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Localization effects in the tunnel barriers of phosphorus-doped silicon quantum dots

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 نشر من قبل Thierry Ferrus
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We have observed a negative differential conductance with singular gate and source-drain bias dependences in a phosphorus-doped silicon quantum dot. Its origin is discussed within the framework of weak localization. By measuring the current-voltage characteristics at different temperatures as well as simulating the tunneling rates dependences on energy, we demonstrate that the presence of shallow energy defects together with an enhancement of localization satisfactory explain our observations. Effects observed in magnetic fields are also discussed.

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195 - I. Weymann , J. Barnas 2007
Spin-dependent transport through a multilevel quantum dot weakly coupled to ferromagnetic leads is analyzed theoretically by means of the real-time diagrammatic technique. Both the sequential and cotunneling processes are taken into account, which ma kes the results on tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) and shot noise applicable in the whole range of relevant bias and gate voltages. Suppression of the TMR due to inelastic cotunneling and super-Poissonian shot noise have been found in some of the Coulomb blockade regions. Furthermore, in the Coulomb blockade regime there is an additional contribution to the noise due to bunching of cotunneling processes involving the spin-majority electrons. On the other hand, in the sequential tunneling regime TMR oscillates with the bias voltage, while the current noise is generally sub-Poissonian.
We present data on the electrical transport properties of highly-doped silicon-on-insulator quantum dots under the effect of pulsed magnetic fields up to 48 T. At low field intensities, B<7 T, we observe a strong modification of the conductance due t o the destruction of weak localization whereas at higher fields, where the magnetic field length becomes comparable to the effective Bohr radius of phosphorous in silicon, a strong decrease in conductance is demonstrated. Data in the high and low electric field bias regimes are then compared to show that close to the Coulomb blockade edge magnetically-induced quenching to single donors in the quantum dot is achieved at about 40 T.
We present transport measurements of silicon MOS split gate structures with and without Sb implants. We observe classical point contact (PC) behavior that is free of any pronounced unintentional resonances at liquid He temperatures. The implanted dev ice has resonances superposed on the point contact transport indicative of transport through the Sb donors. We fit the differential conductance to a rectangular tunnel barrier model with a linear barrier height dependence on source-drain voltage and non-linear dependence on gate bias. Effects such as Fowler-Nordheim (FN) tunneling and image charge barrier lowering (ICBL) are considered. Barrier heights and widths are estimated for the entire range of relevant biases. The barrier heights at the locations of some of the resonances for the implanted tunnel barrier are between 15-20 meV, which are consistent with transport through shallow partially hybridized Sb donors. The dependence of width and barrier height on gate voltage is found to be linear over a wide range of gate bias in the split gate geometry but deviates considerably when the barrier becomes large and is not described completely by standard 1D models such as FN or ICBL effects.
We present a theoretical study of the charging effects in single and double layer black phosphorus quantum dots (BPQDs) with lateral sizes of 2 nm and 3 nm. We demonstrate that the charging of BPQDs are able to store up to an $N_{max}$ electron (that depends on the lateral size and number of layers in the QD), after which structural instabilities arises. For example, 3 nm wide hydrogen-passivated single layer BPQDs can hold a maximum of 16 electrons, and an additional electron causes the expelling of hydrogen atoms from the QD borders. We also calculated the additional energy ($E_A$) spectrum. For single layer QDs with 2 and 3 nm of lateral sizes, the average $E_A$ is around 0.4 eV and 0.3 eV, respectively. For double layer QDs with the same sizes, the average $E_A$ is around 0.25 eV and 0.2 eV, respectively.
We electrically measure intrinsic silicon quantum dots with electrostatically defined tunnel barriers. The presence of both p-type and n-type ohmic contacts enables the accumulation of either electrons or holes. Thus we are able to study both transpo rt regimes within the same device. We investigate the effect of the tunnel barriers and the electrostatically defined quantum dots. There is greater localisation of charge states under the tunnel barriers in the case of hole conduction leading to higher charge noise in the p-regime.
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