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Monte Carlo Portfolio Optimization for General Investor Risk-Return Objectives and Arbitrary Return Distributions: a Solution for Long-only Portfolios

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 نشر من قبل William Shaw
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث مالية
والبحث باللغة English
 تأليف William T. Shaw

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We develop the idea of using Monte Carlo sampling of random portfolios to solve portfolio investment problems. In this first paper we explore the need for more general optimization tools, and consider the means by which constrained random portfolios may be generated. A practical scheme for the long-only fully-invested problem is developed and tested for the classic QP application. The advantage of Monte Carlo methods is that they may be extended to risk functions that are more complicated functions of the return distribution, and that the underlying return distribution may be computed without the classical Gaussian limitations. The optimization of quadratic risk-return functions, VaR, CVaR, may be handled in a similar manner to variability ratios such as Sortino and Omega, or mathematical constructions such as expected utility and its behavioural finance extensions. Robustification is also possible. Grid computing technology is an excellent platform for the development of such computations due to the intrinsically parallel nature of the computation, coupled to the requirement to transmit only small packets of data over the grid. We give some examples deploying GridMathematica, in which various investor risk preferences are optimized with differing multivariate distributions. Good comparisons with established results in Mean-Variance and CVaR optimization are obtained when ``edge-vertex-biased sampling methods are employed to create random portfolios. We also give an application to Omega optimization.

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اقرأ أيضاً

76 - Masashi Ieda 2021
This paper investigates a continuous-time portfolio optimization problem with the following features: (i) a no-short selling constraint; (ii) a leverage constraint, that is, an upper limit for the sum of portfolio weights; and (iii) a performance cri terion based on the lower mean square error between the investors wealth and a predetermined target wealth level. Since the target level is defined by a deterministic function independent of market indices, it corresponds to the criterion of absolute return funds. The model is formulated using the stochastic control framework with explicit boundary conditions. The corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation is solved numerically using the kernel-based collocation method. However, a straightforward implementation does not offer a stable and acceptable investment strategy; thus, some techniques to address this shortcoming are proposed. By applying the proposed methodology, two numerical results are obtained: one uses artificial data, and the other uses empirical data from Japanese organizations. There are two implications from the first result: how to stabilize the numerical solution, and a technique to circumvent the plummeting achievement rate close to the terminal time. The second result implies that leverage is inevitable to achieve the target level in the setting discussed in this paper.
We study a static portfolio optimization problem with two risk measures: a principle risk measure in the objective function and a secondary risk measure whose value is controlled in the constraints. This problem is of interest when it is necessary to consider the risk preferences of two parties, such as a portfolio manager and a regulator, at the same time. A special case of this problem where the risk measures are assumed to be coherent (positively homogeneous) is studied recently in a joint work of the author. The present paper extends the analysis to a more general setting by assuming that the two risk measures are only quasiconvex. First, we study the case where the principal risk measure is convex. We introduce a dual problem, show that there is zero duality gap between the portfolio optimization problem and the dual problem, and finally identify a condition under which the Lagrange multiplier associated to the dual problem at optimality gives an optimal portfolio. Next, we study the general case without the convexity assumption and show that an approximately optimal solution with prescribed optimality gap can be achieved by using the well-known bisection algorithm combined with a duality result that we prove.
We present an online approach to portfolio selection. The motivation is within the context of algorithmic trading, which demands fast and recursive updates of portfolio allocations, as new data arrives. In particular, we look at two online algorithms : Robust-Exponentially Weighted Least Squares (R-EWRLS) and a regularized Online minimum Variance algorithm (O-VAR). Our methods use simple ideas from signal processing and statistics, which are sometimes overlooked in the empirical financial literature. The two approaches are evaluated against benchmark allocation techniques using 4 real datasets. Our methods outperform the benchmark allocation techniques in these datasets, in terms of both computational demand and financial performance.
180 - William T. Shaw 2011
We show how to reduce the problem of computing VaR and CVaR with Student T return distributions to evaluation of analytical functions of the moments. This allows an analysis of the risk properties of systems to be carefully attributed between choices of risk function (e.g. VaR vs CVaR); choice of return distribution (power law tail vs Gaussian) and choice of event frequency, for risk assessment. We exploit this to provide a simple method for portfolio optimization when the asset returns follow a standard multivariate T distribution. This may be used as a semi-analytical verification tool for more general optimizers, and for practical assessment of the impact of fat tails on asset allocation for shorter time horizons.
122 - Young Shin Kim 2020
In this paper, we propose a market model with returns assumed to follow a multivariate normal tempered stable distribution defined by a mixture of the multivariate normal distribution and the tempered stable subordinator. This distribution is able to capture two stylized facts: fat-tails and asymmetry, that have been empirically observed for asset return distributions. On the new market model, we discuss a new portfolio optimization method, which is an extension of Markowitzs mean-variance optimization. The new optimization method considers not only reward and dispersion but also asymmetry. The efficient frontier is also extended to a curved surface on three-dimensional space of reward, dispersion, and asymmetry. We also propose a new performance measure which is an extension of the Sharpe Ratio. Moreover, we derive closed-form solutions for two important measures used by portfolio managers in portfolio construction: the marginal Value-at-Risk (VaR) and the marginal Conditional VaR (CVaR). We illustrate the proposed model using stocks comprising the Dow Jones Industrial Average. First, perform the new portfolio optimization and then demonstrating how the marginal VaR and marginal CVaR can be used for portfolio optimization under the model. Based on the empirical evidence presented in this paper, our framework offers realistic portfolio optimization and tractable methods for portfolio risk management.
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