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Extended Schmidt Law: Role Of Existing Stars In Current Star Formation

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 نشر من قبل Yong Shi
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We propose an extended Schmidt law with explicit dependence of the star formation efficiency (SFE=SFR/Mgas) on the stellar mass surface density. This relation has a power-law index of 0.48+-0.04 and an 1-sigma observed scatter on the SFE of 0.4 dex, which holds over 5 orders of magnitude in the stellar density for individual global galaxies including various types especially the low-surface-brightness (LSB) galaxies that deviate significantly from the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. When applying it to regions at sub-kpc resolution of a sample of 12 spiral galaxies, the extended Schmidt law not only holds for LSB regions but also shows significantly smaller scatters both within and across galaxies compared to the Kennicutt-Schmidt law. We argue that this new relation points to the role of existing stars in regulating the SFE, thus encoding better the star formation physics. Comparison with physical models of star formation recipes shows that the extended Schmidt law can be reproduced by some models including gas free-fall in a stellar-gravitational potential and pressure-supported star formation. By implementing this new law into the analytic model of gas accretion in Lambda CDM, we show that it can re-produce the observed main sequence of star-forming galaxies (a relation between the SFR and stellar mass) from z=0 up to z=2.

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57 - Yong Shi , Lin Yan , Lee Armus 2018
We revisit the proposed extended Schmidt law (Shi et al. 2011) which points that the star formation efficiency in galaxies depends on the stellar mass surface density, by investigating spatially-resolved star formation rates (SFRs), gas masses and st ellar masses of star formation regions in a vast range of galactic environments, from the outer disks of dwarf galaxies to spiral disks and to merging galaxies as well as individual molecular clouds in M33. We find that these regions are distributed in a tight power-law as Sigma_SFR ~(Sigma_star^0.5 Sigma_gas )^1.09, which is also valid for the integrated measurements of disk and merging galaxies at high-z. Interestingly, we show that star formation regions in the outer disks of dwarf galaxies with Sigma_SFR down to 10^(-5) Msun/yr/kpc^2, which are outliers of both Kennicutt-Schmidt and Silk-Elmegreen law, also follow the extended Schmidt law. Other outliers in the Kennicutt-Schmidt law, such as extremely-metal poor star-formation regions, also show significantly reduced deviations from the extended Schmidt law. These results suggest an important role for existing stars in helping to regulate star formation through the effect of their gravity on the mid-plane pressure in a wide range of galactic environments.
We compile observations of molecular gas contents and infrared-based star formation rates (SFRs) for 112 circumnuclear star forming regions, in order to re-investigate the form of the disk-averaged Schmidt surface density star formation law in starbu rsts. We then combine these results with total gas and SFR surface densities for 153 nearby non-starbursting disk galaxies from de los Reyes & Kennicutt (2019), to investigate the properties of the combined star formation law, following Kennicutt (1998; K98). We confirm that the combined Schmidt law can be fitted with a single power law with slope $n = 1.5pm0.05$ (including fitting method uncertainties), somewhat steeper than the value $n = 1.4pm0.15$ found by K98. Fitting separate power laws to the non-starbursting and starburst galaxies, however, produces very different slopes ($n = 1.34pm0.07$ and $0.98pm0.07$, respectively), with a pronounced offset in the zeropoint ($sim$0.6,dex) of the starburst relation to higher SFR surface densities. This offset is seen even when a common conversion factor between CO intensity and molecular hydrogen surface density is applied, and is confirmed when disk surface densities of interstellar dust are used as proxies for gas measurements. Tests for possible systematic biases in the starburst data fail to uncover any spurious sources for such a large offset. We tentatively conclude that the global Schmidt law in galaxies, at least as it is conventionally measured, is bimodal or possibly multi-modal. Possible causes may include changes in the small-scale structure of the molecular ISM or the stellar initial mass function. A single $n sim 1.5$ power law still remains as a credible approximation or recipe for analytical or numerical models of galaxy formation and evolution.
166 - B. Fuchs , H. Jahreiss , C. Flynn 2008
We use a new method to trace backwards the star formation history of the Milky Way disk, using a sample of M dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood which is representative for the entire solar circle. M stars are used because they show H_alpha emission un til a particular age which is a well calibrated function of their absolute magnitudes. This allows us to reconstruct the rate at which disk stars have been born over about half the disks lifetime. Our star formation rate agrees well with those obtained by using other, independent, methods and seems to rule out a constant star formation rate. The principal result of this study is to show that a relation of the Schmidt-Kennicut type (which relates the star formation rate to the interstellar gas content of galaxy disks) has pertained in the Milky Way disk during the last 5 Gyr. The star formation rate we derive from the M dwarfs and the interstellar gas content of the disk can be inferred as a function of time from a model of the chemical enrichment of the disk, which is well constrained by the observations indicating that the metallicity of the Galactic disk has remained nearly constant over the timescales involved. We demonstrate that the star formation rate and gas surface densities over the last 5 Gyrs can be accurately described by a Schmidt-Kennicutt law with an index of Gamma = 1.45 (+0.22,-0.09). This is, within statistical uncertainties, the same value found for other galaxies.
We present an analysis of the global and spatially-resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt (KS) star formation relation in the FIRE (Feedback In Realistic Environments) suite of cosmological simulations, including halos with $z = 0$ masses ranging from $10^{10}$ -- $10^{13}$ M$_{odot}$. We show that the KS relation emerges and is robustly maintained due to the effects of feedback on local scales regulating star-forming gas, independent of the particular small-scale star formation prescriptions employed. We demonstrate that the time-averaged KS relation is relatively independent of redshift and spatial averaging scale, and that the star formation rate surface density is weakly dependent on metallicity and inversely dependent on orbital dynamical time. At constant star formation rate surface density, the `Cold & Dense gas surface density (gas with $T < 300$~K and $n > 10$~cm$^{-3}$, used as a proxy for the molecular gas surface density) of the simulated galaxies is $sim$0.5~dex less than observed at $sim$kpc scales. This discrepancy may arise from underestimates of the local column density at the particle-scale for the purposes of shielding in the simulations. Finally, we show that on scales larger than individual giant molecular clouds, the primary condition that determines whether star formation occurs is whether a patch of the galactic disk is thermally Toomre-unstable (not whether it is self-shielding): once a patch can no longer be thermally stabilized against fragmentation, it collapses, becomes self-shielding, cools, and forms stars, regardless of epoch or environment.
Measurements of H-alpha, HI, and CO distributions in 61 normal spiral galaxies are combined with published far-infrared and CO observations of 36 infrared-selected starburst galaxies, in order to study the form of the global star formation law, over the full range of gas densities and star formation rates (SFRs) observed in galaxies. The disk-averaged SFRs and gas densities for the combined sample are well represented by a Schmidt law with index N = 1.4+-0.15. The Schmidt law provides a surprisingly tight parametrization of the global star formation law, extending over several orders of magnitude in SFR and gas density. An alternative formulation of the star formation law, in which the SFR is presumed to scale with the ratio of the gas density to the average orbital timescale, also fits the data very well. Both descriptions provide potentially useful recipes for modelling the SFR in numerical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution.
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