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Near-infrared studies of the 2010 outburst of the recurrent nova U Scorpii

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 نشر من قبل Nye Evans
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
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We present near-IR observations of the 2010 outburst of U Sco. JHK photometry is presented on ten consecutive days starting from 0.59 days after outburst. Such photometry can gainfully be integrated into a larger database of other multi-wavelength data which aim to comprehensively study the evolution of U Sco. Early near-IR spectra, starting from 0.56 days after outburst, are presented and their general characteristics discussed. Early in the eruption, we see very broad wings in several spectral lines, with tails extending up to ~10000km/s along the line of sight; it is unexpected to have a nova with ejection velocities equal to those usually thought to be exclusive to supernovae. From recombination analysis, we estimate an upper limit of 10^-4.64[+0.92.-0.74]Msun for the ejected mass.

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The eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii on 28 January 2010 is now the all-time best observed nova event. We report 36,776 magnitudes throughout its 67 day eruption, for an average of one measure every 2.6 minutes. This unique and unprecedented c overage is the first time that a nova has any substantial amount of fast photometry. With this, two new phenomena have been discovered: the fast flares in the early light curve seen from days 9-15 (which have no proposed explanation) and the optical dips seen out of eclipse from days 41-61 (likely caused by raised rims of the accretion disk occulting the bright inner regions of the disk as seen over specific orbital phases). The expanding shell and wind cleared enough from days 12-15 so that the inner binary system became visible, resulting in the sudden onset of eclipses and the turn-on of the supersoft X-ray source. On day 15, a strong asymmetry in the out-of-eclipse light points to the existence of the accretion stream. The normal optical flickering restarts on day 24.5. For days 15-26, eclipse mapping shows that the optical source is spherically symmetric with a radius of 4.1 R_sun. For days 26-41, the optical light is coming from a rim-bright disk of radius 3.4 R_sun. For days 41-67, the optical source is a center-bright disk of radius 2.2 R_sun. Throughout the eruption, the colors remain essentially constant. We present 12 eclipse times during eruption plus five just after the eruption.
The recurrent nova U Scorpii most recently erupted in 2010. Our collaboration observed the eruption in bands ranging from the Swift XRT and UVOT w2 (193 nm) to K-band (2200 nm), with a few serendipitous observations stretching down to WISE W2 (4600 n m). Considering the time and wavelength coverage, this is the most comprehensively observed nova eruption to date. We present here the resulting multi-wavelength light curve covering the two months of the eruption as well as a few months into quiescence. For the first time, a U Sco eruption has been followed all the way back to quiescence, leading to the discovery of new features in the light curve, including a second, as-yet-unexplained, plateau in the optical and near-infrared. Using this light curve we show that U Sco nearly fits the broken power law decline predicted by Hachisu & Kato, with decline indices of -1.71 +/- 0.02 and -3.36 +/- 0.14. With our unprecedented multi-wavelength coverage, we construct daily spectral energy distributions and then calculate the total radiated energy of the eruption, E_rad=6.99 (+0.83)(-0.57) * 10^44 erg. From that, we estimate the total amount of mass ejected by the eruption to be m_ej=2.10 (+0.24)(-0.17) * 10^-6 M_solar. We compare this to the total amount of mass accreted by U Sco before the eruption, to determine whether the white dwarf undergoes a net mass loss or gain, but find that the values for the amount of mass accreted are not precise enough to make a useful comparison.
405 - Masayuki Yamanaka 2010
We present early spectroscopy of the recurrent nova U~Sco during the outburst in 2010. We successfully obtained time-series spectra at $t_{rm d}=$0.37--0.44~d, where $t_{rm d}$ denotes the time from the discovery of the present outburst. This is the first time-resolved spectroscopy on the first night of U Sco outbursts. At $t_{rm d}sim 0.4$~d the H$alpha$ line consists of a blue-shifted ($-5000$ km s$^{-1}$) narrow absorption component and a wide emission component having triple peaks, a blue ($sim -3000$ km s$^{-1}$), a central ($sim 0$ km s$^{-1}$) and a red ($sim +3000$ km s$^{-1}$) ones. The blue and red peaks developed more rapidly than the central one during the first night. This rapid variation would be caused by the growth of aspherical wind produced during the earliest stage of the outburst. At $t_{rm d}=1.4$~d the H$alpha$ line has a nearly flat-topped profile with weak blue and red peaks at $sim pm 3000$ km s$^{-1}$. This profile can be attributed to a nearly spherical shell, while the asphericity growing on the first night still remains. The wind asphericity is less significant after $t_{rm d}=9$ d.
The recurrent nova (RN) V745 Scorpii underwent its third known outburst on 2014 February 6. Infrared monitoring of the eruption on an almost daily basis, starting from 1.3d after discovery, shows the emergence of a powerful blast wave generated by th e high velocity nova ejecta exceeding 4000 kms$^{-1}$ plowing into its surrounding environment. The temperature of the shocked gas is raised to a high value exceeding 10$^{8}$K immediately after outburst commencement. The energetics of the outburst clearly surpass those of similar symbiotic systems like RS Oph and V407 Cyg which have giant secondaries. The shock does not show a free-expansion stage but rather shows a decelerative Sedov-Taylor phase from the beginning. Such strong shockfronts are known to be sites for $gamma$ ray generation. V745 Sco is the latest nova, apart from five other known novae, to show $gamma$ ray emission. It may be an important testbed to resolve the crucial question whether all novae are generically $gamma$ ray emitters by virtue of having a circumbinary reservoir of material that is shocked by the ejecta rather than $gamma$ ray generation being restricted to only symbiotic systems with a shocked red giant (RG) wind. The lack of a free-expansion stage favors V745 Sco to have a density enhancement around the white dwarf (WD), above that contributed by a RG wind. Our analysis also suggests that the WD in V745 Sco is very massive and a potential progenitor for a future SN Ia explosion.
We report the discovery by B. G. Harris and S. Dvorak on JD 2455224.9385 (2010 Jan 28.4385 UT) of the predicted eruption of the recurrent nova U Scorpii (U Sco). We also report on 815 magnitudes (and 16 useful limits) on the pre-eruption light curve in the UBVRI and Sloan r and i bands from 2000.4 up to 9 hours before the peak of the January 2010 eruption. We found no significant long-term variations, though we did find frequent fast variations (flickering) with amplitudes up to 0.4 mag. We show that U Sco did not have any rises or dips with amplitude greater than 0.2 mag on timescales from one day to one year before the eruption. We find that the peak of this eruption occurred at JD 2455224.69+-0.07 and the start of the rise was at JD 2455224.32+-0.12. From our analysis of the average B-band flux between eruptions, we find that the total mass accreted between eruptions is consistent with being a constant, in agreement with a strong prediction of nova trigger theory. The date of the next eruption can be anticipated with an accuracy of +-5 months by following the average B-band magnitudes for the next ~10 years, although at this time we can only predict that the next eruption will be in the year 2020+-2.
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