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On the Interplay between Social and Topical Structure

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 نشر من قبل Daniel Romero
 تاريخ النشر 2011
والبحث باللغة English

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Peoples interests and peoples social relationships are intuitively connected, but understanding their interplay and whether they can help predict each other has remained an open question. We examine the interface of two decisive structures forming the backbone of online social media: the graph structure of social networks - who connects with whom - and the set structure of topical affiliations - who is interested in what. In studying this interface, we identify key relationships whereby each of these structures can be understood in terms of the other. The context for our analysis is Twitter, a complex social network of both follower relationships and communication relationships. On Twitter, hashtags are used to label conversation topics, and we examine hashtag usage alongside these social structures. We find that the hashtags that users adopt can predict their social relationships, and also that the social relationships between the initial adopters of a hashtag can predict the future popularity of that hashtag. By studying weighted social relationships, we observe that while strong reciprocated ties are the easiest to predict from hashtag structure, they are also much less useful than weak directed ties for predicting hashtag popularity. Importantly, we show that computationally simple structural determinants can provide remarkable performance in both tasks. While our analyses focus on Twitter, we view our findings as broadly applicable to topical affiliations and social relationships in a host of diverse contexts, including the movies people watch, the brands people like, or the locations people frequent.

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A number of recent studies of information diffusion in social media, both empirical and theoretical, have been inspired by viral propagation models derived from epidemiology. These studies model the propagation of memes, i.e., pieces of information, between users in a social network similarly to the way diseases spread in human society. Importantly, one would expect a meme to spread in a social network amongst the people who are interested in the topic of that meme. Yet, the importance of topicality for information diffusion has been less explored in the literature. Here, we study empirical data about two different types of memes (hashtags and URLs) spreading through the Twitters online social network. For every meme, we infer its topics and for every user, we infer her topical interests. To analyze the impact of such topics on the propagation of memes, we introduce a novel theoretical framework of information diffusion. Our analysis identifies two distinct mechanisms, namely topical and non-topical, of information diffusion. The non-topical information diffusion resembles disease spreading as in simple contagion. In contrast, the topical information diffusion happens between users who are topically aligned with the information and has characteristics of complex contagion. Non-topical memes spread broadly among all users and end up being relatively popular. Topical memes spread narrowly among users who have interests topically aligned with them and are diffused more readily after multiple exposures. Our results show that the topicality of memes and users interests are essential for understanding and predicting information diffusion.
253 - Wei Chen , Shang-Hua Teng 2016
We study network centrality based on dynamic influence propagation models in social networks. To illustrate our integrated mathematical-algorithmic approach for understanding the fundamental interplay between dynamic influence processes and static ne twork structures, we focus on two basic centrality measures: (a) Single Node Influence (SNI) centrality, which measures each nodes significance by its influence spread; and (b) Shapley Centrality, which uses the Shapley value of the influence spread function --- formulated based on a fundamental cooperative-game-theoretical concept --- to measure the significance of nodes. We present a comprehensive comparative study of these two centrality measures. Mathematically, we present axiomatic characterizations, which precisely capture the essence of these two centrality measures and their fundamental differences. Algorithmically, we provide scalable algorithms for approximating them for a large family of social-influence instances. Empirically, we demonstrate their similarity and differences in a number of real-world social networks, as well as the efficiency of our scalable algorithms. Our results shed light on their applicability: SNI centrality is suitable for assessing individual influence in isolation while Shapley centrality assesses individuals performance in group influence settings.
Social groups play a crucial role in social media platforms because they form the basis for user participation and engagement. Groups are created explicitly by members of the community, but also form organically as members interact. Due to their impo rtance, they have been studied widely (e.g., community detection, evolution, activity, etc.). One of the key questions for understanding how such groups evolve is whether there are different types of groups and how they differ. In Sociology, theories have been proposed to help explain how such groups form. In particular, the common identity and common bond theory states that people join groups based on identity (i.e., interest in the topics discussed) or bond attachment (i.e., social relationships). The theory has been applied qualitatively to small groups to classify them as either topical or social. We use the identity and bond theory to define a set of features to classify groups into those two categories. Using a dataset from Flickr, we extract user-defined groups and automatically-detected groups, obtained from a community detection algorithm. We discuss the process of manual labeling of groups into social or topical and present results of predicting the group label based on the defined features. We directly validate the predictions of the theory showing that the metrics are able to forecast the group type with high accuracy. In addition, we present a comparison between declared and detected groups along topicality and sociality dimensions.
We study a model of information aggregation and social learning recently proposed by Jadbabaie, Sandroni, and Tahbaz-Salehi, in which individual agents try to learn a correct state of the world by iteratively updating their beliefs using private obse rvations and beliefs of their neighbors. No individual agents private signal might be informative enough to reveal the unknown state. As a result, agents share their beliefs with others in their social neighborhood to learn from each other. At every time step each agent receives a private signal, and computes a Bayesian posterior as an intermediate belief. The intermediate belief is then averaged with the belief of neighbors to form the individuals belief at next time step. We find a set of minimal sufficient conditions under which the agents will learn the unknown state and reach consensus on their beliefs without any assumption on the private signal structure. The key enabler is a result that shows that using this update, agents will eventually forecast the indefinite future correctly.
Finding influential users in online social networks is an important problem with many possible useful applications. HITS and other link analysis methods, in particular, have been often used to identify hub and authority users in web graphs and online social networks. These works, however, have not considered topical aspect of links in their analysis. A straightforward approach to overcome this limitation is to first apply topic models to learn the user topics before applying the HITS algorithm. In this paper, we instead propose a novel topic model known as Hub and Authority Topic (HAT) model to combine the two process so as to jointly learn the hub, authority and topical interests. We evaluate HAT against several existing state-of-the-art methods in two aspects: (i) modeling of topics, and (ii) link recommendation. We conduct experiments on two real-world datasets from Twitter and Instagram. Our experiment results show that HAT is comparable to state-of-the-art topic models in learning topics and it outperforms the state-of-the-art in link recommendation task.
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