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Abundance analyses of helium-rich subluminous B stars

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 نشر من قبل Naslim Neelamkodan
 تاريخ النشر 2010
  مجال البحث فيزياء
والبحث باللغة English

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The connection between helium-rich hot subdwarfs of spectral types O and B (He-sdB) has been relatively unexplored since the latter were found in significant numbers in the 1980s. In order to explore this connection further, we have analysed the surface composition of six He-sdB stars, including LB 1766, LB 3229, SB 21 (= Ton-S 137 = BPS 29503-0009), BPS 22940-0009, BPS 29496-0010, and BPS 22956-0094. Opacity-sampled line-blanketed model atmospheres have been used to derive atmospheric properties and elemental abundances. All the stars are moderately metal-poor compared with the Sun ([Fe/H] ~ -0.5). Four stars are nitrogen-rich, two of these are carbon-rich, and at least four appear to be neon-rich. The data are insufficient to rule out binarity in any of the sample. The surface composition and locus of the N-rich He-sdBs are currently best explained by the merger of two helium white dwarfs, or possibly by the merger of a helium white dwarf with a post-sdB white dwarf. C-rich He-sdBs require further investigation.

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64 - Gajendra Pandey 2001
Extreme helium stars (EHe) with effective temperatures from 8000K to 13000K are among the coolest EHe stars and overlap the hotter R CrB stars in effective temperature. The cool EHes may represent an evolutionary link between the hot EHes and the R C rBs. Abundance analyses of four cool EHes are presented. To test for an evolutionary connection, the chemical compositions of cool EHes are compared with those of hot EHes and R CrBs. Relative to Fe, the N abundance of these stars is intermediate between those of hot EHes and R CrBs. For the R CrBs, the metallicity M derived from the mean of Si and S appears to be more consistent with the kinematics than that derived from Fe. When metallicity M derived from Si and S replaces Fe, the observed N abundances of EHes and R CrBs fall at or below the upper limit corresponding to thorough conversion of initial C and O to N. There is an apparent difference between the composition of R CrBs and EHes; the former having systematically higher [N/M] ratios. The material present in the atmospheres of many R CrBs is heavily CN- and ON-cycled. Most of the EHes have only CN-cycled material in their atmospheres. There is an indication that the CN- and ON-cycled N in EHes was partially converted to Ne by $alpha$-captures. If EHes are to evolve to R CrBs, fresh C in EHes has to be converted to N. If Ne is found to be normal in R CrBs, the proposal that EHes evolve to R CrBs fails. The idea that R CrBs evolve to EHes is ruled out; the N abundance in R CrBs has to be reduced to the level of EHes, as the C/He which is observed to be uniform across EHes, has to be maintained. Hence, the inferred [N/M], C/He, [Ne/M], and the H-abundances of these two groups indicate that the EHes and the R CrBs may not be on the same evolutionary path.
317 - Gajendra Pandey 2017
Optical high-resolution spectra of V652 Her and HD 144941, the two extreme helium stars with exceptionally low C/He ratios, have been subjected to a non-LTE abundance analysis using the tools TLUSTY and SYNSPEC. Defining atmospheric parameters were o btained from a grid of non-LTE atmospheres and a variety of spectroscopic indicators including He I and He II line profiles, ionization equilibrium of ion pairs such as C II/C III and N II/N III. The various indicators provide a consistent set of atmospheric parameters: $T_{rm eff}$=25000$pm$300K, $log g$ = 3.10$pm$0.12(cgs), and $xi=13pm2 {rm km,s^{-1}}$ are provided for V652 Her, and $T_{rm eff}$=22000$pm$600K, $log g$ = 3.45$pm$0.15 (cgs), and $xi=10 {rm km,s^{-1}}$ are provided for HD 144941. In contrast to the non-LTE analyses, the LTE analyses - LTE atmospheres and a LTE line analysis - with the available indicators do not provide a consistent set of atmospheric parameters. The principal non-LTE effect on the elemental abundances is on the neon abundance. It is generally considered that these extreme helium stars with their very low C/He ratio result from the merger of two helium white dwarfs. Indeed, the derived composition of V652 Her is in excellent agreement with predictions by Zhang & Jeffery (2012) who model the slow merger of helium white dwarfs; a slow merger results in the merged star having the composition of the accreted white dwarf. In the case of HD 144941 which appears to have evolved from metal-poor stars a slow merger is incompatible with the observed composition but variations of the merger rate may account for the observed composition. More detailed theoretical studies of the merger of a pair of helium white dwarfs are to be encouraged.
