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The luminosity-dependent high-redshift turnover in the steep spectrum radio luminosity function: clear evidence for downsizing in the radio-AGN population

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 نشر من قبل Emma Rigby
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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This paper presents a new grid-based method for investigating the evolution of the steep-spectrum radio luminosity function, with the aim of quantifying the high-redshift cut-off suggested by previous work. To achieve this, the Combined EIS-NVSS Survey of Radio Sources (CENSORS) has been developed; this is a 1.4 GHz radio survey, containing 135 sources complete to a flux density of 7.2 mJy, selected from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) over 6 deg^2 of the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) Patch D. The sample is currently 73% spectroscopically complete, with the remaining redshifts estimated via the K-z or I-z magnitude-redshift relation. CENSORS is combined with additional radio data from the Parkes All-Sky, Parkes Selected Regions, Hercules and VLA COSMOS samples to provide comprehensive coverage of the radio power vs. redshift plane. The redshift distributions of these samples, together with radio source count determinations, and measurements of the local luminosity function, provide the input to the fitting process. The modelling reveals clear declines, at > 3sigma significance, in comoving density at z > 0.7 for lower luminosity sources (log P = 25-26); these turnovers are still present at log P > 27, but move to z > 3, suggesting a luminosity-dependent evolution of the redshift turnover, similar to the `cosmic downsizing seen for other AGN populations. These results are shown to be robust to the estimated redshift errors and to increases in the spectral index for the highest redshift sources. Analytic fits to the best-fitting steep spectrum grid are provided so that the results presented here can be easily accessed by the reader, as well as allowing plausible extrapolations outside of the regions covered by the input datasets

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اقرأ أيضاً

We studied the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) radio emission from a compilation of hard X-ray selected samples, all observed in the 1.4 GHz band. A total of more than 1600 AGN with 2-10 keV de-absorbed luminosities higher than 10^42 erg/s were used. Fo r a sub-sample of about 50 zlsim 0.1 AGN it was possible to reach a ~80% fraction of radio detections and therefore, for the first time, it was possible to almost completely measure the probability distribution function of the ratio between the radio and the X-ray luminosity Rx=log[L(1.4)/Lx]. The probability distribution function of Rx was functionally fitted as dependent on the X-ray luminosity and redshift, P(Rx|Lx,z). It roughly spans over 6 decades (-7<Rx<-1), and does not show any sign of bi-modality. It resulted that the probability of finding large values of the Rx ratio increases with decreasing X-ray luminosities and (possibly) with increasing redshift. No statistical significant difference was found between the radio properties of the X-ray absorbed and unabsorbed AGN. The measure of the probability distribution function of Rx allowed us to compute the kinetic luminosity function and the kinetic energy density which, at variance with what assumed in many galaxy evolution models, is observed to decrease of about a factor of five at redshift below 0.5. About half of the kinetic energy density results to be produced by the more radio quiet (Rx<-4) AGN. In agreement with previous estimates, the AGN efficiency in converting the accreted mass energy into kinetic power is, on average, ~5x10-3.
We apply the V/Vm test to a subsample of compact steep-spectrum sources from a complete sample of radio sources selected at 2.7 GHz. We find that the <V/Vm> has a value intermediate between those found for samples of extended steep-spectrum sources a nd those of compact flat-spectrum sources. If the sample is split into two further classes of sources having more steep and less steep spectra, the <V/Vm> values for these then tally roughly with those found for the extended steep-spectrum and compact flat-spectrum classes of sources. Implications of this result are discussed.
Despite decades of study, it remains unclear whether there are distinct radio-loud and radio-quiet populations of quasi-stellar objects (QSOs). Early studies were limited by inhomogeneous QSO samples, inadequate sensitivity to probe the radio-quiet p opulation, and degeneracy between redshift and luminosity for flux-density-limited samples. Our new 6 GHz EVLA observations allow us for the first time to obtain nearly complete (97%) radio detections in a volume-limited color-selected sample of 179 QSOs more luminous than M_i = -23 from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release Seven in the narrow redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.3. The dramatic improvement in radio continuum sensitivity made possible with the new EVLA allows us, in 35 minutes of integration, to detect sources as faint as 20 microJy, or log[L_6 (W/Hz)] ~ 21.5 at z = 0.25, well below the radio luminosity, log[L_6 (W/Hz)] ~ 22.5, that separates star-forming galaxies from radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGNs) driven by accretion onto a super-massive black hole. We calculate the radio luminosity function (RLF) for these QSOs using three constraints: (a) EVLA 6 GHz observations for log[L_6 (W/Hz)] < 23.5, (b) NRAO-VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) observations for log[L_6 (W/Hz)] > 23.5, and (c) the total number of SDSS QSOs in our volume-limited sample. We show that the RLF can be explained as a superposition of two populations, dominated by AGNs at the bright end and star formation in the QSO host galaxies at the faint end.
138 - M. W. Sommer , K. Basu , F. Pacaud 2011
By cross-correlating large samples of galaxy clusters with publicly available radio source catalogs, we construct the volume-averaged radio luminosity function (RLF) in clusters of galaxies, and investigate its dependence on cluster redshift and mass . In addition, we determine the correlation between the cluster mass and the radio luminosity of the brightest source within 50 kpc from the cluster center. We use two cluster samples: the optically selected maxBCG cluster catalog and a composite sample of X-ray selected clusters. The radio data come from the VLA NVSS and FIRST surveys. We use scaling relations to estimate cluster masses and radii to get robust estimates of cluster volumes. We determine the projected radial distribution of sources, for which we find no dependence on luminosity or cluster mass. Background and foreground sources are statistically accounted for, and we account for confusion of radio sources by adaptively degrading the resolution of the radio source surveys. We determine the redshift evolution of the RLF under the assumption that its overall shape does not change with redshift. Our results are consistent with a pure luminosity evolution of the RLF in the range 0.1 < z < 0.3 from the optical cluster sample. The X-ray sample extends to higher redshift and yields results also consistent with a pure luminosity evolution. We find no direct evidence of a dependence of the RLF on cluster mass from the present data, although the data are consistent with the most luminous sources only being found in high-mass systems.
The luminosity functions (LFs) of star cluster systems (i.e. the number of clusters per luminosity interval) are vital diagnostics to probe the conditions of star cluster formation. Early studies have revealed a clear dichotomy between old globular c lusters and young clusters, with the former characterised by Gaussian-shaped LFs, and the latter following a power law. Recently, this view was challenged by studies of galaxy merger remnants and post-starburst galaxies. In this paper we re-evaluate the young ($lta$ few hundreds of Myrs, with the majority $lta$ few tens of Myrs) star cluster system in the ongoing spiral-spiral major merger system NGC 4038/39, the Antennae galaxies. The Antennae galaxies represent a very active and complex star-forming environment, which hampers cluster selection and photometry as well as the determination of observational completeness fractions. A main issue of concern is the large number of bright young stars contained in most earlier studies, which we carefully exclude from our cluster sample by accurately determining the source sizes. The resulting LFs are fitted both with Gaussian and with power-law distributions, taking into account both the observational completeness fractions and photometric errors, and compared using a likelihood ratio test. The likelihood ratio results are rigidly evaluated using Monte Carlo simulations. We perform a number of additional tests, e.g. with subsets of the total sample, all confirming our main result: that a Gaussian distribution fits the observed LFs of clusters in this preferentially very young cluster system significantly better than a power-law distribution, at a (statistical) error probability of less than 0.5 per cent.
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