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The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. I. Overview and Atlas of Optical Images

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 نشر من قبل Luis Ho
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Luis C. Ho

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The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey (CGS) is a long-term program to investigate the photometric and spectroscopic properties of a statistically complete sample of 605 bright (B_T < 12.9 mag), southern (Dec. < 0) galaxies using the facilities at Las Campanas Observatory. This paper, the first in a series, outlines the scientific motivation of CGS, defines the sample, and describes the technical aspects of the optical broadband (BVRI) imaging component of the survey, including details of the observing program, data reduction procedures, and calibration strategy. The overall quality of the images is quite high, in terms of resolution (median seeing 1), field of view (8.9 X 8.9), and depth (median limiting surface brightness 27.5, 26.9, 26.4, and 25.3 mag/arcsec2 in the B, V, R, and I bands, respectively). We prepare a digital image atlas showing several different renditions of the data, including three-color composites, star-cleaned images, stacked images to enhance faint features, structure maps to highlight small-scale features, and color index maps suitable for studying the spatial variation of stellar content and dust. In anticipation of upcoming science analyses, we tabulate an extensive set of global properties for the galaxy sample. These include optical isophotal and photometric parameters derived from CGS itself, as well as published information on multiwavelength (ultraviolet, U-band, near-infrared, far-infrared) photometry, internal kinematics (central stellar velocity dispersions, disk rotational velocities), environment (distance to nearest neighbor, tidal parameter, group or cluster membership), and H I content. The digital images and science-level data products will be made publicly accessible to the community.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

473 - Zhao-Yu Li 2011
The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey (CGS) is a comprehensive investigation of the physical properties of a complete, representative sample of 605 bright (B_T <= 12.9 mag) galaxies in the southern hemisphere. This contribution describes the isophotal an alysis of the broadband (BVRI) optical imaging component of the project. We pay close attention to sky subtraction, which is particularly challenging for some of the large galaxies in our sample. Extensive crosschecks with internal and external data confirm that our calibration and sky subtraction techniques are robust with respect to the quoted measurement uncertainties. We present a uniform catalog of one-dimensional radial profiles of surface brightness and geometric parameters, as well as integrated colors and color gradients. Composite profiles highlight the tremendous diversity of brightness distributions found in disk galaxies and their dependence on Hubble type. A significant fraction of S0 and spiral galaxies exhibit non-exponential profiles in their outer regions. We perform Fourier decomposition of the isophotes to quantify non-axisymmetric deviations in the light distribution. We use the geometric parameters, in conjunction with the amplitude and phase of the m=2 Fourier mode, to identify bars and quantify their size and strength. Spiral arm strengths are characterized using the m=2 Fourier profiles and structure maps. Finally, we utilize the information encoded in the m=1 Fourier profiles to measure disk lopsidedness. The databases assembled here and in Paper I lay the foundation for forthcoming scientific applications of CGS.
242 - Song Huang 2012
Motivated by recent developments in our understanding of the formation and evolution of massive galaxies, we explore the detailed photometric structure of a representative sample of 94 bright, nearby elliptical galaxies, using high-quality optical im ages from the Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey. The sample spans a range of environments and stellar masses, from M* = 10^{10.2} to 10^{12.0} solar mass. We exploit the unique capabilities of two-dimensional image decomposition to explore the possibility that local elliptical galaxies may contain photometrically distinct substructure that can shed light on their evolutionary history. Compared with the traditional one-dimensional approach, these two-dimensional models are capable of consistently recovering the surface brightness distribution and the systematic radial variation of geometric information at the same time. Contrary to conventional perception, we find that the global light distribution of the majority (>75%) of elliptical galaxies is not well described by a single Sersic function. Instead, we propose that local elliptical galaxies generically contain three subcomponents: a compact (R_e < 1 kpc) inner component with luminosity fraction f ~ 0.1-0.15; an intermediate-scale (R_e ~ 2.5 kpc) middle component with f ~ 0.2-0.25; and a dominant (f = 0.6), extended (R_e ~ 10 kpc) outer envelope. All subcomponents have average Sersic indices n ~ 1-2, significantly lower than the values typically obtained from single-component fits. The individual subcomponents follow well-defined photometric scaling relations and the stellar mass-size relation. We discuss the physical nature of the substructures and their implications for the formation of massive elliptical galaxies.
The Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey provides high-quality broad-band optical images of a large sample of nearby galaxies for detailed study of their structure. To probe the physical nature and possible cosmological evolution of spiral arms, a common fe ature of many disk galaxies, it is important to quantify their main characteristics. We describe robust methods to measure the number of arms, their mean strength, length, and pitch angle. The arm strength depends only weakly on the adopted radii over which it is measured, and it is stronger in bluer bands than redder bands. The vast majority of clearly two-armed (grand-design) spiral galaxies have systematically higher relative amplitude of the $m=2$ Fourier mode in the main spiral region. We use both one-dimensional and two-dimensional Fourier decomposition to measure the pitch angle, finding reasonable agreement between these two techniques with a scatter of $sim$2$deg$. To understand the applicability and limitations of our methodology to imaging surveys of local and distant galaxies, we create mock images with properties resembling observations of local ($z$ $lesssim$ 0.1) galaxies by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and distant galaxies (0.1 $lesssim$ $z$ $lesssim$ 1.1) observed with the $Hubble$ $Space$ $Telescope$. These simulations lay the foundation for forthcoming quantitative statistical studies of spiral structure to understand its formation mechanism, dependence on galaxy properties, and cosmological evolution.
205 - Daniel D. Kelson 2014
We describe the Carnegie-Spitzer-IMACS (CSI) Survey, a wide-field, near-IR selected spectrophotometric redshift survey with IMACS on Magellan-Baade. CSI uses a flux-limited sample of galaxies in Spitzer IRAC 3.6micron imaging of SWIRE fields to effic iently trace the stellar mass of average galaxies to z~1.5. This paper provides an overview of the survey selection, observations, and processing of the photometry and spectrophotometry. We also describe the analysis of the data: new methods of fitting synthetic SEDs are used to derive redshifts, stellar masses, emission line luminosities, and coarse information on recent star-formation. Our unique methodology for analyzing low-dispersion spectra taken with multilayer prisms in IMACS, combined with panchromatic photometry from the ultraviolet to the IR, has yielded high quality redshifts for 43,347 galaxies in our first 5.3 sq. degs of the SWIRE XMM-LSS field. A new approach to assessing data quality is also described, and three different approaches are used to estimate our redshift errors, with robust agreement. Over the full range of 3.6micron fluxes of our selection, we find typical redshift uncertainties of sigma_z/(1+z) < 0.015. In comparisons with previously published spectroscopic redshifts we find scatters of sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.011 for galaxies at 0.7< z< 0.9, and sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.014 for galaxies at 0.9< z< 1.2. For galaxies brighter and fainter than i=23 mag, we find sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.008 and sigma_z/(1+z) = 0.022, respectively. Notably, our low-dispersion spectroscopy and analysis yields comparable redshift uncertainties and success rates for both red and blue galaxies, largely eliminating color-based systematics that can seriously bias observed dependencies of galaxy evolution on environment.
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