fluid-colloid interactions appear to have a strong effect on the colloid behavior, since they directly affect heat exchange between the colloid surface and the fluid. The simulation results show that a reduction of the heat exchange at the fluid-colloid interface leads to an enhancement of colloids thermophoretic mobility. The colloid behavior is found to be different in non-ideal and ideal fluids, suggesting that fluid compressibility plays a significant role. The flow field around the colloid surface is found to be dominated by a source-dipole, in agreement with the recent theoretical and simulation predictions. Finally, different temperature-control strategies do not appear to have a strong effect on the colloids swimming velocity.
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We report the results of experimental studies of the short time-long wavelength behavior of collective particle displacements in quasi-one-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional colloid suspensions. Our results are represented by the behavior of the h ydrodynamic function H(q) that relates the effective collective diffusion coefficient, D_e(q) with the static structure factor S(q) and the self-diffusion coefficient of isolated particles D_0: H(q)=D_e(q)S(q)/D_0. We find an apparent divergence of H(q) as q->0 with the form H(q) proportional to q^-gamma, 1.7<gamma<1.9, for both q1D and q2D colloid suspensions. Given that S(q) does not diverge as q=>0 we infer that D_e(q) does. We provide evidence that this divergence arises from the interplay of boundary conditions on the flow of the carrier liquid and many-body hydrodynamic interactions between colloid particles that affect the long wavelength behavior of the particle collective diffusion coefficient in the suspension. We speculate that in the q1D and q2D systems studied the divergence of H(q) might be associated with a q-dependent partial slip boundary condition, specifically an effective slip length that increases with decreasing q. We also verify, using data from the work of Lin, Rice and Weitz (J. Chem. Phys. 99, 9585 (1993)), the prediction by Bleibel et al (arXiv:1305.3715), that D_e(q) for a monolayer of colloid particles constrained to lie in the interface between two fluids diverges as 1/q as q->0. The verification of that prediction, which is based on an analysis that allows two-dimensional colloid motion embedded in three-dimensional suspending fluid motion, supports the contention that the boundary conditions that define a q2D system play a very important role in determining the long wavelength behavior of the collective diffusion coefficient.
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