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Enhanced [CII] emission in a z=4.76 submillimetre galaxy

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 نشر من قبل Carlos De Breuck
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف Carlos De Breuck

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We present the detection of bright [CII] emission in the z=4.76 submillimetre galaxy LESS J033229.4-275619 using the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment. This represents the highest redshift [CII] detection in a submm selected, star-formation dominated system. The AGN contributions to the [CII] and far-infrared (FIR) luminosities are small. We find an atomic mass derived from [CII] comparable to the molecular mass derived from CO. The ratio of the [CII], CO and FIR luminosities imply a radiation field strength G_0~10^3 and a density ~10^4 cm^-3 in a kpc-scale starburst, as seen in local and high redshift starbursts. The high L_[CII]/L_FIR=2.4x10^-3 and the very high L_[CII]/L_CO(1-0) ~ 10^4 are reminiscent of low metallicity dwarf galaxies, suggesting that the highest redshift star-forming galaxies may also be characterised by lower metallicities. We discuss the implications of a reduced metallicity on studies of the gas reservoirs, and conclude that especially at very high redshift, [CII] may be a more powerful and reliable tracer of the interstellar matter than CO.

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186 - Kristen Coppin 2010
We have detected the CO(2-1) transition from the submillimetre galaxy (SMG) LESSJ033229.4-275619 at z=4.755 using the new Compact Array Broadband Backend system on the Australian Telescope Compact Array. These data have identified a massive gas reser voir available for star formation for the first time in an SMG at z~5. We use the luminosity and velocity width (FWHM of 160 km/s) of the CO(2--1) line emission to constrain the gas and dynamical mass of Mgas~1.6x10^10 Msun and Mdyn(<2kpc)~5x10^10 (0.25/sin^2(i)) Msun, respectively, similar to that observed for SMGs at lower redshifts of z~2-4, although we note that our observed CO FWHM is a factor of ~3 narrower than typically seen in SMGs. Together with the stellar mass we estimate a total baryonic mass of Mbary~1x10^11 Msun, consistent with the dynamical mass for this young galaxy within the uncertainties. Dynamical and baryonic mass limits of high-redshift galaxies are useful tests of galaxy formation models: using the known z~4-5 SMGs as examples of massive baryonic systems, we find that their space density is consistent with that predicted by current galaxy formation models. In addition, these observations have helped to confirm that z~4-5 SMGs possess the baryonic masses and gas consumption timescales necessary to be the progenitors of the luminous old red galaxies seen at z~3. Our results provide a preview of the science that ALMA will enable on the formation and evolution of the earliest massive galaxies in the Universe.
The chemical properties of high-z galaxies provide important information to constrain galaxy evolutionary scenarios. However, widely-used metallicity diagnostics based on rest-frame optical emission lines are not usable for heavily dust-enshrouded ga laxies (such as Sub-Millimeter Galaxies; SMGs), especially at z>3. Here we focus on the flux ratio of the far-infrared fine-structure emission lines [NII]205um and [CII]158um to assess the metallicity of high-z SMGs. Through ALMA cycle 0 observations, we have detected the [NII]205um emission in a strongly [CII]-emitting SMG, LESS J033229.4-275619 at z=4.76. The velocity-integrated [NII]/[CII] flux ratio is 0.043 +/- 0.008. This is the first measurement of the [NII]/[CII] flux ratio in high-z galaxies, and the inferred flux ratio is similar to the ratio observed in the nearby universe (~0.02-0.07). The velocity-integrated flux ratio and photoionization models suggest that the metallicity in this SMG is consistent with solar, implying the chemical evolution has progressed very rapidly in this system at z=4.76. We also obtain a tight upper limit on the CO(12-11) transition, which translates into CO(12-11)/CO(2-1) <3.8 (3 sigma). This suggests that the molecular gas clouds in LESS J033229.4-275619 are not affected significantly by the radiation field emitted by the AGN in this system.
124 - Kristen Coppin 2009
