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Splitting of folded strings in AdS_3

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 نشر من قبل Elena M. Murchikova
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف E. M. Murchikova

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In this paper we present semiclassical computations of the splitting of folded spinning strings in AdS_3, which may be of interest in the context of AdS/CFT duality. We start with a classical closed string and assume that it can split on two closed string fragments, if at a given time two points on it coincide in target space and their velocities agree. First we consider the case of the folded string with large spin. Assuming the formal large-spin approximation of the folded string solution in AdS_3, we can completely describe the process of splitting: compute the full set of charges and obtain the string solutions describing the evolution of the final states. We find that, in this limit, the world surface does not change in the process and the final states are described by the solutions of the same type as the initial string, i.e. the formal large-spin approximation of the folded string in AdS_3. Then we consider the general case --- splitting of string given by the exact folded string solution. We find the expressions for the charges of the final fragments, the coordinate transformations diagonalizing them and, finally, their energies and spins. Due to the complexity of the initial string profile, we cannot find the solutions describing the evolution of the final fragments, but we can predict their qualitative behavior. We also generalize the results to include circular rotations and windings in S^5.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

We generalize our recent analysis [2006.13249] of probe string dynamics to the case of general single-trace $Tbar T$, $Jbar T$ and $Tbar J$ deformations. We show that in regions in coupling space where the bulk geometry is smooth, the classical traje ctories of such strings are smooth and approach the linear dilaton boundary at either the far past or the far future. These trajectories give rise to quantum scattering states with arbitrarily high energies. When the bulk geometry has closed timelike curves (CTCs), the trajectories are singular for energies above a critical value $E_c$. This singularity occurs in the region with CTCs, and the value of $E_c$ agrees with that read off from the dual boundary theory for all values of the couplings and charges.
Classical rotating closed string are folded strings. At the folding points the scalar curvature associated with the induced metric diverges. As a consequence one cannot properly quantize the fluctuations around the classical solution since there is n o complete set of normalizable eigenmodes. Furthermore in the non-critical effective string action of Polchinski and Strominger, there is a divergence associated with the folds. We overcome this obstacle by putting a massive particle at each folding point which can be used as a regulator. Using this method we compute the spectrum of quantum fluctuations around the rotating string and the intercept of the leading Regge trajectory. The results we find are that the intercepts are $a=1$ and $a=2$ for the open and closed string respectively, independent of the target space dimension. We argue that in generic theories with an effective string description, one can expect corrections from finite masses associated with either the endpoints of an open string or the folding points on a closed string. We compute explicitly the corrections in the presence of these masses.
We study the finite size effect of rigidly rotating strings and closed folded strings in $AdS_3times S^3$ geometry with NS-NS B-field. We calculate the classical exponential corrections to the dispersion relation of infinite size giant magnon and sin gle spike in terms of Lambert $mathbf{W}-$function. We also write the analytic expression for the dispersion relation of finite size Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov (GKP) string in the form of Lambert $mathbf{W}-$function.
We discuss finite-size corrections to the spiky strings in $AdS$ space which is dual to the long $mathcal{N}=4$ SYM operators of the form Tr($Delta_+ ^{J_1}phi_1Delta_+ ^{J_2}phi_2...Delta_+ ^{J_n}phi_n$). We express the finite-size dispersion relati on in terms of Lambert $mathbf{W}$-function. We further establish the finite-size scaling relation between energy and angular momentum of the spiky string in presence of mixed fluxes in terms of $mathbf{W}$-function. We comment on the solution in pure NS-NS background as well.
It has recently been argued that, classically, massless higher spin theories in AdS_3 have an enlarged W_N-symmetry as the algebra of asymptotic isometries. In this note we provide evidence that this symmetry is realised (perturbatively) in the quant um theory. We perform a one loop computation of the fluctuations for a massless spin $s$ field around a thermal AdS_3 background. The resulting determinants are evaluated using the heat kernel techniques of arXiv:0911.5085. The answer factorises holomorphically, and the contributions from the various spin $s$ fields organise themselves into vacuum characters of the W_N symmetry. For the case of the hs(1,1) theory consisting of an infinite tower of massless higher spin particles, the resulting answer can be simply expressed in terms of (two copies of) the MacMahon function.
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