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Investigation of the hadronic interaction models using WILLI detector

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 نشر من قبل Henry Glass
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف B. Mitrica

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The WILLI detector, built in IFIN-HH Bucharest, in collaboration with KIT Karlsruhe, is a rotatable modular detector for measuring charge ratio for cosmic muons with energy $<$ 1 GeV. It is under construction a mini-array for measuring the muon charge ratio in Extensive Air Showers. The EAS simulations have been performed with CORSIKA code. The values of the muon flux, calculated with semi-analytical formula, and simulated with CORSIKA code, based on DPMJET and QGSJET models for the hadronic interactions, are compared with the experimental data determined with WILLI detector. No significant differences between the two models and experimental data are observed. The measurements of the muon charge ratio for different angles-of-incidence, (performed with WILLI detector) shows an asymmetry due to the influence of magnetic field on muons trajectory; the values are in agreement with the simulations based on DPMJET hadronic interaction model. The simulations of muon charge ratio in EAS performed with CORSIKA code based on three hadronic interaction models (QGSJET2, EPOS and SYBILL) show relative small difference between models for H and for the Fe showers; the effect is more pronounced at higher inclination of WILLI detector. The future measurements should indicate which model is suitable.

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A simple method of the vertical muon energy spectrum simulations have been suggested. These calculations have been carried out in terms of various models of hadronic interactions. The most energetic $ pi^pm $-mesons and K$^pm $-mesons produced in had ron interactions contribute mainly in to this energy spectrum of muons due to the very steep energy spectrum of the primary particles. So, some constraints on the hadronic interaction models may be set from a comparison of calculated results with the cosmic data on the vertical muon energy spectrum. This comparison showed that the most energetic secondary particles production is too high in case of the QGSJET II-04 model and rather low in case of the QGSJET II-03 model. These conclusion have been supported by the LHC data.
KASCADE-Grande is a large detector array dedicated for studies of high-energy cosmic rays in the primary energy range from 100 TeV to 1 EeV. The multi-detector concept of the experimental set-up offers the possibility to measure simultaneously variou s observables related to the electromagnetic, muonic, and hadronic air shower components. The experimental data are compared to predictions of CORSIKA simulations using high-energy hadronic interaction models (e.g. QGSJET or EPOS), as well as low-energy interaction models (e.g. FLUKA or GHEISHA). This contribution will summarize the results of such investigations. In particular, the validity of the new EPOS version 1.99 for EAS with energy around 100 PeV will be discussed.
KASCADE-Grande is dedicated for investigations of cosmic-ray air showers in the primary energy range from 10 PeV to 1 EeV. The multi-detector system allows us to reconstruct charged particles, electron and muon numbers for individual air showers with high accuracies. Based on the shower size ($N_{ch}$) spectra of the charged particle component, the all-particle energy spectrum of cosmic rays is reconstructed, where attenuation effects in the atmosphere are corrected by applying the constant intensity cut method. The energy calibration is performed by using CORSIKA simulations with high-energy interaction models QGSJET-II-2, QGSJET-II-4, EPOS 1.99 and SIBYLL 2.1, where FLUKA has been used as low-energy interaction model for all cases. In the different hadronic models, different abundances for shower particles are predicted. Such model differences in the observables will be compared and discussed in this contribution. Furthermore, by using data with increasing statistics, the updated energy spectra by means of different interaction models will be presented.
The CALICE collaboration has published a detailed study of hadronic interactions using data recorded with the highly granular CALICE silicon-tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter (Si-W ECAL). Approximately 350,000 selected negative pion events at ener gies between 2 and 10 GeV have been studied. The predictions of several physics models available within the Geant4 simulation tool kit are compared to this data. A reasonable overall description of the data is observed; the Monte Carlo predictions are within 20 % of the data, and for many observables much closer. The largest quantitative discrepancies are found in the longitudinal and transverse distributions of the reconstructed energy. Based on the good control of the data set and general observables, the next step is to achieve a deeper understanding of hadronic interactions by studying the interaction zone and by reconstructing secondaries that emerge from the hadronic interaction in the Si-W ECAL.
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