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Shock Propagation in Granular Flow Subjected to an External Impact

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 نشر من قبل Sudhir N Pathak
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We analyze a recent experiment [Phys. Rev. Lett., {bf103}, 224501 (2009)] in which the shock, created by the impact of a steel ball on a flowing monolayer of glass beads, is quantitatively studied. We argue that radial momentum is conserved in the process, and hence show that in two dimensions the shock radius increases in time $t$ as a power law $t^{1/3}$. This is confirmed in event driven simulations of an inelastic hard sphere system. The experimental data are compared with the theoretical prediction, and is shown to compare well at intermediate times. At late times, the experimental data exhibit a crossover to a different scaling behavior. We attribute this to the problem becoming effectively three dimensional due to accumulation of particles at the shock front, and propose a simple hard sphere model which incorporates this effect. Simulations of this model capture the crossover seen in the experimental data.

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اقرأ أيضاً

A two-dimensional granular packing under horizontally circular shaking exhibits various collective motion modes depending on the strength of the oscillation and the global packing density. For intermediate packing density and oscillation amplitude, a high density phase travels along the containers side wall in clockwise direction, while the oscillation itself is anti-clockwise. Further increasing packing density towards the hexagonal packing, the whole packing rotates collectively in clockwise direction. The core of the packing rotates as a solid and is separated from the boundary by a fluid-like layer. Both motion modes are associated with the asymmetric motion of particles close to the side wall.
153 - Nathan Krapf 2012
We investigate how forces spread through frictionless granular packs at the jamming transition. Previous work has indicated that such packs are isostatic, and thus obey a null stress law which, independent of the packing history, causes rays of stres s to propagate away from a point force at oblique angles. Prior verifications of the null stress law have used a sequential packing method which yields packs with anisotropic packing histories. We create packs without this anisotropy, and then later break the symmetry by adding a boundary. Our isotropic packs are very sensitive, and their responses to point forces diverge wildly, indicating that they cannot be described by any continuum stress model. We stabilize the packs by supplying an additional boundary, which makes the response much more regular. The response of the stabilized packs resembles what one would expect in a hyperstatic pack, despite the isostatic bulk. The expected stress rays characteristic of null stress behavior are not present. This suggests that isostatic packs do not need to obey a null stress condition. We argue that the rays may arise instead from more simple geometric considerations, such as preferred contact angles between beads.
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Large-scale three dimensional molecular dynamics simulations of hopper flow are presented. The flow rate of the system is controlled by the width of the aperture at the bottom. As the steady-state flow rate is reduced, the force distribution $P(f)$ c hanges only slightly, while there is a large change in the impulse distribution $P(i)$. In both cases, the distributions show an increase in small forces or impulses as the systems approach jamming, the opposite of that seen in previous Lennard-Jones simulations. This occurs dynamically as well for a hopper that transitions from a flowing to a jammed state over time. The final jammed $P(f)$ is quite distinct from a poured packing $P(f)$ in the same geometry. The change in $P(i)$ is a much stronger indicator of the approach to jamming. The formation of a peak or plateau in $P(f)$ at the average force is not a general feature of the approach to jamming.
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