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The OGLE View of Microlensing towards the Magellanic Clouds. III. Ruling out sub-solar MACHOs with the OGLE-III LMC data

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 نشر من قبل Lukasz Wyrzykowski
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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In the third part of the series presenting the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) microlensing studies of the dark matter halo compact objects (MACHOs) we describe results of the OGLE-III monitoring of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This unprecedented data set contains almost continuous photometric coverage over 8 years of about 35 million objects spread over 40 square degrees. We report a detection of two candidate microlensing events found with the automated pipeline and an additional two, less probable, candidate events found manually. The optical depth derived for the two main candidates was calculated following a detailed blending examination and detection efficiency determination and was found to be tau=(0.16+-0.12)10^-7. If the microlensing signal we observe originates from MACHOs it means their masses are around 0.2 M_Sun and they compose only f=3+-2 per cent of the mass of the Galactic Halo. However, the more likely explanation of our detections does not involve dark matter compact objects at all and rely on natural effect of self-lensing of LMC stars by LMC lenses. In such a scenario we can almost completely rule out MACHOs in the sub-solar mass range with an upper limit at f<7 per cent reaching its minimum of f<4 per cent at M=0.1 M_Sun. For masses around M=10 M_Sun the constraints on the MACHOs are more lenient with f ~ 20 per cent. Owing to limitations of the survey there is no reasonable limit found for heavier masses, leaving only a tiny window of mass spectrum still available for dark matter compact objects.

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In this fourth part of the series presenting the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) microlensing studies of the dark matter halo compact objects (MACHOs) we describe results of the OGLE-III monitoring of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Three sound candidates for microlensing events were found and yielded the optical depth tau_SMC-OIII=1.30+-1.01 10^{-7}, consistent with the expected contribution from Galactic disk and SMC self-lensing. We report that event OGLE-SMC-03 is the most likely a thick disk lens candidate, the first of such type found towards the SMC. In this paper we also combined all OGLE Large and Small Magellanic Cloud microlensing results in order to refine the conclusions on MACHOs. All but one of OGLE events are most likely caused by the lensing by known populations of stars, therefore we concluded that there is no need for introducing any special dark matter compact objects in order to explain the observed events rates. Potential black hole event indicates that similar lenses can contribute only about 2 per cent to the total mass of the halo, which is still in agreement with the expected number of such objects.
The primary goal of this paper is to provide the evidence that can either prove or falsify the hypothesis that dark matter in the Galactic halo can clump into stellar-mass compact objects. If such objects existed, they would act as lenses to external sources in the Magellanic Clouds, giving rise to an observable effect of microlensing. We present the results of our search for such events, based on the data from the second phase of the OGLE survey (1996-2000) towards the SMC. The data set we used is comprised of 2.1 million monitored sources distributed over an area of 2.4 square degrees. We found only one microlensing event candidate, however its poor quality light curve limited our discussion on the exact distance to the lensing object. Given a single event, taking the blending (crowding of stars) into account for the detection efficiency simulations, and deriving the HST-corrected number of monitored stars, the microlensing optical depth is tau=(1.55+-1.55)10e-7. This result is consistent with the expected SMC self-lensing signal, with no need of introducing dark matter microlenses. Rejecting the unconvincing event leads to the upper limit on the fraction of dark matter in the form of MACHOs to f<20 per cent for deflectors masses around 0.4 Msun and f<11 per cent for masses between 0.003 and 0.2 Msun (95 per cent confidence limit). Our result indicates that the Milky Ways dark matter is unlikely to be clumpy and form compact objects in the sub-solar-mass range.
We present the results from the OGLE-II survey (1996-2000) towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), which has the aim of detecting the microlensing phenomena caused by dark matter compact objects in the Galactic Halo (Machos). We use high resoluti on HST images of the OGLE fields and derive the correction for the number of monitored stars in each field. This also yield blending distributions which we use in catalogue level Monte Carlo simulations of the microlensing events in order to calculate the detection efficiency of the events. We detect two candidates for microlensing events in the All Stars Sample, which translates into an optical depth of 0.43+-0.33x 10e-7. If both events were due to Macho the fraction of mass of compact dark matter objects in the Galactic halo would be 8+-6 per cent. This optical depth, however, along with the characteristics of the events, seems to be consistent with the self-lensing scenario, i.e., self-lensing alone is sufficient to explain the observed microlensing signal. Our results indicate a non-detection of Machos lensing towards the LMC with an upper limit on their abundance in the Galactic halo of 19 per cent for M=0.4 Msun and 10 per cent for masses between 0.01 and 0.2 Msun.
We present an analysis of the results of the OGLE-III microlensing campaign towards the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We evaluate for all the possible lens populations along the line of sight the expected microlensing quantities, number of events and duration. In particular we consider lensing by massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) in the dark matter haloes of both the Milky Way (MW) and the LMC, and self lensing by stars in the LMC bar and disc, in the MW disc and in the stellar haloes of both the LMC and the MW. As a result we find that the self-lensing signal is able to explain the 2 OGLE-III microlensing candidates. In particular, we estimate the expected MW disc signal to be almost as large as that from LMC stars and able, by itself, to explain the observed rate. We evaluate a 95% CL emph{upper} limit for $f$, the halo mass fraction in form of MACHOs, in the range 10-20% for $(10^{-2}-0.5) mathrm{M}_odot$, and $f=24%$ for $1 mathrm{M}_odot$ (below 10% in this full range, and in particular below 5% for $(10^{-2}-0.1) mathrm{M}_odot$) for the Bright (All) samples of source stars. Furthermore, we find that these limits do not rise much even if we assume the observed events emph{are} MACHOs. For the All sample we also evaluate a rather significant constraint on $f$ for larger values of the MACHO mass, in particular $fsim 50%$ (95% CL) for $100 mathrm{M}_odot$, to date the stronger bound coming from microlensing analyses in this mass range. Finally, we discuss these results in the framework of the previous observational campaigns towards the LMC, that of the MACHO and the EROS collaborations, and we present a joint analysis of the OGLE-II and the OGLE-III campaigns.
Microlensing is the tool of choice for the search and the analysis of compact halo objects (MACHOs), a still viable class of dark matter candidates at the galactic scale. Different analyses point towards an agreement in excluding dark matter MACHOs o f less than about 0.1 solar mass; it remains however an ongoing debate for values in the mass range (0.1-1) solar mass. The more robust constraints, though not all in agreement, come from the observational campaigns towards the Magellanic Clouds (the LMC and the SMC). The analyses towards the nearby galaxy of M31, in the so called pixel lensing regime, have expanded the perspectives in this field of research. In this contribution first we draw a critical view on recent results and then we focus on the pixel lensing analysis towards M31 of the PLAN collaboration.
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