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Anti-hyperon Polarization in $pA$ and $Sigma^-A$ Collisions and Intrinsic Antidiquark State in Incident Baryon

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 نشر من قبل Shin-Ichi Nakariki
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English

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We discuss the relation between the polarization of inclusively produced (anti)-hyperons and the incident baryon states in the framework of the constituent quark-diquark cascade model. We assume that there is an intrinsic diquark-antidiquark state in the incident baryon, in which the intrinsic diquark immediately fragments into a non-leading baryon and the antidiquark behaves as a valence constituent. It is also assumed that the valence (anti)diquark in the incident nucleon tends to combine selectively with a spin-down sea quark and, on the othe hand, the spin-up valence quark in the projectile is chosen by a sea (anti)diquadk in preference to the spin-down valence quark. It is found that the incident spin-1/2 baryon is mainly composed of a spin-0 valence diquark and a valence quark, and contains an intrinsic diquark-antidiquark state with a probability of about 7%.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We study the longitudinal polarization of the Sigma_bar and Xi_bar anti-hyperons in polarized high energy pp collisions at large transverse momenta, extending a recent study for the Lambda_bar anti-hyperon. We make predictions by using different para metrizations of the polarized parton densities and models for the polarized fragmentation functions. Similar to the Lambda_bar polarization, the Xi_bar0 and Xi_bar+ polarizations are found to be sensitive to the polarized anti-strange sea in the nucleon. The Sigma_bar- and Sigma_bar+ polarizations show sensitivity to the light sea quark polarizations, Delta bar u(x) and Delta bar d(x), and their asymmetry.
We argue that the enhancement in the spin polarization of anti-hyperons compared to the polarization of the hyperons in noncentral relativistic heavy-ion collisions arises as a result of an interplay between the chiral and helical vortical effects. T he chiral vortical effect generates the axial current of quarks along the vorticity axis while the recently found helical vortical effect generates the helicity flow -- the projection of the quarks polarization vector onto its momentum -- along the same axis. For massless fermions, the helical charge corresponds to a difference in the contributions of particles and anti-particles to the axial charge. Assuming that the spin of light quarks transfers to the strange quarks via the vector kaon states (the spin-vector dominance), we are able to describe the ratio of the (anti)hyperon spin polarizations, obtained by the STAR group, without fitting parameters. We also argue that the helical vortical effect dominates over the chiral vortical effect and the chiral magnetic effect in the generation of the electric current.
68 - Haidong Liu 2006
We compiled the systematical measurements of anti-nucleus production in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions as well as those in $pp$, $pbar{p}$, $gamma p$ and $e^{+}e^{-}$ at various beam energies. The anti-baryon phase space density inferred fro m $bar{d}/bar{p}$ ratio in $A+A$, $p+A$, $pp(bar{p})$ and $gamma p$ collisions is found to follow a universal distribution as a function of center of mass of beam energy and can be described in a statistical model. We demonstrated that anti-baryon density in all the collisions is the highest when the collisions are dominated by the processes of $g+g$ or $bar{q}+g$. In $e^+e^-$ collisions at LEP, the cross section of $qbar{q}g$ is suppressed by a factor of strong coupling constant $alpha_s$ relative to $qbar{q}$. This can consistently explain the $bar{d}$ suppression observed by ALEPH relative to that in $e^+e^-to ggg$ by ARGUS. We discuss the implications to the baryon enhancement at high transverse momentum at RHIC when jet is quenched.
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