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Significant communities in large sparse networks

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 نشر من قبل Atieh Mirshahvalad
 تاريخ النشر 2011
والبحث باللغة English

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Researchers use community-detection algorithms to reveal large-scale organization in biological and social networks, but community detection is useful only if the communities are significant and not a result of noisy data. To assess the statistical significance of the network communities, or the robustness of the detected structure, one approach is to perturb the network structure by removing links and measure how much the communities change. However, perturbing sparse networks is challenging because they are inherently sensitive; they shatter easily if links are removed. Here we propose a simple method to perturb sparse networks and assess the significance of their communities. We generate resampled networks by adding extra links based on local information, then we aggregate the information from multiple resampled networks to find a coarse-grained description of significant clusters. In addition to testing our method on benchmark networks, we use our method on the sparse network of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) case law, to detect significant and insignificant areas of law. We use our significance analysis to draw a map of the ECJ case law network that reveals the relations between the areas of law.

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We use the information present in a bipartite network to detect cores of communities of each set of the bipartite system. Cores of communities are found by investigating statistically validated projected networks obtained using information present in the bipartite network. Cores of communities are highly informative and robust with respect to the presence of errors or missing entries in the bipartite network. We assess the statistical robustness of cores by investigating an artificial benchmark network, the co-authorship network, and the actor-movie network. The accuracy and precision of the partition obtained with respect to the reference partition are measured in terms of the adjusted Rand index and of the adjusted Wallace index respectively. The detection of cores is highly precise although the accuracy of the methodology can be limited in some cases.
Algorithms for search of communities in networks usually consist discrete variations of links. Here we discuss a flow method, driven by a set of differential equations. Two examples are demonstrated in detail. First is a partition of a signed graph i nto two parts, where the proposed equations are interpreted in terms of removal of a cognitive dissonance by agents placed in the network nodes. There, the signs and values of links refer to positive or negative interpersonal relationships of different strength. Second is an application of a method akin to the previous one, dedicated to communities identification, to the Sierpinski triangle of finite size. During the time evolution, the related graphs are weighted; yet at the end the discrete character of links is restored. In the case of the Sierpinski triangle, the method is supplemented by adding a small noise to the initial connectivity matrix. By breaking the symmetry of the network, this allows to a successful handling of overlapping nodes.
Many empirical networks have community structure, in which nodes are densely interconnected within each community (i.e., a group of nodes) and sparsely across different communities. Like other local and meso-scale structure of networks, communities a re generally heterogeneous in various aspects such as the size, density of edges, connectivity to other communities and significance. In the present study, we propose a method to statistically test the significance of individual communities in a given network. Compared to the previous methods, the present algorithm is unique in that it accepts different community-detection algorithms and the corresponding quality function for single communities. The present method requires that a quality of each community can be quantified and that community detection is performed as optimisation of such a quality function summed over the communities. Various community detection algorithms including modularity maximisation and graph partitioning meet this criterion. Our method estimates a distribution of the quality function for randomised networks to calculate a likelihood of each community in the given network. We illustrate our algorithm by synthetic and empirical networks.
We analyze the game of go from the point of view of complex networks. We construct three different directed networks of increasing complexity, defining nodes as local patterns on plaquettes of increasing sizes, and links as actual successions of thes e patterns in databases of real games. We discuss the peculiarities of these networks compared to other types of networks. We explore the ranking vectors and community structure of the networks and show that this approach enables to extract groups of moves with common strategic properties. We also investigate different networks built from games with players of different levels or from different phases of the game. We discuss how the study of the community structure of these networks may help to improve the computer simulations of the game. More generally, we believe such studies may help to improve the understanding of human decision process.
Complex systems made of interacting elements are commonly abstracted as networks, in which nodes are associated with dynamic state variables, whose evolution is driven by interactions mediated by the edges. Markov processes have been the prevailing p aradigm to model such a network-based dynamics, for instance in the form of random walks or other types of diffusions. Despite the success of this modelling perspective for numerous applications, it represents an over-simplification of several real-world systems. Importantly, simple Markov models lack memory in their dynamics, an assumption often not realistic in practice. Here, we explore possibilities to enrich the system description by means of second-order Markov models, exploiting empirical pathway information. We focus on the problem of community detection and show that standard network algorithms can be generalized in order to extract novel temporal information about the system under investigation. We also apply our methodology to temporal networks, where we can uncover communities shaped by the temporal correlations in the system. Finally, we discuss relations of the framework of second order Markov processes and the recently proposed formalism of using non-backtracking matrices for community detection.
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