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Aspects of Plane Wave (Matrix) String Dynamics

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 نشر من قبل Matthias Blau
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We analyse two issues that arise in the context of (matrix) string theories in plane wave backgrounds, namely (1) the use of Brinkmann- versus Rosen-variables in the quantum theory for general plane waves (which we settle conclusively in favour of Brinkmann variables), and (2) the regularisation of the quantum dynamics for a certain class of singular plane waves (discussing the benefits and limitations of regularisations of the plane-wave metric itself).

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

91 - G. Papadopoulos 2020
We present a systematic construction of the Penrose coordinates and plane wave limits of spacetimes for which both the null Hamilton-Jacobi and geodesic equations separate. The method is illustrated for the Kerr-NUT-(A)dS four-dimensional black holes . The plane wave limits of the near horizon geometry of the extreme Kerr black hole are also explored. All near horizon geometries of extreme black holes with a Killing horizon admit Minkowski spacetime as a plane wave limit.
Twisted quantum field theories on the Groenewold-Moyal plane are known to be non-local. Despite this non-locality, it is possible to define a generalized notion of causality. We show that interacting quantum field theories that involve only couplings between matter fields, or between matter fields and minimally coupled U(1) gauge fields are causal in this sense. On the other hand, interactions between matter fields and non-abelian gauge fields violate this generalized causality. We derive the modified Feynman rules emergent from these features. They imply that interactions of matter with non-abelian gauge fields are not Lorentz- and CPT-invariant.
Recently Sekino and Yoneya proposed a way to regularize the world volume theory of membranes wrapped around $S^1$ by matrices and showed that one obtains matrix string theory as a regularization of such a theory. We show that this correspondence betw een matrix string theory and wrapped membranes can be obtained by using the usual M(atrix) theory techniques. Using this correspondence, we construct the super-Poincare generators of matrix string theory at the leading order in the perturbation theory. It is shown that these generators satisfy 10 dimensional super-Poincare algebra without any anomaly.
Double Field Theory provides a geometric framework capable of describing string theory backgrounds that cannot be understood purely in terms of Riemannian geometry -- not only globally (`non-geometry), but even locally (`non-Riemannian). In this work , we show that the non-relativistic closed string theory of Gomis and Ooguri [1] arises precisely as such a non-Riemannian string background, and that the Gomis-Ooguri sigma model is equivalent to the Double Field Theory sigma model of [2] on this background. We further show that the target-space formulation of Double Field Theory on this non-Riemannian background correctly reproduces the appropriate sector of the Gomis-Ooguri string spectrum. To do this, we develop a general semi-covariant formalism describing perturbations in Double Field Theory. We derive compact expressions for the linearized equations of motion around a generic on-shell background, and construct the corresponding fluctuation Lagrangian in terms of novel completely covariant second order differential operators. We also present a new non-Riemannian solution featuring Schrodinger conformal symmetry.
The behaviour of matrix string theory in the background of a type IIA pp wave at small string coupling, g_s << 1, is determined by the combination M g_s where M is a dimensionless parameter proportional to the strength of the Ramond-Ramond background . For M g_s << 1, the matrix string theory is conventional; only the degrees of freedom in the Cartan subalgebra contribute, and the theory reduces to copies of the perturbative string. For M g_s >> 1, the theory admits degenerate vacua representing fundamental strings blown up into fuzzy spheres with nonzero lightcone momenta. We determine the spectrum of small fluctuations around these vacua. Around such a vacuum all N-squared degrees of freedom are excited with comparable energies. The spectrum of masses has a spacing which is independent of the radius of the fuzzy sphere, in agreement with expected behaviour of continuum giant gravitons. Furthermore, for fuzzy spheres characterized by reducible representations of SU(2) and vanishing Wilson lines, the boundary conditions on the field are characterized by a set of continuous angles which shows that generically the blown up strings do not ``close.
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