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New Insights on the z-alpha Correlation from Complete Radio Samples

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 نشر من قبل Louise Ker
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف L. M. Ker

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The existence of a correlation between observed radio spectral index (alpha) and redshift (z) has long been used as a method for locating high-z radio galaxies. We use 9 highly spectroscopically complete radio samples, selected at different frequencies and flux limits, to determine the efficiency of this method, and compare consistently observed correlations between alpha, luminosity, linear size, and redshift. We observe a weak correlation between z and alpha which remains even when Malmquist bias is removed. The strength of this correlation depends on both the k-correction and sample selection frequency, in addition to the frequency at which alpha is measured, and consistent results for both high and low frequency selected samples are only seen if analysis is restricted to just extended radio galaxies. Many of the highest redshift radio galaxies are very compact and often display a negatively curved or peaked spectrum, and therefore the low-frequency radio spectrum as a whole should be studied; this is something for which the LOFAR will be crucial. We quantify both the efficiency and the completeness of various techniques used to select high-z radio galaxies. A steep-spectrum cut applied to low-frequency selected samples can more than double the fraction of high-z sources, but at a cost of excluding over half of the high-z sources present in the original sample. An angular size cut is an almost as equally effective method as a steep-spectrum cut, and works for both high and low frequency selected samples. In multi-wavelength data, selection first of infrared-faint radio sources remains by far the most efficient method of selecting high-z sources. We present a simple method for selecting high-z radio galaxies, based purely on combining their radio properties of alpha and angular size, with the addition of the K-band magnitude if available.[abridged]

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We have observed a new, complete, cooling-core sample with the VLA, in order to understand how the massive black hole in the central galaxy interacts with the local cluster plasma. We find that every cooling core is currently being energized by an ac tive radio jet, which has probably been destabilized by its interaction with the cooling core. We argue that current models of cooling-core radio galaxies need to be improved before they can be used to determine the rate at which the jet is heating the cooling core. We also argue that the extended radio haloes we see in many cooling-core clusters need extended, in situ re-energization, which cannot be supplied solely by the central galaxy.
131 - F. Tombesi 2011
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We present NICMOS J110 (rest-frame 1200-2100 A) observations of the three z=5.7 Lyman Alpha emitters discovered in the blind multislit spectroscopic survey by Martin et al. (2008). These images confirm the presence of the two sources which were previ ously only seen in spectroscopic observations. The third source, which is undetected in our J110 observations has been detected in narrowband imaging of the Cosmic Origins Survey (COSMOS), so our nondetection implies a rest frame equivalent width >146 Angstroms (3 sigma). The two J110-- detected sources have more modest rest frame equivalent widths of 30-40 Angstroms, but all three are typical of high-redshift LAEs. In addition, the J110- detected sources have UV luminosities that are within a factor of two of L*_{UV}, and sizes that appear compact (r_{hl} ~ 0.15) in our NIC2 images -- consistent with a redshift of 5.7. We use these UV-continuum and Lyman Alpha measurements to estimate the i-z colors of these galaxies, and show that at least one, and possibly all three would be missed by the i-dropout LBG selection. These observations help demonstrate the utility of multislit narrowband spectroscopy as a technique for finding faint emission line galaxies.
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