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Physics and Complexity: a brief spin glass perspective

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 نشر من قبل David Sherrington
 تاريخ النشر 2012
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف David Sherrington

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Complex macroscopic behaviour can arise in many-body systems with only very simple elements as a consequence of the combination of competition and inhomogeneity. This paper attempts to illustrate how statistical physics has driven this recognition, has contributed new insights and methodologies of wide application influencing many fields of science, and has been stimulated in return.

قيم البحث

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Typical properties of computing circuits composed of noisy logical gates are studied using the statistical physics methodology. A growth model that gives rise to typical random Boolean functions is mapped onto a layered Ising spin system, which facil itates the study of their ability to represent arbitrary formulae with a given level of error, the tolerable level of gate-noise, and its dependence on the formulae depth and complexity, the gates used and properties of the function inputs. Bounds on their performance, derived in the information theory literature via specific gates, are straightforwardly retrieved, generalized and identified as the corresponding typical-case phase transitions. The framework is employed for deriving results on error-rates, function-depth and sensitivity, and their dependence on the gate-type and noise model used that are difficult to obtain via the traditional methods used in this field.
Spin glasses are a longstanding model for the sluggish dynamics that appears at the glass transition. However, spin glasses differ from structural glasses for a crucial feature: they enjoy a time reversal symmetry. This symmetry can be broken by appl ying an external magnetic field, but embarrassingly little is known about the critical behaviour of a spin glass in a field. In this context, the space dimension is crucial. Simulations are easier to interpret in a large number of dimensions, but one must work below the upper critical dimension (i.e., in d<6) in order for results to have relevance for experiments. Here we show conclusive evidence for the presence of a phase transition in a four-dimensional spin glass in a field. Two ingredients were crucial for this achievement: massive numerical simulations were carried out on the Janus special-purpose computer, and a new and powerful finite-size scaling method.
Spin glasses and many-body localization (MBL) are prime examples of ergodicity breaking, yet their physical origin is quite different: the former phase arises due to rugged classical energy landscape, while the latter is a quantum-interference effect . Here we study quantum dynamics of an isolated 1d spin-glass under application of a transverse field. At high energy densities, the system is ergodic, relaxing via resonance avalanche mechanism, that is also responsible for the destruction of MBL in non-glassy systems with power-law interactions. At low energy densities, the interaction-induced fields obtain a power-law soft gap, making the resonance avalanche mechanism inefficient. This leads to the persistence of the spin-glass order, as demonstrated by resonance analysis and by numerical studies. A small fraction of resonant spins forms a thermalizing system with long-range entanglement, making this regime distinct from the conventional MBL. The model considered can be realized in systems of trapped ions, opening the door to investigating slow quantum dynamics induced by glassiness.
We study spin glass behavior in a random Ising Coulomb antiferromagnet in two and three dimensions using Monte Carlo simulations. In two dimensions, we find a transition at zero temperature with critical exponents consistent with those of the Edwards Anderson model, though with large uncertainties. In three dimensions, evidence for a finite-temperature transition, as occurs in the Edwards-Anderson model, is rather weak. This may indicate that the sizes are too small to probe the asymptotic critical behavior, or possibly that the universality class is different from that of the Edwards-Anderson model and has a lower critical dimension equal to three.
We present a simple strategy in order to show the existence and uniqueness of the infinite volume limit of thermodynamic quantities, for a large class of mean field disordered models, as for example the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model, and the Derrida p-spin model. The main argument is based on a smooth interpolation between a large system, made of N spin sites, and two similar but independent subsystems, made of N_1 and N_2 sites, respectively, with N_1+N_2=N. The quenched average of the free energy turns out to be subadditive with respect to the size of the system. This gives immediately convergence of the free energy per site, in the infinite volume limit. Moreover, a simple argument, based on concentration of measure, gives the almost sure convergence, with respect to the external noise. Similar results hold also for the ground state energy per site.
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