We report the first estimate of the He abundance of the population of RR Lyrae stars in the Galactic bulge. This is done by comparing the recent observational data with the latest models. We use the large samples of ab type RR Lyrae stars found by OG LE IV in the inner bulge and by the VVV survey in the outer bulge. We present the result from the new models computed by Marconi et al. (2017), showing that the minimum Period for fundamental RR Lyrae pulsators depends on the He content. By comparing these models with the observations in a Period versus effective temperature plane, we find that the bulk of the bulge ab type RR Lyrae are consistent with primordial He abundance Y=0.245, ruling out a significant He-enriched population. This work demonstrates that the He content of the bulge RR Lyrae is different from that of the bulk of the bulge population as traced by the red clump giants, that appear to be significantly more He-rich.
Mass-loss rate is one of the most important stellar parameters. We aim to provide mass-loss rates as a function of subdwarf parameters and to apply the formula for individual subdwarfs, to predict the wind terminal velocities, to estimate the influen ce of the magnetic field and X-ray ionization on the stellar wind, and to study the interaction of subdwarf wind with mass loss from Be and cool companions. We used our kinetic equilibrium (NLTE) wind models with the radiative force determined from the radiative transfer equation in the comoving frame (CMF) to predict the wind structure of subluminous hot stars. Our models solve stationary hydrodynamical equations, that is the equation of continuity, equation of motion, and energy equation and predict basic wind parameters. We predicted the wind mass-loss rate as a function of stellar parameters, namely the stellar luminosity, effective temperature, and metallicity. The derived wind parameters (mass-loss rates and terminal velocities) agree with the values derived from the observations. The radiative force is not able to accelerate the homogeneous wind for stars with low effective temperatures and high surface gravities. We discussed the properties of winds of individual subdwarfs. The X-ray irradiation may inhibit the flow in binaries with compact components. In binaries with Be components, the winds interact with the disk of the Be star. Stellar winds exist in subluminous stars with low gravities or high effective temperatures. Despite their low mass-loss rates, they are detectable in the ultraviolet spectrum and cause X-ray emission. Subdwarf stars may lose a significant part of their mass during the evolution. The angular momentum loss in magnetic subdwarfs with wind may explain their low rotational velocities. Stellar winds are especially important in binaries, where they may be accreted on a compact or cool companion. (abridged)
The discovery of extremely zirconium- and lead-rich surfaces amongst a small subgroup of hot subdwarfs has provoked questions pertaining to chemical peculiarity in hot star atmospheres and about their evolutionary origin. With only three known in 201 4, a limited search for additional `heavy-metal subdwarfs was initiated with the Subaru telescope. Five hot subdwarfs having intermediate to high surface enrichment of helium were observed at high-resolution and analyzed for surface properties and abundances. This paper reports the analyses of four of these stars. PG1559+048 and FBS 1749+373, having only intermediate helium enrichment, show strong lines of triply ionized lead. PG1559+048 also shows a strong overabundance of germanium and yttrium. With more helium-rich surfaces, Ton 414 and J17554+5012, do not show evidence of heavy-metal enrichment. This limited survey suggests that extreme enrichment of `heavy metals by selective radiative levitation in hot subdwarf atmospheres is suppressed if the star is too helium-rich.
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