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Determination of the physical characteristics of the variable stars in the direction of the open cluster NGC 6811 through $uvbybeta$ photoelectric photometry

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 نشر من قبل Lester Fox Machado Dr
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The study of open clusters and their short period variable stars is fundamental in stellar evolution. Because the cluster members are formed in almost the same physical conditions, they share similar stellar properties such age and chemical composition. The assumption of common age, metallicity and distance impose strong constraints when modeling an ensemble of short period pulsators belonging to open clusters (e.g. Fox Machado et al., 2006). Very recently, Luo et al. (2009) carried out a search for variable stars in the direction of NGC 6811 with CCD photometry in B and V bands. They detected a total of sixteen variable stars. Among these variables, twelve were catalogued as $delta$ {it Scuti} stars, while no variability type was assigned to the remaining stars. In this paper we present $uvbybeta$ photoelectric photometry for the variable stars in the direction of NGC 6811.

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From $uvby-beta$ photometry of the open clusters NGC 6811 (75 stars), and NGC 6830 (19 stars) we were able to determine membership of the stars to each cluster, and fix the age and reddening for each. Since several short period stars have recently be en found, we have carried out a study of these variables.
The NASA space telescope Kepler has provided unprecedented time-series observations which have revolutionised the field of asteroseismology, i.e. the use of stellar oscillations to probe the interior of stars. The Kepler-data include observations of stars in open clusters, which are particularly interesting for asteroseismology. One of the clusters observed with Kepler is NGC 6811, which is the target of the present paper. However, apart from high-precision time-series observations, sounding the interiors of stars in open clusters by means of asteroseismology also requires accurate and precise atmospheric parameters as well as cluster membership indicators for the individual stars. We use medium-resolution (R~25,000) spectroscopic observations, and three independent analysis methods, to derive effective temperatures, surface gravities, metallicities, projected rotational velocities and radial velocities, for 15 stars in the field of the open cluster NGC 6811. We discover two double-lined and three single-lined spectroscopic binaries. Eight stars are classified as either certain or very probable cluster members, and three stars are classified as non-members. For four stars, cluster membership could not been assessed. Five of the observed stars are G-type giants which are located in the colour-magnitude diagram in the region of the red clump of the cluster. Two of these stars are surely identified as red clump stars for the first time. For those five stars, we provide chemical abundances of 31 elements. The mean radial-velocity of NGC 6811 is found to be +6.68$pm$0.08 km s$^{-1}$ and the mean metallicity and overall abundance pattern are shown to be very close to solar with an exception of Ba which we find to be overabundant.
We present results of a search for variable stars in the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 7044. We found 23 variable stars in the observed field. One star turned out to be of the delta Sct type with two pulsational modes excited. From the position i n the color-magnitude diagram we conclude that this star is a member of the cluster. Moreover, we found 13 eclipsing systems, of which five are W UMa stars, one is a beta Lyr variable, six are beta Per binaries showing detached configuration, and the last one is another probable beta Per system. Using the period-luminosity-color relation for W UMa stars we established the membership of the contact binaries, finding four of them to be very probable cluster members. We estimated from these four stars an apparent distance modulus (m-M)_V of NGC 7044 to be 14.2 +/- 0.4 mag, which is smaller than previous determinations of this parameter. We were able to derive orbital period for only four beta Per systems. For the remaining ones we observed only two or three eclipses. Finally, nine stars we found to show irregular light changes. Most of them are red stars not belonging to the cluster. For the cluster core we determined a reddening map, which allowed us to construct a dereddened color-magnitude diagram of NGC 7044 with a narrow main-sequence. By fitting a theoretical isochrone to this diagram we derived E(V-I_C) = 0.92 mag, (m-M)_V = 14.45 mag and log(age/yr) = 9.2.
263 - Yangping Luo 2014
We report the results of a search for variable stars in the open cluster NGC 2141. Ten variable stars are detected, among which nine are new variable stars and they are classified as three short period W UMa type eclipsing binaries, two EA type eclip sing binaries, one EB type eclipsing binary, one very short period RS CVn type eclipsing binary, one d type RR Lyrae variable star, and one unknown type variable star. The membership and physical properties are discussed, based on their light curves, positions in the CMDs, spatial locations and periods. A known EB type eclipsing binary is also identified as a blue struggler candidate of the cluster. Furthermore, we find that all eclipsing contact binaries have prominently asymmetric eclipses and O Connell effect (O Connell 1951) which increases with the decrease of the orbital periods. This suggests that the O Connell effect is probably related to the evolution of the orbital period in short period eclipsing binary systems.
This work presents the first long-term photometric variability survey of the intermediate-age open cluster NGC 559. Time-series V band photometric observations on 40 nights taken over more than three years with three different telescopes are analyzed to search for variable stars in the cluster. We investigate the data for the periodicity analysis and reveal 70 variable stars including 67 periodic variables in the target field, all of them are newly discovered. The membership analysis of the periodic variables reveal that 30 of them belong to the cluster and remaining 37 are identified as field variables. Out of the 67 periodic variables, 48 are short-period (P<1 day) variables and 19 are long-period (P>1 day) variables. The variable stars have periodicity between 3 hours to 41 days and their brightness ranges from V = 10.9 to 19.3 mag. The periodic variables belonging to the cluster are then classified into different variability types on the basis of observational properties such as shape of the light curves, periods, amplitudes, as well as their positions in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram. As a result, we identify one Algol type eclipsing binary, one possible blue straggler star, 3 slowly pulsating B type stars, 5 rotational variables, 11 non-pulsating variables, 2 FKCOM variables and remaining 7 are characterized as miscellaneous variables. We also identify three Eclipsing Binary stars (EBs) belonging to the field star population. The PHOEBE package is used to analyse the light curve of all four EBs in order to determine the parameters of the binary systems such as masses, temperatures and radii.
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