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Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2, and let W be the ring of infinite Witt vectors over k. Suppose G is a finite group and B is a block of kG with a dihedral defect group D such that there are precisely two isomorphism classes of simple B-modules. We determine the universal deformation ring R(G,V) for every finitely generated kG-module V which belongs to B and whose stable endomorphism ring is isomorphic to k. The description by Erdmann of the quiver and relations of the basic algebra of B is usually only determined up to a certain parameter c which is either 0 or 1. We show that R(G,V) is isomorphic to a subquotient ring of WD for all V as above if and only if c=0, giving an answer to a question raised by the first author and Chinburg in this case. Moreover, we prove that c=0 if and only if B is Morita equivalent to a principal block.
Let k be an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic, and let W be the ring of infinite Witt vectors over k. Suppose G is a finite group and B is a block of kG of infinite tame representation type. We find all finitely generated kG-modul
Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, let $A$ be a finite dimensional $k$-algebra and let $V$ be a $A$-module with stable endomorphism ring isomorphic to $k$. If $A$ is self-injective then $V$ has a universal deformation ring $R(A,V)$, which is a
Let $mathbf{k}$ be a field of arbitrary characteristic, let $Lambda$ be a finite dimensional $mathbf{k}$-algebra, and let $V$ be a finitely generated $Lambda$-module. F. M. Bleher and the third author previously proved that $V$ has a well-defined ver
It is proved that if A_p is a countable elementary abelian p-group, then: (i) The ring End(A_p) does not admit a nondiscrete locally compact ring topology. (ii) Under (CH) the simple ring End(A_p)/I, where I is the ideal of End(A_p) consisting of all
Let $mathbf{k}$ be an algebraically closed field, and let $Lambda$ be a finite dimensional $mathbf{k}$-algebra. We prove that if $Lambda$ is a Gorenstein algebra, then every finitely generated Cohen-Macaulay $Lambda$-module $V$ whose stable endomorph