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Structural, electronic properties and Fermi surface of ThCr2Si2-type tetragonal KFe2S2, KFe2Se2, and KFe2Te2 phases as parent systems of new ternary iron-chalcogenide superconductors

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 نشر من قبل Igor Shein
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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First principles FLAPW-GGA method was used for the comparative study of the structural and electronic properties of three related tetragonal ThCr2Si2-type phases KFe2Ch2, where Ch are S, Se, and Te. The main trends in electronic bands, densities of states and Fermi surfaces for AFe2Ch2 are analyzed in relation to their structural parameters. We found that at the anion replacements (S<->Se<->Te) any critical changes in electronic structure of KFe2Ch2 phases are absent. On the other hand, our analysis of structural and electronic parameters for hypothetical KFe2Te2 allows to assume that this system may be proposed as perspective parent phase for search of new iron-chalcogenide superconducting materials.

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By means of DFT-based first-principles calculations, we examine two polymorphs of the newly synthesized 1111-like MgFeSeO as possible new superconducting systems. We have found that the polymorph with blocks [MgO], where Mg atoms are placed in the ce nters of O4 tetrahedra, is dynamically unstable - unlike the ZrCuSiAs-type polymorph with oxygen atoms placed in the centers of Mg4 tetrahedra. The characterization of this material covers the structural, elastic properties, electronic band structure, density of electronic states, and Fermi surface. Our calculations suggest that a high critical temperature for MgFeSeO may be achieved as a result of electron or hole doping through ion substitutions or through creation of lattice vacancies.
Herewith, we review the available experimental data of thermoelectric transport properties of iron-based superconductors and parent compounds. We discuss possible physical mechanisms into play in determining the Seebeck effect, from whence one can ex tract information about Fermi surface reconstruction and Lifshitz transitions, multiband character, coupling of charge carriers with spin excitations and its relevance in the unconventional superconducting pairing mechanism, nematicity, quantum critical fluctuations close to the optimal doping for superconductivity, correlation. Additional information is obtained from the analysis of the Nernst effect, whose enhancement in parent compounds must be related partially to multiband transport and low Fermi level, but mainly to the presence of Dirac cone bands at the Fermi level. In the superconducting compounds, large Nernst effect in the normal state is explained in terms of fluctuating precursors of the spin density wave state, while in the superconducting state it mirrors the usual vortex liquid dissipative regime. A comparison between the phenomenology of thermoelectric behavior of different families of iron-based superconductors and parent compounds allows to evidence the key differences and analogies, thus providing clues on the rich and complex physics of these fascinating unconventional superconductors.
The full-potential linearized augmented plane wave method with the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange and correlation potential (LAPW-GGA) is used to understand the electronic band structure of fluorine-arsenide SrFeAsF as a possible parent material for a new group of oxygen-free FeAs superconductors. The electronic bands, density of states, Fermi surface and atomic charges have been evaluated and discussed for high-temperature tetragonal and low-temperature orthorhombic SrFeAsF phases.
Very recently, the tetragonal BiOCuS was synthesized and declared as a new superconducting system with Fe-oxypnictide - related structure. Here, based on first-principle FLAPW-GGA calculations, the structural parameters, electronic bands picture, den sity of states and electron density distribution for BiOCuS are investigated for the first time. Our results show that, as distinct from related metallic-like FeAs systems, BiOCuS phase behaves as an ionic semiconductor with the calculated indirect band gap at about 0.48 eV. The superconductivity for BiOCuS may be achieved exclusively by doping of this phase. Our preliminary results demonstrate that as a result of hole doping, the [CuS] blocks become conducting owing to mixed Cu 3d + S 3p bands located near the Fermi level. For the hole doped BiOCuS the Fermi surface adopts a quasi-two-dimensional character, similarly to FeAs SCs.
The symmetries of superconducting gap functions remain an important question of iron-based superconductivity. Motivated by the recent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopic measurements on iron-chalcogenide superconductors, we investigate the inf luence of pairing symmetries on the topological surface state. If the surface Dirac cone becomes gapped in the superconducting phase, it implies magnetization induced from time-reversal symmetry breaking pairing via spin-orbit coupling. Based on the crystalline symmetry constraints on the Ginzburg-Landau free energy, the gap function symmetries are among the possibilities of $A_{1g(u)}pm iA_{2g(u)}$, $B_{1g(u)}pm iB_{2g(u)}$, or, $E_{g(u)}pm i E_{g(u)}$. This time-reversal symmetry breaking effect can exist in the normal state very close to $T_c$ with the relative phase between two gap functions locked at $pm frac{pi}{2}$. The coupling between magnetization and superconducting gap functions is calculated based on a three-orbital model for the band structure of iron-chalcogenides. This study provides the connection between the gap function symmetries and topological properties of the surface state.
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