We report on the identification of the highest redshift submm-selected source currently known: LESSJ033229.4-275619. This source was detected in the Large Apex BOlometer CAmera (LABOCA) Extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) Submillimetre Survey ( LESS), a sensitive 870-um survey (~1.2-mJy rms) of the full 30x30 ECDFS with the LABOCA camera on the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) telescope. The submm emission is identified with a radio counterpart for which optical spectroscopy provides a redshift of z=4.76. We show that the bolometric emission is dominated by a starburst with a star formation rate of ~1000 Msun/yr, although we also identify a moderate luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) in this galaxy. Thus it has characteristics similar to those of z~2 submm galaxies (SMGs), with a mix of starburst and obscured AGN signatures. This demonstrates that ultraluminous starburst activity is not just restricted to the hosts of the most luminous (and hence rare) QSOs at z~5, but was also occurring in less extreme galaxies at a time when the Universe was less than 10% of its current age. Assuming that we are seeing the major phase of star formation in this galaxy, then we demonstrate that it would be identified as a luminous distant red galaxy at z~3 and that the current estimate of the space density of z>4 SMGs is only sufficient to produce ~10% of the luminous red galaxy population at these early times. However, this leaves open the possibility that some of these galaxies formed through less intense, but more extended star formation events. If the progenitors of all of the luminous red galaxies at z~3 go through an ultraluminous starburst at z>4 then the required volume density of z>4 SMGs will exceed that predicted by current galaxy formation models by more than an order of magnitude.
Using the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer, we report the detection of the 158 micron [CII] emission line and underlying dust continuum in the host galaxy of the quasar ULAS J112001.48+064124.3 (hereafter J1120+0641) at z=7.0842+/-0.0004. This is the highest redshift detection of the [CII] line to date, and allows us to put first constraints on the physical properties of the host galaxy. The [CII] line luminosity is (1.2+/-0.2)x10^9 Lsun, which is a factor ~4 lower than observed in a luminous quasar at z=6.42 (SDSS J1148+5251). The underlying far-infrared (FIR) continuum has a flux density of 0.61+/-0.16 mJy, similar to the average flux density of z~6 quasars that were not individually detected in the rest-frame FIR. Assuming the FIR luminosity of L_FIR = 5.8x10^11-1.8x10^12 Lsun is mainly powered by star-formation, we derive a star-formation rate in the range 160-440 Msun/yr and a total dust mass in the host galaxy of 6.7x10^7-5.7x10^8 Msun (both numbers have significant uncertainties given the unknown nature of dust at these redshifts). The [CII] line width of sigma_V=100+/-15 km/s is among the smallest observed when compared to the molecular line widths detected in z~6 quasars. Both the [CII] and dust continuum emission are spatially unresolved at the current angular resolution of 2.0x1.7 arcsec^2 (corresponding to 10x9 kpc^2 at the redshift of J1120+0641).
240 - Carlos De Breuck 2014
We present spatially resolved Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) [CII] observations of the z=4.7555 submillimetre galaxy, ALESS 73.1. Our 0.5 FWHM map resolves the [CII] emitting gas which is centred close to the active galactic nucl eus (AGN). The gas kinematics are dominated by rotation but with high turbulence, v_rot/sigma_int~3.1, and a Toomre Q parameter <1 throughout the disk. By fitting three independent thin rotating disk models to our data, we derive a total dynamical mass of 3+-2x10^10 M_sol. This is close to the molecular gas mass derived from previous CO(2-1) observations, and implies a CO to H_2 conversion factor alpha_CO<2.3M_sol(K km/s/pc^2)^-1. The mass budget also constrains the stellar mass to <3.1x10^10 M_sol, and entails a gas fraction of f_gas>~0.4. The diameter of the dust continuum emission is <2 kpc, while the star-formation rate is as high as 1000 M_sol/yr. Combined with our stellar mass constraint, this implies an extreme specific star formation rate >80 Gyr^{-1}, especially since there are no clear indications of recent merger activity. Finally, our high signal-to-noise [CII] measurement revises the observed [NII]/[CII] ratio, which suggests a close to solar metallicity, unless the [CII] flux contains significant contributions from HII regions. Our observations suggest that ALESS73.1 is a nascent galaxy undergoing its first major burst of star formation, embedded within an unstable but metal-rich gas disk.
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