We present an elementary derivation of the exact solution (Bethe-Ansatz equations) of the Dicke model, using only commutation relations and an informed Ansatz for the structure of its eigenstates.
We study a model describing $N$ identical bosonic atoms trapped in a double-well potential together with a single impurity atom, comparing and contrasting it throughout with the Dicke model. As the boson-impurity coupling strength is varied, there is
a symmetry-breaking pitchfork bifurcation which is analogous to the quantum phase transition occurring in the Dicke model. Through stability analysis around the bifurcation point, we show that the critical value of the coupling strength has the same dependence on the parameters as the critical coupling value in the Dicke model. We also show that, like the Dicke model, the mean-field dynamics go from being regular to chaotic above the bifurcation and macroscopic excitations of the bosons are observed. Overall, the boson-impurity system behaves like a poor mans version of the Dicke model.
Conduction electrons coupled to a mesoscopic superconducting island hosting Majorana bound states have been shown to display a topological Kondo effect with robust non-Fermi liquid correlations. With $M$ bound states coupled to $M$ leads, this is an
SO($M$) Kondo problem, with the asymptotic high and low energy theories known from bosonization and conformal field theory studies. Here we complement these approaches by analyzing the Bethe ansatz equations describing the exact solution of these models at all energy scales. We apply our findings to obtain nonperturbative results on the thermodynamics of $Mrightarrow M-2$ crossovers induced by tunnel couplings between adjacent Majorana bound states.
We give integral equations for the generating function of the cummulants of the work done in a quench for the Kondo model in the thermodynamic limit. Our approach is based on an extension of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz to non-equilibrium situation
s. This extension is made possible by use of a large $N$ expansion of the overlap between Bethe states. In particular, we make use of the Slavnov determinant formula for such overlaps, passing to a function-space representation of the Slavnov matrix . We leave the analysis of the resulting integral equations to future work.
A method to calculate the adjoint solution for a large class of partial differential equations is discussed. It differs from the known continuous and discrete adjoint, including automatic differentiation. Thus, it represents an alternative, third met
hod. It is based on a modal representation of the linearized operator of the governing (primal) system. To approximate the operator an extended version of the Arnoldi factorization, the dynamical Arnoldi method (DAM) is introduced. The DAM allows to derive approximations for operators of non-symmetric coupled equations, which are inaccessible by the classical Arnoldi factorization. The approach is applied to the Burgers equation and to the Euler equations on periodic and non-periodic domains. Finally, it is tested on an optimization problem.
We introduce and study a category $text{Fin}$ of modules of the Borel subalgebra of a quantum affine algebra $U_qmathfrak{g}$, where the commutative algebra of Drinfeld generators $h_{i,r}$, corresponding to Cartan currents, has finitely many charact
eristic values. This category is a natural extension of the category of finite-dimensional $U_qmathfrak{g}$ modules. In particular, we classify the irreducible objects, discuss their properties, and describe the combinatorics of the q-characters. We study transfer matrices corresponding to modules in $text{Fin}$. Among them we find the Baxter $Q_i$ operators and $T_i$ operators satisfying relations of the form $T_iQ_i=prod_j Q_j+ prod_k Q_k$. We show that these operators are polynomials of the spectral parameter after a suitable normalization. This allows us to prove the Bethe ansatz equations for the zeroes of the eigenvalues of the $Q_i$ operators acting in an arbitrary finite-dimensional representation of $U_qmathfrak{g}$.