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A microfabricated surface ion trap on a high-finesse optical mirror

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 نشر من قبل Peter Herskind
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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A novel approach to optics integration in ion traps is demonstrated based on a surface electrode ion trap that is microfabricated on top of a dielectric mirror. Additional optical losses due to fabrication are found to be as low as 80 ppm for light at 422 nm. The integrated mirror is used to demonstrate light collection from, and imaging of, a single 88 Sr+ ion trapped $169pm4 mu$m above the mirror.

قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

The prospect of building a quantum information processor underlies many recent advances ion trap fabrication techniques. Potentially, a quantum computer could be constructed from a large array of interconnected ion traps. We report on a micrometer-sc ale ion trap, fabricated from bulk silicon using micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) techniques. The trap geometry is relatively simple in that the electrodes lie in a single plane beneath the ions. In such a trap we confine laser-cooled 24Mg+ ions approximately 40 microns above the surface. The fabrication technique and planar electrode geometry together make this approach amenable to scaling up to large trap arrays. In addition we observe that little laser cooling light is scattered by the electrodes.
We demonstrate universal quantum control over chains of ions in a surface-electrode ion trap, including all the fundamental operations necessary to perform algorithms in a one-dimensional, nearest-neighbor quantum computing architecture. We realize b oth single-qubit operations and nearest-neighbor entangling gates with Raman laser beams, and we interleave the two gate types. We report average single-qubit gate fidelities as high as 0.970(1) for two-, three-, and four-ion chains, characterized with randomized benchmarking. We generate Bell states between the nearest-neighbor pairs of a three-ion chain, with fidelity up to 0.84(2). We combine one- and two-qubit gates to perform quantum process tomography of a CNOT gate in a two-ion chain, and we report an overall fidelity of 0.76(3).
We demonstrate confinement of individual atomic ions in a radio-frequency Paul trap with a novel geometry where the electrodes are located in a single plane and the ions confined above this plane. This device is realized with a relatively simple fabr ication procedure and has important implications for quantum state manipulation and quantum information processing using large numbers of ions. We confine laser-cooled Mg-24 ions approximately 40 micrometer above planar gold electrodes. We measure the ions motional frequencies and compare them to simulations. From measurements of the escape time of ions from the trap, we also determine a heating rate of approximately five motional quanta per millisecond for a trap frequency of 5.3 MHz.
Trapped ions are pre-eminent candidates for building quantum information processors and quantum simulators. They have been used to demonstrate quantum gates and algorithms, quantum error correction, and basic quantum simulations. However, to realise the full potential of such systems and make scalable trapped-ion quantum computing a reality, there exist a number of practical problems which must be solved. These include tackling the observed high ion-heating rates and creating scalable trap structures which can be simply and reliably produced. Here, we report on cryogenically operated silicon ion traps which can be rapidly and easily fabricated using standard semiconductor technologies. Single $^{40}$Ca$^+$ ions have been trapped and used to characterize the trap operation. Long ion lifetimes were observed with the traps exhibiting heating rates as low as $dot{bar{n}}=$ 0.33 phonons/s at an ion-electrode distance of 230 $mu$m. These results open many new avenues to arrays of micro-fabricated ion traps.
Two-dimensional crystals of trapped ions are a promising system with which to implement quantum simulations of challenging problems such as spin frustration. Here, we present a design for a surface-electrode elliptical ion trap which produces a 2-D i on crystal and is amenable to microfabrication, which would enable higher simulated coupling rates, as well as interactions based on magnetic forces generated by on-chip currents. Working in an 11 K cryogenic environment, we experimentally verify to within 5% a numerical model of the structure of ion crystals in the trap. We also explore the possibility of implementing quantum simulation using magnetic forces, and calculate J-coupling rates on the order of 10^3 / s for an ion crystal height of 10 microns, using a current of 1 A.
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