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Feasibility study of dark matter searches with the CUORE experiment

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 نشر من قبل Marco Vignati
 تاريخ النشر 2011
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف M. Vignati

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CUORE will be a 1 ton experiment made of about 1000 TeO$_2$ bolometers. It will probe the neutrinoless double beta decay (0$ u$DBD) of $^{130}$Te, a tool to test the neutrino nature and mass. The excellent energy resolution and the low background of these detectors will make CUORE a leading experiment in this field, improving the sensitivity to the half-life of 0$ u$DBD by more than an order of magnitude. Bolometric detectors, however, are also sensitive to nuclear recoils and can be used to search for dark matter interactions. In principle CUORE, thanks to its mass, could look for an annual modulation of the counting rate at low energies. We developed a trigger and a pulse shape identification algorithm, that allow to lower the energy threshold down to the few keV region. We present the preliminary results obtained on an array made of four CUORE-like crystals, and the prospects for a dark matter search in CUORE.

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In experiments searching for axionic dark matter, the use of the standard threshold-based data analysis discards valuable information. We present a Bayesian analysis framework that builds on an existing processing protocol to extract more information from the data of coherent axion detectors such as operating haloscopes. The analysis avoids logical subtleties that accompany the standard analysis framework and enables greater experimental flexibility on future data runs. Performing this analysis on the existing data from the HAYSTAC experiment, we find improved constraints on the axion-photon coupling $g_gamma$ while also identifying the most promising regions of parameter space within the $23.15$--$24.0$ $mu$eV mass range. A comparison with the standard threshold analysis suggests a $36%$ improvement in scan rate from our analysis, demonstrating the utility of this framework for future axion haloscope analyses.
191 - Laura Baudis 2014
Cosmological observations and the dynamics of the Milky Way provide ample evidence for an invisible and dominant mass component. This so-called dark matter could be made of new, colour and charge neutral particles, which were non-relativistic when th ey decoupled from ordinary matter in the early universe. Such weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are predicted to have a non-zero coupling to baryons and could be detected via their collisions with atomic nuclei in ultra-low background, deep underground detectors. Among these, detectors based on liquefied noble gases have demonstrated tremendous discovery potential over the last decade. After briefly introducing the phenomenology of direct dark matter detection, I will review the main properties of liquefied argon and xenon as WIMP targets and discuss sources of background. I will then describe existing and planned argon and xenon detectors that employ the so-called single- and dual-phase detection techniques, addressing their complementarity and science reach.
We present the results of the three-month above-ground commissioning run of the Large Underground Xenon (LUX) experiment at the Sanford Underground Research Facility located in Lead, South Dakota, USA. LUX is a 370 kg liquid xenon detector that will search for cold dark matter in the form of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). The commissioning run, conducted with the detector immersed in a water tank, validated the integration of the various sub-systems in preparation of the underground deployment. Using the data collected, we report excellent light collection properties, achieving 8.4 photoelectrons per keV for 662 keV electron recoils without an applied electric field, measured in the center of the WIMP target. We also find good energy and position resolution in relatively high-energy interactions from a variety of internal and external sources. Finally, we have used the commissioning data to tune the optical properties of our simulation and report updated sensitivity projections for spin-independent WIMP-nucleon scattering.
Axion Dark Matter eXperiment (ADMX) ultra low noise haloscope technology has enabled the successful completion of two science runs (1A and 1B) that looked for dark matter axions in the $2.66$ to $3.1$ $mu$eV mass range with Dine-Fischler-Srednicki-Zh itnisky (DFSZ) sensitivity Ref. [1,2]. Therefore, it is the most sensitive axion search experiment to date in this mass range. We discuss the technological advances made in the last several years to achieve this sensitivity, which includes the implementation of components, such as state-of-the-art quantum limited amplifiers and a dilution refrigerator. Furthermore, we demonstrate the use of a frequency tunable Microstrip Superconducting Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) Amplifier (MSA), in Run 1A, and a Josephson Parametric Amplifier (JPA), in Run 1B, along with novel analysis tools that characterize the system noise temperature.
130 - Ivan De Mitri 2002
The results of dark matter searches with the MACRO experiment are reported. In particular indirect searches for WIMPs and direct searches for supermassive GUT magnetic monopoles are reported together with massive neutrino studies through the measurem ent of the oscillation induced anomalies in the atmospheric neutrino flux.
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