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Intersection of two TASEP traffic lanes with frozen shuffle update

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 نشر من قبل Appert-Rolland Cecile
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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Motivated by interest in pedestrian traffic we study two lanes (one-dimensional lattices) of length $L$ that intersect at a single site. Each lane is modeled by a TASEP (Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process). The particles enter and leave lane $sigma$ (where $sigma=1,2$) with probabilities $alpha_sigma$ and $beta_sigma$, respectively. We employ the `frozen shuffle update introduced in earlier work [C. Appert-Rolland et al, J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P07009], in which the particle positions are updated in a fixed random order. We find analytically that each lane may be in a `free flow or in a `jammed state. Hence the phase diagram in the domain $0leqalpha_1,alpha_2leq 1$ consists of four regions with boundaries depending on $beta_1$ and $beta_2$. The regions meet in a single point on the diagonal of the domain. Our analytical predictions for the phase boundaries as well as for the currents and densities in each phase are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations.

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اقرأ أيضاً

We introduce a new update algorithm for exclusion processes, more suitable for the modeling of pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians are modeled as hard-core particles hopping on a discrete lattice, and are updated in a fixed order, determined by a phase a ttached to each pedestrian. While the case of periodic boundary conditions was studied in a companion paper, we consider here the case of open boundary conditions. The full phase diagram is predicted analytically and exhibits a transition between a free flow phase and a jammed phase. The density profile is predicted in the frame of a domain wall theory, and compared to Monte Carlo simulations, in particular in the vicinity of the transition.
We introduce a new rule of motion for a totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) representing pedestrian traffic on a lattice. Its characteristic feature is that the positions of the pedestrians, modeled as hard-core particles, are updated in a f ixed predefined order, determined by a phase attached to each of them. We investigate this model analytically and by Monte Carlo simulation on a one-dimensional lattice with periodic boundary conditions. At a critical value of the particle density a transition occurs from a phase with `free flow to one with `jammed flow. We are able to analytically predict the current-density diagram for the infinite system and to find the scaling function that describes the finite size rounding at the transition point.
126 - M.E.Fouladvand , H.-W.Lee 1999
Within the formalism of matrix product ansatz, we study a two-species asymmetric exclusion process with backward and forward site-ordered sequential update. This model, which was originally introduced with the random sequential update, describes a tw o-way traffic flow with a dynamic impurity and shows a phase transition between the free flow and traffic jam. We investigate the characteristics of this jamming and examine similarities and differences between our results and those with random sequential update.
Domain wall theory (DWT) has proved to be a powerful tool for the analysis of one-dimensional transport processes. A simple version of it was found very accurate for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) with random sequential updat e. However, a general implementation of DWT is still missing in the case of updates with less fluctuations, which are often more relevant for applications. Here we develop an exact DWT for TASEP with parallel update and deterministic (p=1) bulk motion. Remarkably, the dynamics of this system can be described by the motion of a domain wall not only on the coarse-grained level but also exactly on the microscopic scale for arbitrary system size. All properties of this TASEP, time-dependent and stationary, are shown to follow from the solution of a bivariate master equation whose variables are not only the position but also the velocity of the domain wall. In the continuum limit this exactly soluble model then allows us to perform a first principle derivation of a Fokker-Planck equation for the position of the wall. The diffusion constant appearing in this equation differs from the one obtained with the traditional `simple DWT.
A one-way {em street} of width M is modeled as a set of M parallel one-dimensional TASEPs. The intersection of two perpendicular streets is a square lattice of size M times M. We consider hard core particles entering each street with an injection pro bability alpha. On the intersection square the hard core exclusion creates a many-body problem of strongly interacting TASEPs and we study the collective dynamics that arises. We construct an efficient algorithm that allows for the simulation of streets of infinite length, which have sharply defined critical jamming points. The algorithm employs the `frozen shuffle update, in which the randomly arriving particles have fully deterministic bulk dynamics. High precision simulations for street widths up to M=24 show that when alpha increases, there occur jamming transitions at a sequence of M critical values alphaM,M < alphaM,M-1 < ... < alphaM,1. As M grows, the principal transition point alphaM,M decreases roughly as sim 1/(log M) in the range of M values studied. We show that a suitable order parameter is provided by a reflection coefficient associated with the particle current in each TASEP.
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