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Topological Catastrophe and Isostructural Phase Transition in Calcium

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 نشر من قبل Dennis Clougherty
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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We predict a quantum phase transition in fcc Ca under hydrostatic pressure. Using density functional theory, we find at pressures below 80 kbar, the topology of the electron charge density is characterized by nearest neighbor atoms connected through bifurcated bond paths and deep minima in the octahedral holes. At pressures above 80 kbar, the atoms bond through non-nuclear maxima that form in the octahedral holes. This topological change in the charge density softens the C elastic modulus of fcc Ca, while C$_{44}$ remains unchanged. We propose an order parameter based on applying Morse theory to the charge density, and we show that near the critical point it follows the expected mean-field scaling law with reduced pressure.

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Topological insulators (TI) are a phase of matter that host unusual metallic states on their surfaces. Unlike the states that exist on the surface of conventional materials, these so-called topological surfaces states (TSS) are protected against diso rder-related localization effects by time reversal symmetry through strong spin-orbit coupling. By combining transport measurements, angle-resolved photo-emission spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, we show that there exists a critical level of disorder beyond which the TI Bi2Se3 loses its ability to protect the metallic TSS and transitions to a fully insulating state. The absence of the metallic surface channels dictates that there is a change in topological character, implying that disorder can lead to a topological phase transition even without breaking the time reversal symmetry. This observation challenges the conventional notion of topologically-protected surface states, and will provoke new studies as to the fundamental nature of topological phase of matter in the presence of disorder.
105 - D. F. Liu , Q. N. Xu , E. K. Liu 2021
Topological Weyl semimetals (TWSs) are exotic crystals possessing emergent relativistic Weyl fermions connected by unique surface Fermi-arcs (SFAs) in their electronic structures. To realize the TWS state, certain symmetry (such as the inversion or t ime reversal symmetry) must be broken, leading to a topological phase transition (TPT). Despite the great importance in understanding the formation of TWSs and their unusual properties, direct observation of such a TPT has been challenging. Here, using a recently discovered magnetic TWS Co3Sn2S2, we were able to systematically study its TPT with detailed temperature dependence of the electronic structures by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. The TPT with drastic band structures evolution was clearly observed across the Curie temperature (TC = 177 K), including the disappearance of the characteristic SFAs and the recombination of the spin-split bands that leads to the annihilation of Weyl points with opposite chirality. These results not only reveal important insights on the interplay between the magnetism and band topology in TWSs, but also provide a new method to control their exotic physical properties.
159 - W.L.Liu , X.Zhang , S.M. Nie 2021
The interplay between various symmetries and electronic bands topology is one of the core issues for topological quantum materials. Spontaneous magnetism, which leads to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry, has been proven to be a powerful approac h to trigger various exotic topological phases. In this work, utilizing the combination of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, magneto-optical Kerr effect microscopy and first-principles calculations, we present the direct evidence on the realization of the long-sought spontaneous time-reversal symmetry breaking induced topological phase transition in soft ferromagnetic EuB$_6$. We successfully disentangle the bulk band structure from complicated surface states, and reveal the hallmark band inversion occurring between two opposite-parity bulk bands below the phase transition temperature. Besides, our magneto-optical Kerr effect microscopy result confirms the simultaneous formation of magnetic domains in EuB$_6$, implying the intimate link between the topological phase transition and broken time-reversal symmetry therein. Our results demonstrate that EuB$_6$ provides a potential platform to study the interplay between the topological phases and tunable magnetic orders.
176 - Huinan Xia , Yang Li , Min Cai 2018
Three-dimensional (3D) topological Dirac semimetal, when thinned down to 2D few layers, is expected to possess gapped Dirac nodes via quantum confinement effect and concomitantly display the intriguing quantum spin Hall (QSH) insulator phase. However , the 3D-to-2D crossover and the associated topological phase transition, which is valuable for understanding the topological quantum phases, remain unexplored. Here, we synthesize high-quality Na3Bi thin films with R3*R3 reconstruction on graphene, and systematically characterize their thickness-dependent electronic and topological properties by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy in combination with first-principles calculations. We demonstrate that Dirac gaps emerge in Na3Bi films, providing spectroscopic evidences of dimensional crossover from a 3D semimetal to a 2D topological insulator. Importantly, the Dirac gaps are revealed to be of sizable magnitudes on 3 and 4 monolayers (72 and 65 meV, respectively) with topologically nontrivial edge states. Moreover, the Fermi energy of a Na3Bi film can be tuned via certain growth process, thus offering a viable way for achieving charge neutrality in transport. The feasibility of controlling Dirac gap opening and charge neutrality enables realizing intrinsic high-temperature QSH effect in Na3Bi films and achieving potential applications in topological devices.
Recent progress in understanding the electronic band topology and emergent topological properties encourage us to reconsider the band structure of well-known materials including elemental substances. Controlling such a band topology by external field is of particular interest from both fundamental and technological view point. Here we report the pressure-induced topological phase transition from a semiconductor to a Weyl semimetal in elemental tellurium probed by transport measurements. Pressure variation of the periods of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations, as well as oscillations phases, shows an anomaly around the pressure theoretically predicted for topological phase transition. This behavior can be well understood by the pressure-induced band deformation and resultant band crossing effect. Moreover, effective cyclotron mass is reduced toward the critical pressure, potentially reflecting the emergence of massless linear dispersion. The present result paves the way for studying the electronic band topology in well-known compounds and topological phase transition by the external field.
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